Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1246: Abduction

The sorrow of legal blindness is nothing more than this.

Li Yun said coldly: "It seems that you are really looking for someone to kidnap? Did Sun Tianlai tell you that? It's a stupid family. I don't even know that I was sold."

"Impossible, we are not kidnappers!"

Sun Tianlai hasn't appeared yet, but Guo Lide is already anxious to separate himself from them.

In fact, the person to be kidnapped has not yet appeared, and the principal culprit Sun Tianlai has not started. As long as there is no evidence of their conspiracy, Guo Lide is completely innocent.

Xiao Jiayu said: "my country's Criminal Law stipulates that those who organize and lead a criminal group to conduct criminal activities or play a major role in a joint crime are the principal offenders. Those who play a secondary or auxiliary role in a joint crime are accomplices.

You Guo Lide provided the kidnappers with the convenience of kidnapping and urged my sister to come to Chenqiao Village. In the process, they committed crimes together, cooperated with each other, took their own responsibilities, and left and right, and might not distinguish between the main and accomplices. Your family also followed the kidnappers. Argument! "

Many law-blind people think that acts such as exasperation are not crimes. Don't you know that they have been involved in the crime process, but the division of labor is different.

Just like some people who travel overseas and are entrusted by friends or classmates with some things, they are checked by customs of other countries that there are drugs in the things their friends are carrying. Only legal trials are waiting for them. If the amount of drugs exceeds the limit, there may be Was executed.

Ignorance is never a legitimate reason to commit a crime.

Guo Fuhua's face is pale, if he becomes a kidnapper, let alone continue to study Tianhua International, even public schools will not accept him!

"If you confess, you may be forgiven for your crimes. After all, the kidnapping has not happened yet." Xiao Jiayu's tone changed and persuaded in softer words.

Guo Lide and his son froze in place, making eye contact, not knowing what they were thinking.

Jin Liuli showed her golden needle, and threatened fiercely: "Say it quickly, otherwise you will look good!"


In the stunned eyes of several people, the two of them ran away. Guo Lide ran and cursed: "The person who talked with Lao Tzu has not appeared to kidnap you. Why are you little **** arresting me? As long as I leave here , Who has evidence to catch...Ah!"

Li Yun was about to chase him out, but he heard him exclaiming from a distance. He quickly walked over and took a look. It turned out that Guo Lide fell heavily on the ground, rubbing his palms on the ground, cutting out some blood beads.

Jin Liuli stretched out his hand to cast a net, six golden needles shot out, entangled their father and son's feet, Guo Fuhua was also pulled down by the silver thread, struggling hard to get rid of Jin Liuli's control.

"This is the Fingertip Golden Needle Dance?" Xiao Jiayu looked at her fingers in surprise, and saw that Jin Liuli's slender hands lightly moved, and the two people who were bound by the silver thread rolled back on the ground involuntarily. .

"Correct! My family's unparalleled learning!"

Jin Liuli triumphantly stepped on Guo Lide's body and shouted, "I want to run away in front of your aunt and grandma? Be careful I hang you up and beat you!"

At this moment, the corner of Li Yun's eye caught a blue object. It bounced from the place where Guo Lide had fallen and flew towards Jin Liuli's face.

"Be careful!"

Li Yun didn't have time to think about it, and punched out a violent punch, which hit the blue thing righteously.

With a "pop~", Li Yun felt like he was hitting a ball of jelly, and some slippery things splashed out of the jelly and got onto Li Yun's hand.

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