Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1265: Battle Master

Unlike people from Jianghu School who have learned systematic swordsmanship, Li Yun only learned Taiji swords from Xiao Jiayu when he first learned swords, but he hasn't used them for a long time.

For him, with the help of super reaction speed, he can achieve the realm of no move. Most of the enemy's moves can see the flaws and counterattack at will. Even if he can't see through, he can pass fast React to avoid these attacks.

Therefore, for Li Yun, ordinary moves are no longer of great use, unless they can truly exert their power in the mental power space.

Such as divine power transformation, or some sword moves, such as the glimmer of justice.

Li Yun swept across with his sword, pushing Sun Tianlai back, and the two sides temporarily fell into a state of confrontation.

Xiao Jiayu landed quickly, dropped down with Jin Liuli, and came to Li Yun's side.

And the three winged monsters crawled on the ground, half-opened their huge mouths, and constantly uttered threatening roars, frightening the three elders of the Kongming Sect opposite.

"Sun Tianlai," Li Yun raised the sword of love in his hand and said loudly: "Did you bring this monster out to deal with me? Now it seems that it is not under your control."

"Huh!" Sun Tianlai's face was not so good when he said this, and he was also cheated by the gods.

Li Yun roughly understood what was going on, and mocked: "It seems that your position in the religious sect is not very good. The leader of the Kongming faction has personally come out to destroy it. The religious sect has not even sent a golden soldier you."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The second elder of the Kongming faction hurriedly shouted: "The adults of the religious sect have every opportunity, how can they come to deal with people like you!"

"Golden soldiers? Your lord?"

Xiao Jiayu looked at them in surprise, and couldn't help but smile: "We don't know how many golden soldiers have been killed. Even the inspectors and judges have killed ten. The Venerable came to trouble us personally. You said The Golden Soldiers will not come to deal with us?"

The empty-minded people who choked a word were speechless.

They have gained a lot of benefits by taking refuge in the religious sects, but that's all. The religious believers don't treat them as human beings at all, not bullying and humiliating at will, but completely ignore them.

The Kongming faction does not even get involved in the affairs of the gods, let alone know what the secrets of the gods are.

"What's a joke? Just because you want to be with your lord..."

"To shut up!"

Sun Tianlai coldly interrupted the words of the third elders and looked at Li Yun and said, "Boy, you were quite confident in your martial arts before, dare you to fight me?"

"Grandmaster Sun, you are really shameless!"

Jin Liuli cursed unceremoniously: "It's also because you are the head of one of the eight major factions. As a senior in the late congenital stage, you actually said so grandiosely about fighting against a congenital early stage, I am shy for you!"

She was angry and cursing, but she looked like a savage little pepper.

"Who are you little girl?" Sun Tianlai asked indifferently, unmoved.

"Huh! My grandmother won't change her name, she won't change her surname, I am the dark cat Jin Liuli who is famous in the world!"

Jin Liuli laughed arrogantly. When she said her name, she looked quite proud.

It was the first time that she showed the name of the river and lake that she had obtained after thinking hard. The last time she fought Li Yun, she was so flustered that she actually forgot to say it.

Presumably, after today's war, her name must be famous in the world!

"Jin Liuli?"

The great elder pondered for a moment, and soon came to Jin Liuli's true identity: "You are the one who steals the Heaven Pavilion!"

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