Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1245: Associate

"Isn't it called someone if you can't beat it?"

Jin Liuli immediately said, "For example, Sun Tianlai, the head of the Kongming School!"

"What Sun Tian is here, I don't know."

"I don't know? You don't know who bought you, right? Who is it!"

The two were forced to retreat step by step by Li Yun and others, and stood at the door, seeming to want to escape at any time.

Li Yun frowned slightly. The father and son are worthy of being cheeky to get the subsidy. The reaction on the spot was OK. If they hadn't been too deliberate before, Li Yun might not have found their strangeness.

"Don't come here. Don't play if you don't want to play. The big deal is that we will go back!"

"Stop, you people are so strange."

"Are we really wrong?" Xiao Jiayu's voice came from her ears, and she was talking to Li Yun by means of sound transmission.

"Not necessarily, it is true that these two people have ghosts."

Li Yun stopped Jin Liuli from wanting to move forward, and said coldly to Guo Lide and his son: "You are colluding with other people and put aside for the time being, Guo Fuhua and Xiao Xi have something to say to you."

Li Yun motioned to Xiao Mingxi, she looked confused: "Big Brother Yun, what am I going to say?"

"...Talk about what you decided before and confessed to Guo Fuhua."

frank? Guo Fuhua was happy, could it be...

"Oh, I got it!"

Xiao Mingxi looked at Guo Fuhua with a surprised look, and seriously said the opposite of what he expected: "Guo Fuhua, I hope you will not pester me anymore. I don’t like your independent specialties, nor do I like chatting with you, you I'm not interested in what I say. So, don't keep pestering me in school in the future. I have no interest in you. I like Brother Yun and I don't like you."

Everyone: "..."

Very good, very straightforward, clear and clear, even the good guy card was not given to Guo Fuhua.

"you guys!"

Guo Fuhua's heart that has been concealing finally couldn't help it, his expression was distorted, a look of resentment appeared in his eyes, and he said bitterly: "You are very good, I hope you will laugh later!"


"Yes! Just wait for your death here, someone will teach you!"

Guo Fuhua said he was about to run away.

"what did you say?"

Li Yun jumped over, grabbed his back collar and turned him around. Without a word, he slapped him with a slap, and Guo Fuhua's gold star came straight out, and his cheek instantly became red and swollen.

"How do you dare to hit someone?" There was a look of daring to believe in his eyes. When Guo Fuhua was arguing with people in Tianhua International before, no one would ever beat him. Then, over time, he had the illusion that rich people are polite gentlemen.

Therefore, before Liu De was able to come up and threw the tricycle, and Li Yun came up and beat people, Guo Fuhua fell into confusion.

How dare these rich people do this?


Li Yun said lightly: "You have all hired people to deal with us. I can't fight back yet? Hurry up and tell who you hired, and I really get angry."

Guo Lide quickly said: "You can't do this, you have no evidence that we hired someone..."


Xiao Jiayu interrupted him and said sarcastically: "If you are blind to the law, don't talk indiscriminately. With your son's words just now, I can sue you for your intention to kidnap your classmates. You are accomplices of the robbers, do you know?"

"We are accomplices? Impossible!"

Guo Lide became more and more confused.

"We just let you come here to kidnap you. How could we be robbers!"

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