Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1264: Confrontation

Sun Tianlai and several elders of the Kongming faction flee towards the jelly monster like mourning dogs.

When they came out, they didn't expect to encounter such a situation. Sun Tianlai heard that this devouring and deforming thing is very powerful and can fight against Li Yun's flying dragon monster, so he took it out.

Unexpectedly, this thing is not controlled at all. Once it is released, it will only eat. It is not like those of the gods who can follow his orders to fight against these flying dragon monsters.

"Sun Tian, ​​I will burn you to death if I don't stop!"

Sun Tianlai ignored him and continued to flee.

"Flame Jet!"

Li Yun commanded the Wing Monster to spray a large group of flames forward, and finally stopped Sun Tianlai and several people.

"What do you want?!"

The head of the Kongming School, one of the eight major schools of martial arts, and the leader of thousands of disciples. Sun Tianwei has never been so humiliated since he became famous.

Even though he took refuge in the religion of God, those people were polite to him. Although they didn't have a good voice, they never severely criticized him.

But now, he was chased by a junior and fled, so that the anger in Sun Tianlai's heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Boy, take your life!"

Seeing Li Yun command the winged monster to land on the ground, Sun Tianlai couldn't help it anymore. He squatted and pulled out his sword, rushing into the crown, his momentum was like a rainbow, and his toes hit the ground like a meteor. With a monstrous killing intent, this must kill blow was issued.


Feeling this murderous intent, Li Yun's expression condensed, and his original mentality of contempt for Sun Tianlai also immediately changed.

Any one of the late innate is a top-notch character, let alone Sun Tianlai, the leader of the school!

But facing this monstrous sword, Li Yun did not use the power of the Wing Monster, but drew out the sword of love and confronted Sun Tianlai from the front!

"Li Yun!" Xiao Jiayu only had time to shout, and saw him jumping off the wing monster with the sword of love.


Li Yun yelled, and the true energy of his whole body quickly agitated, with both hands hard, he slashed at Sun Tianlai's sword from top to bottom.


The explosion sound of the two sides fighting against each other overwhelmed the clank sound of the metal impact, and a wave of air emanated from the contact point of the two swords, and everyone around was shocked by the blow.

Sun Tianlai was beaten in midair and flew out. Li Yun was even more unbearable. He was beaten ten meters high with a single move, his tiger's mouth was numb, and the sword almost dropped.

After crashing to the ground, there was even more pain in his feet. If there was no Zhenqi body, the height of ten meters would have killed Li Yun.


When Li Yun just stood still, Sun Tianlai's ultimate move came again, without giving him the slightest chance to breathe.

Li Yun stared at it and saw his sword turned into dozens of sword lights. In an instant, Sun Tianlai stabbed dozens of swords, and the real killer moves were hidden in these sword lights. Stabbed at Li Yun's right hand holding the sword at a very tricky angle.

The killer move was not directed at the vital part, but at the right hand holding the sword. It was evident that Sun Tianlai's move was vicious.

If Li Yun didn't have super vision and quick reaction ability, he would really be fooled.

Li Yun didn't rush, a sword pierced out, and in the center of Sun Tianlai's sword, the two made a soft jingle, and the sky full of sword light disappeared.

A look of surprise flashed in Sun Tianlai’s eyes. This trick is the confusing mind in the empty swordsmanship. In the early days of the innate, he could abolish it with one trick, let alone make it in a hurry like Li Yun. Resistance, and he actually blocked it!

"Pick me up too!"

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