Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1563: Granny Mietian (Part 2)

"The distinguished guests are here, but we don't have much to entertain. I'm really sorry."

Granny Mietian said polite words, Li Yun and the others didn't even dare to say, but Yu Mei'er pouted her mouth and was too lazy to talk to Li Yun and others.


"What are you doing?"

Even if the mother-in-law talked to her in person, Yu Meier was not very polite. A normal person may ask something, but she just said so directly as she pleases.

"Go and make tea for the guests."

"...Well, I will just go."

Under the orders of Granny Mietian, Yu Meier reluctantly got up and went downstairs. The kitchen was in another wooden house.

After she left, Granny Mietian sighed and said: "Mei'er has grown up here since she was a child. She has a lazy nature and has not contacted many people. I still look forward to you."

She looked at Li Yun specifically, "Forgive me, and tolerate her weird temper."

Inclusive? meaning is……

Li Yun didn't dare to think further, and quickly said: "I think Ms. Yu is pretty good. Although her character is a bit strange, she is filial and she is good."

"Meaning, is filial piety left?"

Granny Mietian made a joke, and Li Yun could only show an awkward and polite smile.

To evaluate Yu Meier, filial piety is probably left.

She didn't believe her words, and it could be said that she was trying to kill Tianma, but her bad temper was entirely a matter of her character.

"I think Ms. Yu is a rare and kind woman." Le Zhiyin said seriously: "For example, we took the liberty to visit just now, so when we tried to compete with her, she kept reminding us that we weren't cruel. hand."

Granny Mietian looked at Li Yun, and when Li Yun also quickly said yes, she showed a kind smile and said, "It's fine if you can understand. Please bear with me in the future."

"??" Li Yun was stunned. How could this sound like the parents-in-law handing over their daughter to their son-in-law, including her attitude.

Everyone was also very surprised, wondering why Granny Mietian said such words so suddenly.

Granny Mietian didn't say much, and everyone didn't dare to ask. Of course, Li Yun agreed. It's not a big deal to bear with Yu Meier's character.

After Yu Meier returned from serving the tea, Li Yun introduced their names and origins to each other, and Granny Mietian asked Yu Meier to introduce herself again, and everyone was officially met.

But then, Su Tanmeng wanted to tell her true origin several times, especially when her grandma asked her to bring her to Granny Mietian, but before she could say the words, she was swallowed by Yu Meier's anger.

Yu Meier didn't want these annoying things to disturb Granny Mietian again.

Although Su Tanmeng and Le Zhiyin were helpless, they could only sigh in their hearts. In this case, Granny Mietian really shouldn't recall the sad past.

"Meier, you are not allowed to speak next."

The faint words of Granny Mietian made Yu Mei'er blush on the spot, tears hugged one of her arms, as if she knew something.

When the mother-in-law decides to deal with these things, it means that she...

Su Tanmeng had no feelings in their hearts, they seemed to be noisy and rude visitors, breaking the tranquility of Huanhuagu.

"Are you here for something 300 years ago?" Granny Mietian looked at Li Yun and asked.

"Uh, not just this, but also the Sky Destroyer..." Su Tanmeng's voice was very low.

"We'll talk about the Sky Exterminator later."

Granny Mietian said without any doubt, "Li Yun, let me talk about your true origins, and what is happening in the rivers and lakes now, it's worth your visit."

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