Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1218: Jealous lady

Li Yun went back to his room and took a shower. After thinking about it, he went to the library on the lower 75th floor. The little maid and Xiao Ai were already asleep. Xiao Ai also has her own room in Dingwei Building. She and Li Yun If you don't return to Xiangshan, you will sleep in your room.

"Miss, you haven't slept yet?"

Li Yun walked through the large bookshelf in the library, walked to her and sat down.


Murong Qingyue snorted softly in her nose, lowered her head and played with her mobile phone, without even looking at Li Yun.

It was around 11 o'clock in the evening, and it was usually when she put down her books and started surfing the Internet. Li Yun was not surprised by this.

What is strange about him is the attitude of the eldest lady, it seems... very dissatisfied?

Li Yun suddenly became nervous, holding her soft and white slender jade hand, tentatively asked: "Qingyue, are you...in a bad mood now?"


Miss Murong learned Jin Liuli and began to learn to express her dissatisfaction with the prolonged ending.


She exclaimed, her beautiful body soared into the sky, and was held in Li Yun's arms, and his mobile phone was put aside by him.

Before Murong Qingyue could protest in the future, Li Yun's lips were already covered, and everything she wanted to say was melted away, completely silent, and he could only whimper and respond with jerky skills.

The kisses between the two are much less than those of Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu. On the one hand, the lady did not like these things at all. On the other hand, Li Yun was in front of her and was awed by her cold temperament. The restless mood will also dissipate involuntarily, and I can't afford to miss it.

But tonight, the evil fire caused by Jin Liuli's tight and graceful figure, coupled with the little girl-like hum of the eldest lady just now, made Li Yun let go.

The two of them stayed close for a long time, until the young lady, who could not breathe in the intimacy, took the initiative to move her face away, panting and stretched out her hand to block him, Li Yun stopped further action.

"Tonight, Xiao Ai and I have seen the matter between you and Ren Xiaoxia."


Li Yun's fiery enthusiasm was wiped out again, and his back felt cold. The eldest lady actually saw him fighting with Jin Liuli, and what happened?

She specially emphasized He Xiao Ai, it seems that Zhao Xing'er did not see it, it should be the eldest that did not let her continue to look down.

"Miss, I..."

Seeing his flustered appearance, Murong Qingyue stretched out his hand and twisted his ears, and said in her beautiful voice: "I shouldn't come back to comprehend the skills of dream building, let you go alone to fight a girl, I didn't I think you can do it with an aunt."

The tone of her speech was as light as ever, without showing a sour taste, but between the lines, it was all jealous.

Although the voice of the eldest lady was very nice, Li Yun was frightened out of cold sweat, and he explained: "At that time, I... ran away. It was like losing control during a battle. The difference is this time. Impulse is about biological reproduction... Miss, I'm sorry for you!"


Miss Murong was still angry, but already believed Li Yun's words, he would definitely not lie to her.

"Then now... are you thinking about it again?"

The eldest lady looked at him straightforwardly, with a hint of blush on her face that she had just kissed. Li Yun felt something strange again in her heart, hugging her and said, "Yes, but I can control it."

Li Yun remembered an incident before the runaway, and said: "It seems that I was smelling Jin Liuli. Jin Liuli is Ren Xiaoxia's real name. I ran away after smelling her. Maybe it was a girl's body fragrance. Stimulated some kind of switch in my body..."

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