Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1413: Negotiate

"Hard to say."

Murong Nantian took another sip of tea and said, "What can be detected, the Kongming Sect has greatly expanded now, and the satellite can't see the scene inside."

"Are they building battlefield fortifications?" Li Yun immediately reacted. If the God Cult of the Kongming faction really intends to fight a positional battle, a suitable battlefield must be needed.

They may not need an airstrip, but there should always be a fortress or an experimental site to resurrect the golden soldiers.

"This is just one."

Murong Nantian showed a solemn and stern expression on the mature face of the middle-aged man, and said solemnly: "Since you killed Sun Tian once, more and more people have entered and exited the Kongming School. It is conceivable that there have been Fewer than a thousand people have entered the Kongming Sect. And what they are going to do, whether they have all joined the cult to obtain a potion for breaking through the innate, we don’t know yet.

"So," Li Yun took a deep breath, "in order to prevent more people from being deceived by the innate pill of the gods, we must destroy the Kongming Sect as soon as possible!"

"It's definitely necessary to get rid of it, but it's difficult."

Murong Nantian took out his cell phone and called for Xiao Ai's help.

Now Xiao Ai’s “network clone” has expanded to an unimaginable amount. People in the special operations team have her in their mobile phones. There are also many research institutions. Xiao Ai is also responsible for a lot of work, even many of them are greedy for convenience. People, use it as a mobile phone butler.

For example, Murong Nantian just clicked on the screen and directly told the phone to call up a few pictures to show Li Yun. Xiao Ai could immediately understand Murong Nantian’s intentions. After all, she had been in control of this mobile phone for a long time and knew that Murong Nantian was there. do what.

Perhaps these clones are not called Xiao Ai, but rather called Xiao Ai's smart clone. After all, it is impossible for her to focus on millions of mobile phones and other devices all the time.

Only the little love in Li Yun's phone is her ‘body’, and she is watching every minute and every second.

As for Xiao Ai's humanoid body, she spends most of her time basking in the sun in Xiangshan, while a small part of her time is spent playing outside with Xiao Xi and the others.

"This is...?" Li Yun saw the pictures in Murong Nantian's phone and looked at him in shock.

"The traces of foreign religious activities."

Murong Nantian said solemnly: "Similar to the Kongming Sect, the religious bases that are now appearing all over the world are all expanded by bewitching the original power of the human world. I don’t know the reason why the religious did this for the time being, maybe they just don’t want to. Expose where their real base is."

"All over the world...?" Li Yun had known the scope of the religious activities before, but he didn't expect that there would be so many, and he didn't expect to appear together.

"Yes! Except for Antarctica, at least one base on the seven continents exposed by the religious cults, and there must be one among the world's top 20 powerhouses."

Li Yun was inexplicably horrified. In this way, the entire world was shrouded by the sphere of influence of the gods, in other words, the world was surrounded and separated by the gods!

After pondering for a long time, Li Yun said to himself like a loss: "Is the war coming?"

If there is a war, it will undoubtedly be stronger than ever before, even more intense than the two previous world wars.

The level of human science and technology now has far surpassed that of sixty years ago, not to mention that the technology of the religion has reached an incredible level.

Once war begins, human deaths and injuries will reach an alarming number.

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