Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1230: Grouping

"Brother." Cai Wei yelled softly and walked to Li Yun's side.

"Pluck, how do you feel?"

Li Yun touched her little head. At the moment, the two sisters are wearing Tianhua International's winter school uniforms with a small tie around their necks. They look very ladylike and very cute.

"Very good, very happy."

Although there are many people nowadays, the introverted Plucking doesn't seem too restrained, because her brother and sister are by her side, and she has nothing to fear.

"Xiao Xi, Caixia, come and get things." Caiwei took the initiative to take the shovel and bucket in Li Yun and Jin Liuli's hands. Xiao Mingxi rushed over when she saw it, and picked up what her sister had put on the ground.

"Oh~, ready to plant trees."

While Xiao Mingxi was laughing happily, Li Yun saw the look in Guo Fuhua's eyes again. This look full of admiration was obvious at a glance.

Li Yun secretly said with emotion that Guo Fuhua may not be so easy to get Xiao Mingxi's favor. Xiao Mingxi is not thinking about falling in love at all, she still doesn't understand anything.

Moreover, even if they got Xiao Mingxi's favor, the two could not go far.

Although Xiao Yu and Chen Jingyi recognized Li Yun, they only reluctantly recognized it after Li Yun had done some deeds. If Guo Fuhua had no adventures, there was a high probability that he would live an ordinary life.

If Xiao Mingxi's character is like Xiao Jiayu in the future, it's better to say something.

But Xiao Jiayu’s character, she would not recognize ordinary boys, Li Yun asked, after he and Mo Tianyi had a fight in military training, Xiao Jiayu confirmed that he liked him. Before that, she just had a good impression. If Li Yun was Without strength, she couldn't get her approval.

"Brother, let's go!"

Caixia's call drew Li Yun back from his random thoughts, making him stunned for a while.

"What am I thinking about?"

Li Yun gave a wry smile, his thinking became more and more divergent, and he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Several people came to the 1803 class assembly point. After the assembly, everyone sat directly on the wasteland, and the class teacher began to pay attention to safety incidents as usual.

"...Don't run too far. For those classmates whose parents didn't come, follow me, and other parents should pay attention to your children."

This time the Arbor Day is relatively free. There are several low barren slopes for planting. There is a small river in the distance, and there is a forest further away. The forest was originally a village, but it was dilapidated and left nearby. For many dilapidated houses, the head teacher especially emphasizes that it is forbidden to go to the village to prevent the old houses from collapsing.

"For this tree planting event, there will be a group of 5 people. Let's have a competition. When it is over at 5 pm, we will see who has more trees!"

"Class teacher, 33 in our class!" Someone made a comment.

"Divided into 6 groups, there are three groups with more than one person, and the trees are evenly planted. Are there any problems?"


"Find a good group by yourself, and the parent of the group leader will join me in the chat group and be responsible for assisting me in taking care of your group members. If you have any questions, you can immediately ask. Okay, you can start grouping now.

Following the order from the class teacher, the surrounding teenagers immediately roared and began to look for their teammates.

The twin sisters Caixia and Caiwei, together with Xiao Mingxi, are naturally going to be together, and Li Yun found that they are actually quite popular, and many students begged to join, both men and women.

Especially Caixia, her cheerful personality is very popular with girls.

And the boys seemed to be more interested in the frail, sickly Xiao Mingxi, and rushed to come and help the seemingly frail girl.

"Class teacher, I want to be in a team with Xiao Mingxi!"

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