When Liu Peng came from the bottom of the mountain, the three women had already beaten the poachers for a round. They were so exhausted and exhausted that they all gave up, returned to Li Yun's side, and thanked them again.

"Okay, no need to thank you again."

Li Yun said, "We will live here tonight. If there is anything we can talk about tomorrow, I have called the police, and you just follow tomorrow."

"thanks, thanks."

All the three women can do now is thank you.

It seems that because there are a few handsome men and beautiful women among the five people, these three people are not very restrained and will not feel inferior because of their own experiences.

Instead, in front of Liu Peng, they were reluctant to talk to him.

Li Yun probably guessed the reason. Their most unbearable appearance was seen by the five of them, so they are reliable people, but Liu Peng is different. He doesn't know what happened. The three women still have self-esteem and some inferiority in their hearts, so they don’t want to He knows his own business.

Seeing this, Li Yun said to Liu Peng: "There is no time to talk tonight. You will stay tomorrow and finish the follow-up process of this matter, right?"

The three women were obviously relieved. Li Yun thought about it. Tomorrow, he would tell the people who came to handle the case to take care of the three women's psychological problems.

"Well, I'll wait for Brother Li in Xining Town after I finish processing."

When Liu Peng saw the expressions of the three women, he didn't ask any more questions.

Le Zhiyin saw this in his eyes and couldn't help but smile at Li Yun, as if admiring his gentleness and care.

At night, Su Tanmeng did not want to enter the houses of these poachers, saying that the smell of men made her sick, so she pitched a tent outside and slept with Le Zhiyin.

Wang Mengyan didn't want it either, Li Yun didn't care, but for safety, he didn't enter the house either, so he simply hit a floor and acted as a night watchman.

the next day.

When everyone was about to set off, they remembered that their six horses had not been recovered.

Under Ren Tianhao’s beating and scolding, Brother Leopard obediently guided everyone to the location of the six horses, which caused all the poachers to glared at him. It was because this guy stole the horses of these innate masters without authorization, so they let them Catch it, otherwise nothing will happen!

When he went back, Brother Leopard was frightened by the sulky eyes of the elephant boss and sweated, and he even said not to be locked in a prison with the elephant boss.

It's just that, I don't know if his wish can be realized, Li Yun and the others have set out again.

With horses walking lightly in the mountains and forests, Le Zhiyin looked back at the poachers camp and smiled emotionally at Li Yun: "Looking back on the experience last night, I still can't believe it. We actually helped three poor people. The woman who is out of the sea of ​​suffering."

Li Yun smiled and said: "I didn't expect that the famous Miss Zhiyin in the rivers and lakes would actually...er, forget it, when I didn't say it."


Le Zhiyin covered her mouth with a rare smile and said, "Are you trying to say that Miss Zhiyin would even sneak into the assassination? I think it's fine, it's okay to say it. On the contrary, I think I am great, and It’s not that I feel my image is broken or something."

She speaks softly, with a hint of joy, her voice is delicate and soft, which makes people very comfortable to listen to.

Li Yun could only smile awkwardly. Although he didn't mind joking about Le Zhiyin, he always felt that in front of this quiet lady, talking to her like a gentleman was the most appropriate.

Talking flowers, hippie smiles, unrequited, yellow accents, etc., are all disrespect for this gentle lady.

"Huh!" Su Tanmeng rode over and interjected to Li Yun, "What about me? The beauty who is famous for dancing and occupying the position of the oiran in Hundred Flowers Valley for ten years, why don't you mention it?"

Li Yun glanced at her and said slowly, "Why don't we publicize what happened last night, maybe we can win a good name. It's called'Lengyan Tanhua in the enemy camp, one person can stop a million troops'?"

"Go to hell!" Su Tanmeng's cheeks flushed red when he heard Li Yun mention the heavy firearms again, "I said I knew it was wrong, and you still have to worry about it!"


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