Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1429: Bagua Gate (Part 2)


Li Yun snorted coldly, put the famous post away, looked at Zhang Qitu and said calmly: "I don't hide my intentions. This time I am looking for the head of your gossip sect to discuss things, but if your gossip sect is similar to Qianjiashanzhuang I don’t care about their behavior, they must get a free life."

Everyone was silent.

They couldn't imagine why Li Yun dared to say this when facing so many people. Is there any reliance on it?

Zhang Qitu's face was extremely ugly, he wanted to say but didn't know what to say, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to offend people from the Armed Forces Control Department.

Seeing this, Wang Mengyan whispered and said in a low voice: "Li Yun, we have no slaves in the gossip door. Everyone comes to apprentice to learn art. Come and go freely. There are no previous rules."

"It's fine if you don't." Li Yun regained his aggressive momentum and said calmly.

Everyone was actually relieved, as if a big rock in the bottom of their hearts was removed, and the whole person couldn't tell the joy.

Zhang Qitu said in a weird manner: "The servants were beaten and scolded because of their low status, and you seldom pretend to be righteous there. I don't believe that you are innately called brothers and sisters."

Li Yun replied: "In modern society, no one is born under an identity, and no one is born to be noble. Maybe it's just your old ideas that think so."

"Nobody is honorable? What a joke." Zhang Qitu sneered, "I don't know how much innate strength is than those humble servants. Tell me, how can you be equal to those servants innate?"

Li Yun smiled slightly, and suddenly drew out the sword of love and pointed at him, and said in a calm tone: "I am stronger than you, and my spiritual power has reached the manifestation level, are you also my slave? Do I also have the right to live and kill you? ?"

A huge will enveloped Zhang Qitu, making him almost kneel down and worship Li Yunding.

In the late stage of Li Yun's innate, the spiritual power that is close to innate perfection is not something he can contend with as a young and innate young man like him. If the two fight with all their strength, Li Yun will be able to kill him with one move.

"Li Yun..." Wang Mengyan pulled the corner of his clothes and looked at him with pleading eyes.

at this time.

"what happened?"

A majestic voice sounded, and a fifty-something old man walked over from a distance.

He wore a black and white Taoist robe printed with a yin and yang fish pattern, with an unsmiling expression on his face, like an old man who was full of Confucianism. His temperament was upright. When he walked slowly over, all the disciples of the Bagua Sect around withdrew, bowed their heads and dropped their hands. Respectfully shouted: "Welcome to the head!"

Only Zhang Qitu bowed slightly to salute and said, "Father."

And Wang Mengyan, she didn't salute, but walked forward quickly and said in surprise: "Master, you can count it."


The head of the gossip gate slightly nodded, and did not show other expressions to Wang Mengyan, only asked: "Qitu, what's going on? Why is it so exciting."

Wang Mengyan flattened her mouth and started to explain: "Master, it's like this..."


After listening, the dignified old man only made a faint comment on the matter. The scared Zhang Qitu and Wang Mengyan quickly bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes, including a kind of disciples who ran out also bowed their heads in fear.

Seeing him look over, Li Yun suddenly understood that the head was saying that he was playing nonsense.

"I have seen the head of Zhang, the junior Li Yun, on behalf of the Armed Forces Management Department, specially came to visit the Bagua Gate."

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