Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1414: Ordered to walk

"It won't happen soon."

Murong Nantian answered him after a long while, "But, let's not have the illusion of peace, and be prepared for an all-round war with the gods."

Li Yun nodded slightly, the gods are coming fiercely, acting unscrupulously, urging biological weapons to attack the human cities, it is conceivable that they are full of contempt and hostility towards humans.

In addition, after the electromagnetic disaster, similar to the defections of Zhang Xiaotian and others, it also shows that although there are righteous people within the religious cult, they cannot shake the overall will of the religious cult. Therefore, Zhang Xiaotian and others were forced to release. come out.

Li Yun's thoughts are a little messy, an unprecedented war is coming, it is impossible to say that it is impossible not to be nervous and afraid, even though he has experienced countless battles.

"Then... Uncle, what do you mean with General Qi?" Li Yun asked unnaturally.

Murong Nantian smiled slightly, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Don't be nervous, we won't act immediately. The longer the delay, the better for us."

"That's right, after all, we have now acquired a lot of the gods' techniques." Li Yun relaxed a little.

Murong Nantian said: "Although you have been leading many battles before, they were all small blasting, destroying and annihilating battles. What you led was just a team of over a hundred people. How about you want to be a marshal in the future? ?"

"This..." Li Yun was embarrassed, "I am afraid that being a general is not suitable for me. That is a strategic matter. I am suitable for being the vanguard of the charge."

"Haha! I don't dare let you charge now, Qingyue won't scold me to death."

The two made a little joke, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

Murong Nantian pondered for a while, "In that case, do you have a mission for me? It feels quite suitable for you."

"Go, I won't pick a task." Li Yun smiled slightly.

Although Li Yun wanted to retire from the army last year, now it is the responsibility and obligation of all mankind to defeat the gods, and the original decision is no longer applicable.

"In fact, this task is said to be difficult or not, but if it is not difficult, it is difficult."

"What the **** is the task? Uncle, don't sell it."

"Um... you go as a lobbyist."


After listening to Murong Nantian's explanation, Li Yun barely understood what the so-called lobbyist was.

The cause of the incident is the Kongming Sect. Even if it is a religious sect, it still belongs to one of the eight sects in the arena. If it is eliminated without saying hello, it will easily cause turmoil in the world.

And the rivers and lakes are all people with special skills, and once the noise is up, it will cause greater losses.

Therefore, before eradicating the Kongming faction, we must inform all the major factions, otherwise it will easily cause panic.

Li Yun repeatedly asked: "My task as a lobbyist this time is to inform the major factions of our decision on the Kongming faction, and the other is to find out how many people have taken the congenital medicine from the gods. 3. Is it to promote the spiritual power training method?"


Murong Nantian looked at Li Yun and said: "It's mainly the first task, the third point. Now the entire Huaxia has reached the manifestation of the four of you, except for you. No one else is more suitable. After all, mental power, It’s better to explain it a thousand times than just show them once."

Li Yun, the eldest, Xiao Jiayu, and Yi Shanshan reached the manifestation. Although the other innate began to practice, they still had no clue.

Li Yun wondered if he wanted to enter the illusion like Xiangshan last time, so that it would be beneficial to his cultivation.

"All right, I'll go."

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