Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1482: Music and dance

After Li Yun left, Xu Xufeng was chosen by Su Tanmeng as the number one leader.

It's just that Su Tanmeng was cold and arrogant throughout, and he didn't give Xu Xufeng any good face at all. The scene was very embarrassing for a time, even if the Peony and Rose were desperately warming up.

In this way, the flower viewing party began in the oiran, as if someone else owed money and did not pay back the expression. First, there was a poem meeting where the fighters of both sides were given poems, and then the men and women met. At this point, the scene finally became lively.

"I want to go back." Su Tanmeng stepped off the platform and said straightforwardly to the five people around him, "It's so boring here, there's nothing to do with the Oiran, I'll go first."

"No way!"


"Don't panic!"

The Peony Five were once again frightened by Su Tanmeng's willfulness. The oiran was gone, how could this flower viewing party continue.

I knew that she shouldn't have been chosen as the oiran, although if she were not chosen as the oiran, the people of the rivers and lakes would definitely cheat their tongues.

Su Tanmeng insisted on leaving, but helplessly, the most stable water lily whispered to the maid beside him, and said to Su Tanmeng that someone would come next time. After that person came, Su Tanmeng would definitely not leave.

"That person...?"

There was a hunch in Su Tanmeng's heart. As expected, within a moment, there was a scream in the distance.

"It's Miss Zhiyin!!"

"Le Jue Le Zhiyin, the best music and dance pair?!"

"It's so beautiful, it turns out that they are two people together, Miss Zhiyin's beauty is no worse than Miss Su!"

In Su Tanmeng’s pleasantly surprised eyes, a quiet and elegant woman walked quickly with a slightly anxious footsteps, but a masculine man followed her, giving Su Tanmeng’s face a moment of surprise. Turned into frost.

"Why are you here!" Su Tanmeng turned his head awkwardly, "It's enough for you to have Ren Tianhao, you don't need to come with me again!"

Ren Tianhao, known as the Sword of Lofty Love, was born in the Jiuhua School, one of the eight major factions. He is a man of justice and courage and heroism.

After seeing Su Tanmeng, his eyes flashed with fiery heat, but he glanced at Le Zhiyin next to him, and then forcibly suppressed the fiery heat, only showing his enthusiasm and love to the people around him.

"Alright, Xiao Meng."

Le Zhiyin persuaded him in a gentle and watery tone, "No matter what, let's finish this flower viewing first. What do you think?"

"Huh!" What Su Tanmeng can't stand most is Zhiyin's soft voice. Every time he hears it, no matter how much anger and resentment, she will be relieved by her gentleness.

"I heard that something went wrong at the flower viewing party just now, can Xiao Meng tell me?"

Le Zhiyin deliberately looked at her with a slightly begging look, and Su Tanmeng couldn't bear this trick even more. The expression on his face instantly turned into a deep joy, and he took her to sit down and chat.

Everyone saw that they were intimate, but their actions did not exceed the boundaries of ordinary girlfriends. Only Su Tanmeng's performance was too enthusiastic, which made Le Zhiyin a little bit unbearable, and Le Zhiyin did not treat Su at all. Tan Meng has any other thoughts.

Moreover, she also talked to Ren Tianhao from time to time, which made Su Tanmeng jealous, waiting for Ren Tianhao with angry eyes.

Seeing these circumstances, everyone suddenly felt as clear as a mirror.

The rumors were true. The pride knife Ren Tianhao was introduced to her by Le Zhiyin's elders in the band. Moreover, he has been favored by Miss Zhiyin, so the two talents appeared at the same time.

Probably, Le Zhiyin wanted to reject Su Tanmeng's enthusiasm.

Everyone immediately looked at Su Tanmeng and Xu Xufeng with sympathetic eyes. The Hundred Flower Valley couple was too bitter. Everyone they like has a sweetheart.

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