Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1481: Interrogation

When the two returned to the room, Li Yun threw Yu Fengxuan aside, but did not approach him, because even if he wakes up, he cannot escape from Li Yun.

After a while, Baihuagu really grabbed another Feng Feiwen from the Kongming School.

"Female, female heroes spare their lives!"

When Feng Feiwen saw Wang Mengyan, who had been molested by herself during the day, sitting in front of her, her face turned pale in shock.

He already knew who Li Yun was.

Wang Mengyan snorted, her tone turned fierce again, and said: "During the day, you were so courageous? Why are you so afraid now?"

Hearing what she said, Feng Feiwen couldn't help looking at Wang Meng again, and a greedy color flashed in his eyes. With just one glance, he could almost think of how attractive the beauty of her clothes was. The evil fire in my heart burned again.

"You, you go to die!"

Being stared at him was uncomfortable, Wang Mengyan's small face was full of anger, she was about to step forward to teach him, but suddenly thought that Li Yun was by her side, sat down obediently, and whispered to Li Yun: "This look What about ghosts?"


When Feng Feiwen stared at Wang Mengyan and swallowed his saliva, Li Yun was very upset, but it also evoked his good memories of that place. At that time, he hugged Wang Mengyan...stop, stop! Can't think anymore!

Li Yun forcibly suppressed the miscellaneous bad thoughts, his face remained silent, and asked faintly: "Your name is Feng Feiwen? What is the intention of the Kongming faction to send you to Baihua Valley?"

If Feng Feiwen hadn’t noticed it, his lustful eyes had been on Wang Mengyan’s chest. Li Yun finally couldn’t help but stepped forward and knocked him over. He couldn’t help but think domineeringly that Wang Mengyan’s place could only be him. Look, other men don't even think about it!

"Li Yun?" Wang Mengyan tilted her head and looked at Li Yun, only to think that his gaze seemed...very similar to that of Feng Feiwen, both of them with the desire to possess.

Thinking of this, Wang Mengyan's heart couldn't help beating, and she couldn't help thinking, if it was Li Yun, she should accept it directly or resist a little bit before...

Li Yun took a deep breath, "I'm fine."

He vaguely perceives his restlessness, which is a bit abnormal. He seems to be more and more possessive towards girls. Now he has a feeling of wishing to eat Wang Mengyan immediately, which is very different from him who has been trying to abstain from **** before. .

"Lingling, you guys show up soon!"

Li Yun prayed in his heart, and now she can solve his physical problems.

Wang Mengyan looked at Li Yun with a somewhat uncomfortable expression and wanted to say something, but seeing Feng Feiwen aside, she could only obediently swallow what she wanted to say.

"If you dare to look up again, be careful that I abolish your martial arts."

Li Yun sat down with his back to Wang Mengyan, "I wonder if the current Kongming Sect can repair the sea of ​​anger? What do you think?"

Jianghu people are most afraid of such threats, even Feng Feiwen, the reincarnated hungry ghost, had to bow his head obediently.

"I ask, you answer." Li Yun said lightly: "What is the purpose of your visit to Baihua Valley this time?"

"I don't know, I just came with Brother Yu."

"I don't know? If I ask Yu Fengxuan later, if the answer is different, you know the consequences."

"I really don't know!" Feng Feiwen quickly raised his head to defend, "I also asked Senior Brother Yu, he also couldn't tell why the headmaster sent us to Baihua Valley."

While speaking, Feng Feiwen couldn't help but look at Wang Mengyan, wanting to take another look at the beauty of the undulating mountains on her chest.

However, let him down, Wang Mengyan had long been hiding behind Li Yun, only sticking out a small head to look at him.


Wang Mengyan glared at the pervert in disdain, and got closer to Li Yun again.

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