Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1496: Departure (below)

The deeds of Huanhua Valley made Li Yun somewhat suspect that it was the location of Granny Mietian, but because it had been circulating for so long, people here had forgotten the specific location of that valley.

Six people entered this small town and quickly attracted all the attention of the people here.

After all, whether it is Wang Mengyan, Su Tanmeng and Le Zhiyin, these three are all first-class beauties, and their body and appearance are not what women in such a remote town can have.

When the three beauties went to the station, there was a beautiful scenery line, which made the person riding a motorcycle in front of them watched attentively and almost hit a telephone pole on the side of the road.

"Huh~, stupid man!"

Su Tanmeng's arrogant posture remained, and he glanced at the chaos in this small town because of seeing her, with a strong disdain on his face.

In the past, she would never come to such a dirty and messy place. Even if she took a step, she had a pair of feet that could dance gracefully.

Le Zhiyin pulled her, feeling a little uncomfortable with the fiery eyes of those men, and asked Li Yun in a low voice: "Captain, how do we find clues?"

With a sound of the captain, everyone was a little surprised, but Le Zhiyin blinked innocently and seemed to be asking, isn't it that?

Ren Tianhao coughed and said that I have a solution.

He took out a cell phone to make a call. Soon, several men with abundance rushed up, bowed to Ren Tianhao, and said respectfully: "Big brother!"

Several people looked at him in surprise, and Ren Tianhao proudly introduced: "These are my disciples in the Jiuhua School. They happen to be relatively close, so I asked them to investigate first."

"We are naturally obliged to do what the senior brother ordered. After all, we are all taken care of by the senior brother too much." Several disciples said quickly.

Ren Tianhao looked at Le Zhiyin and Su Tanmeng specifically to show that he used his personal charm to ask these people to help, instead of directly ordering others to help him like Li Yun did.

However, it seems that the effect is not very good. Su Tanmeng barely showed him a smile because of something, but Le Zhiyin was just a flat compliment, anyone could hear the perfunctory meaning.

Ren Tianhao was taken aback. He used to do things like this, which always made Le Zhiyin laugh, but now he doesn't seem to pay much attention to him.

"Zhiyin, you don't seem to be in a good mood? Is it because the environment here is so bad that it doesn't look like a place where people stay?"

"No, no." Le Zhiyin said earnestly: "Although the environment here is not as good as Baihua Valley and Lefang, it is not bad. Tianhao, if you speak like this, people here may feel uncomfortable to hear it."

The meaning of Ren Tianhao's words is like going to a restaurant to eat, but loudly despising that the food in the restaurant is for pigs, then anyone who hears it will be upset.

Hearing Le Zhiyin's correction, Ren Tianhao confessed happily, and even the mocking and disdainful expressions on Su Tanmeng's face were reduced a lot.

Not to be hated by Le Zhiyin.

Then, several Jiuhua Sect disciples reported the information they had found, but they found almost nothing. They were not professional personnel, and time was too tight.

Therefore, several people retreated in shame, saying that they were continuing to look for clues.

"Hmph, professional things need professional people to do."

Liu Peng stood up and took out a mobile phone to make a call. Soon, a passenger tricycle drove from a distance. The visitor was a forty-year-old man with a weather-beaten face. When I stopped, I shouted at Liu Peng: "You melon baby is Liu Peng?"

With a strong local accent, after laughing, the old man's mouth still showed a big yellow tooth, which made Su Tanmeng shocked to cover her delicate little nose and back again.

She grew up in the Valley of Flowers in full bloom, and she couldn't stand this indescribable smell most.

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