Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1535: Money is a good thing

Seeing this scene of their crazy beating, Wang Mengyan and the three daughters were shocked.

Before that, when a few people rescued them, none of the three women shed tears. There were not too many surprises on their faces, nor too much sadness. They just followed them silently.

Le Zhiyin even thought they were numb, but he didn't expect that Li Yun would reveal their true heart in a few words.

They have not forgotten, but they are all hidden in their hearts.

Wang Mengyan suddenly whispered: "If... Li Yun doesn't say these things, they might commit suicide."

The three women who are now in a crazy state, compared with the silence before, made everyone deeply agree.

Su Tanmeng turned his head and smiled at Li Yun: "You guys can see clearly and know that they have to beat them to vent the hatred in their hearts. Otherwise, if we execute them without authorization, these women will have nowhere to deal with their hatred."

Li Yun glanced at her, "Are you feeling well now?"

"Huh! Who wants you to care!" Su Tanmeng turned his head with a blushing face, and stammered: "On the contrary, you are so arrogant anyway, how can I leave you alone!"

She has always been aloof, showing an arrogant look at this moment, which is especially eye-catching, and her beauty seems to have risen a step.

It is a pity that this attitude is because of Li Yun, not because of him!

Ren Tianhao felt aggrieved and frustrated, and said, "Since this is the case, let them beat these three people from the beginning, so why are you so troublesome!"

Li Yun smiled faintly and did not answer this sentence.

Wang Mengyan naturally wanted to defend Li Yun. After snorting, she said, "Do you think that Li Yun's last remark just now focused on beating people? Wrong! Even if you say that at the beginning, they can't vent their grievances!"

"Not hitting people?" Su Tanmeng looked at her in surprise, and Le Zhiyin was also a little surprised. Then why did Li Yun make the three women vent their pain?

"Think for yourself."

Several people recalled Li Yun's words, and Su Tanmeng said uncertainly: "Money?"

"Yes, it's money!"

Wang Mengyan said with certainty: “The three of them will find it difficult to work with peace of mind in the future, and no longer have hope for the future life. If Li Yun does not say to distribute the collected money to them and guarantee their lives, they will not If you imagine what the future will be, naturally you will not vent your grievances."

Su Tanmeng looked at Li Yun with complicated gaze, "It's what you considered the most clearly, even this one."

Li Yun shook his head with a wry smile, "I didn't think so much, I just thought that although money is not important, it can indeed solve a lot of troubles, so let's treat it as some compensation for those who have suffered."

Le Zhiyin smiled at him and said softly, "Li Yun, you are a kind person, so you will help them subconsciously."

"...Zhiyin!!" Su Tanmeng pretended to be annoyed and looked at her: "None of us expected, then you and me, aren't you and me vicious people?"

"You are, you are vicious, I am not." Le Zhiyin replied solemnly.

"No, you are!"

The two women laughed and played together, and stared at Li Yun for a moment. This was the first time he saw Le Zhiyin joking.

Ren Tianhao on the side was also stunned. He had never seen the charming appearance of Le Zhiyin, a little girl, especially the appearance of her playing with Su Tanmeng, which was even more beautiful.

The two of them are very emotional, and Su Tanmeng still has a different kind of affection for Le Zhiyin. Therefore, between them arguing with each other, it is inevitable that there will be shameful noises, making Wang Mengyan on the side blushing. , Had to step forward to stop them.


After recovering, Le Zhiyin first glanced at Li Yun. Seeing that he was really looking at him, Le Zhiyin couldn't help but his heart beat abruptly and let out an exclamation.

Making such a move in front of Li Yun for the first time made her extremely shy.

"I blame you, Xiao Meng!"

"Hehe~, hug."

Su Tanmeng ignored the others, and now she was in a very happy mood, feeling very happy, just want to hold this gentle woman who can relax her body and mind.

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