Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1231: Weak and bully

Amidst the noise, a voice seemed particularly loud, and seemed particularly righteous.

Li Yun followed the sound and saw Guo Fuhua.

The surrounding atmosphere became subtle in an instant, and Li Yun couldn't tell what it was. In short, everyone showed a weird expression, and there was no classmate standing beside Guo Fuhua. It seemed that everyone was afraid to avoid it.

The head teacher frowned deeply and said in a rather embarrassing manner: "Who do you want to team up with, just go and discuss with your classmates."

Jin Liuli who was chatting with Caixia on the side was also attracted by him, "Caixia, how do you feel that the head teacher is reluctant? What's wrong with Guo Fuhua, everyone seems to be...?"

Xiao Mingxi's originally happy face collapsed instantly, and Li Yun couldn't hear the muttering in a low voice.

"Uh..." Caixia didn't know where to start, and only vaguely said: "He is very special, not because of family problems, but... how to say."

Jin Liuli thought everyone was squeezing him out because of family problems, but Caixia explicitly denied that she didn't know the situation for a while.

Facing Xiao Mingxi, Guo Fuhua said with an extremely serious expression: "The head teacher, I think some students in the class look down on me, and look down on me who came from a poor family. Only Xiao Mingxi doesn’t mind my family situation, so I want to be friends with her and form together. A team to plant trees!"

Li Yun: "..."

He was speechless for a while, what should I say about this Guo Fuhua?

ignorance? sincere? Naive?

But in any case, it is undoubtedly a tearing behavior to say something that some students look down on him in front of his classmates.

Maybe it was Liu Zhikai's actions that angered him before, Li Yun thought.

"This..." The head teacher was speechless. Obviously he hadn't seen any student who could talk like this, so he had to shirk and said: "If you want to be in a group with Xiao Mingxi, go and tell her, see if she agrees or disagree, but I still To say that, respecting the opinions of classmates is the most important thing. Maybe her group is full?

If she doesn't agree with you, she can find another team, or a team with me, it's okay. "

The teacher's meaning is clear: it's useless for you to come to me.

Li Yun and Jin Liuli could understand now that Guo Fuhua wanted Xiao Mingxi to agree to be teamed up with her, and specifically yelled out, with a hint of intimidation.

Xiao Jiayu's face was not very good, and she looked at Guo Fuhua with an unkind look. If he was really forcing her sister, then her sister would have to stand up for her sister today!

Borrowing from being looked down upon by her classmates, no one teamed up with him, so Xiao Mingxi had to agree to team up with her.

Everyone looked at Xiao Mingxi, the little girl who hadn't been in touch with many things instantly panicked, and her mouth was still speechless.

Caixia couldn't stand it anymore, she stood up and said, "Student Guo, you always say that some people look down on you, but I think you may be a little allergic. There are also a few special admissions students in the class. The classmates did not look down on them. Very good, how can I look down on you?"

Xiao Mingxi held Caixia's hand gratefully, and Caixia said everything she wanted to say for her.

"No? Yes! I just met once."

Guo Fuhua calmly pointed to Liu Zhikai and Liu Deneng who were hiding in the crowd, "Liu Zhikai just sent a bodyguard to smash the car I drove, and he did a lot of nasty things, Li Caixia, you are too naive."

"Grass! Didn't my dad lose you a 10 million Bentley? What else do you want?" Liu Zhikai was still a young man, and he broke free of his father's hand and scolded.

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