Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1495: Departure (middle)

Early the next morning, everyone assembled.

Li Yun looked at Su Tanmeng and Le Zhiyin speechlessly.

The clothes on their bodies are more gorgeous than the other. Su Tanmeng wears no different from usual. They are all beautiful and luxurious costumes, but the legs are tightly tied up, suitable for long walks, but they still wear styled bells and jade pendants , Beads and other things.

On the other hand, Le Zhiyin was carrying a large bag of things, and seemed to be traveling, rather than going to the forest for adventure.

"What are you looking at?! The eyes are almost staring out! Humph~" Su Tanmeng stood proudly in front of Li Yun, stunned at his gaze. This arrogant guy is not a stone, but towards a beautiful woman. Still interested.

Being stared at by Li Yun like this, Le Zhiyin was shy for a while, and felt a little panic in her heart, wondering if her dressing up was impolite.

"Are you really looking for people, not traveling?"

"What do you mean by this?"

Hearing the irony in Li Yun's words, Su Tanmeng raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "What's so strange about this costume? I still walk and fight, like you, I can hit ten with one hand... No, two!"

Thinking of Li Yun's magical mental attack, Su Tanmeng changed his mouth again.

Among this group of people, only Su Tanmeng is in the late congenital stage, and her martial arts talent is higher than that of Le Zhiyin and Ren Tianhao.

"Brother Li, you worry too much." Ren Tianhao said indifferently from the side: "We are all innate. We act differently from ordinary people. We are much quicker and more convenient. We don't need to think about clothes too much."

Liu Peng expressed shame. He ate the Xisui Pill given by Brother Li, but nothing happened. It was still the day after tomorrow.

"...That's right, let's go."

Li Yun did not consider this problem. He still used the standard of leading the team before, but he forgot that the innate true energy can do all kinds of magical things.

For example, in the wild, normal people will be extremely dirty for a long time, but for the innate, the body will be clean and free of dirt, and the inside and outside of the body will be washed.


His attitude of confessing his mistakes made Su Tanmeng surprised for a while, thinking that Li Yun was the kind of person who didn't admit his mistakes, or was stubborn.

"Don't froze, today we are going to Xining Town to investigate."

Li Yun urged in front, and several people quickly followed.

Liu Peng trot all the way, barely keeping up with these innate paces.

Riding the tour bus to the gate of the scenic spot, there are already two small cars waiting for them.

Le Zhiyin took a look at the two drivers and found that their faces were serious and serious, and their military qualities were undoubtedly revealed, which made people awe.

But these two powerful drivers were very respectful towards Li Yun, and Le Zhiyin couldn't help but look at Li Yun again.

Seeing this, Ren Tianhao couldn't help but snorted in dissatisfaction without knowing Le Zhiyin's thoughts.

Fortunately, he is in a car with two women and Le Zhiyin. Although he can only sit in the front row, he can chat with them and cultivate the feelings of the next three.

Everyone came to the airport all the way, after flying to Zhennan Province, transferring several times, and finally came to this remote town before lunch.

Xining Town.

The former site of the Miserable Heaven faction is less than five kilometers away from here. Behind it is the Magic Flower Valley, which is just hidden in the rolling Xining Mountains. The name of the Magic Flower Valley is passed down by people around here.

There has been such a strange thing here since ancient times. In the Xining Mountains, there is a mysterious valley. After ordinary people enter, they can't get out like a ghost hitting a wall. They can only wait for a ghost-like woman to enter by mistake. Rescued.

Or, can only wait to starve to death.

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