Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1428: Bagua Gate (middle)

Under the angry gaze of everyone, Li Yun said: "The Jinzhen Swordsman was cruel and tyrannical, detaining and torturing the servants in the villa without authorization. The period lasted for several decades, causing countless casualties. Therefore, as the main criminal, he should Receive the punishment that it deserves. Qian's Villa should also be eliminated."

Li Yun took a deep look at Zhang Qitu, "Including, the sect family similar to Qianjia Villa must disappear into this modern society!"


Zhang Qitu was instantly irritated, and the warning contained in Li Yun's glance, how could Zhang Qitu, who had been at the top of the gossip door since birth, tolerate it?

The sword in his hand was unsheathed again, and he was so angry that he pointed at Li Yun with the sword and shouted.


Wang Mengyan stopped him in time, and said seriously: "I think Li Yun was right. When the doctor fairy was not practicing medicine recently, would you advise everyone to treat your servants kindly and stop raising slaves? What she did, seemed to be received. Li Yun, your influence, right?"

Li Yun nodded, "Yes, I was visiting Qianjia Villa with her at the time, so I saw the situation in the villa."

Liu Peng glanced at Zhang Qitu contemptuously, "I didn't expect that the martial arts in your arena would still engage in this feudal era. I urge you to release all your slaves as soon as possible, otherwise."

"Otherwise?" Zhang Qitu said coldly.

"You are at your own risk." Liu Peng said with a smile: "Don't engage in being destroyed like the Qianjia Villa."

"shut up!"

All the Bagua Sect disciples had their swords out of their sheaths and looked at Li Yun and Liu Peng nervously.

Zhang Qitu shouted: "It seems that you have come with malicious intent, and the gossip door content does not allow you to be presumptuous! Zhang Tao, call his fellow disciples to come out and take down these two villains together!"


Wang Mengyan almost cried, why did things develop like this?

"Brothers, seniors, stop, Li Yun is not an enemy!"

She yelled eagerly, but Zhang Tao beside Zhang Qitu had already taken out a whistle, a sound like a sharp bird chirping sounded, and hurriedly rushed out hundreds of sword-wielding disciples from the large building in the Bagua Gate.

Each one, like these disciples standing on the boulder, holding a sword, watched with a guarded look at the appearance of two strangers at the mountain gate.

"Big brother? What happened?"

"Is someone coming to attack?"

"Who are the two people around Little Junior Sister?"

Zhang Qitu stretched out his hand to suppress the commotion of the crowd, pointed at Li Yun and Liu Peng, and shouted: "These two people utterly talked about at the Bagua Gate, openly provoking me to wait, and also stated that they would eradicate my Bagua Gate. Brothers and sisters, come with me. Quickly capture this thief!"

Hearing this angry sentence, everyone was shocked, and immediately followed by righteous indignation.

"Insult the martial artist, die!"

The swords of more than one hundred disciples of the Bagua Sect were unscathed one after another, and they were about to come forward and kill Li Yun on the spot.

"I see who dares to do it!!"

Li Yun's loud shout spread throughout the audience, revealing a trace of spiritual power, and shocked all the Bagua Sect disciples in place, and was taken away by the loud shout.

"Before you do it," Li Yunliang said in a famous post, "you should look at this thing first."

Following the direction of his finger, everyone looked and saw a seal stamped there.

"This is the seal of the Armed Forces Control Department."

Li Yun said lightly: "I am here on behalf of the Armed Forces Management Department to fight against me. It is tantamount to being an enemy of the country. Have you really figured it out? Are you ready to be eradicated? "

The last shout was like thunder, and the audience was silent, no one had the courage to raise the sword in his hand and point it at Li Yun.

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