Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1217: Temporary stay

Li Yun waited patiently for her to vent her emotions before asking again: "Are there anything else you want to ask?"


Jin Liuli stared at Li Yun unceremoniously, and asked: "What you said before, what's the illusion constructed by the Murong's eldest? And when I was fighting with you, I always stopped suddenly, like The head was severely hammered. Did you do it?"

She has been unconvinced about losing, if it weren't for this sudden accident, she thinks Li Yun is definitely not her opponent!

Li Yun nodded, "I did it. I call this a mental attack. It is too troublesome to explain now, and there is no time. I will tell you tomorrow."

Seeing him looking at him and reaching out to him, Jin Liuli suddenly understood, blushing and handed his little hand to Li Yun's hand.

"If you don't go back tonight, I'll take you to find a room in the building for a while."


Jin Liuli's face was even more flushed, but she did not object to Li Yun.

The two took the elevator to a guest room in Dingwei Building. Li Yun called Xiao Ai to ask her to open the door of the guest room remotely. After setting up Jin Liuli, he went to find a way to find a lady's coat and handed it to her.

"There is a washing machine and a dryer in the room. You can wash it and dry it at night."

Li Yun gave a careful exhortation, and Jin Liuli did not object in a daze.

After exchanging phone numbers with her again, Li Yun stood up and said: "I'm leaving now, you have a good rest."


Jin Liuli suddenly felt unwilling to give up. She felt empty when she thought that she would be alone in this room.

Finally, Li Yun walked to the door and before closing the door, he said with his back to her: "I will not tell anyone about the matter tonight. You had better do the same. In this way, no one will know about it. , We just assumed it had never happened."

After a pause, Li Yun continued: "Of course, if you want to compensate or have any difficulties in the future, you can come and tell me that I will try my best to help you."


Jin Liuli felt aggrieved when he mentioned this, "Why can't I tell others? My mother, my mother, and the elders in my sect can't say it?"

"Uh...your mother can say it." Li Yun was sweating coldly, wondering if her mother knew that he might not die and peel off, and he might be ruined.

However, these were all his faults, and Li Yun could not shirk if something like that should happen.

"Can't the elders of my school say? Why?" Jin Liuli asked again.

"This... probably will affect your reputation, it's better not to say it." Li Yun was very embarrassed, Jin Liuli didn't understand men and women, she hadn't realized what was going on tonight.

"Affect my Qing reputation?" Jin Liuli said strangely: "I didn't sleep with you. How could it affect my Qing reputation?"

Li Yun: "..."

She was right. Li Yun did not have anything to do with her, and Jin Liuli's Treasure of the Night was not torn. Naturally, nothing could happen.

But what she said was wrong, because what Jin Liuli said was very likely to sleep in bed...a very pure sleep, nothing would happen. After all, she didn't know about those men and women.

Li Yun said vaguely: "In short, it's best not to tell anyone what happened tonight, and it's best not to tell your mother... we just deal with it in private. After all, nothing happened, right?"

In order not to be stripped of her skin by her mother, Li Yun also worked hard.

"Hmph, don't say it!"

Jin Liuli also felt very ashamed of what happened tonight, and it would be better not to say it.

"You perverted relative, crazy demon, you must see my beauty, so you always want to kiss me!"


Li Yun said sincerely: "You can touch your current face."

"Huh? Me, I still wear a disguise mask..."

Jin Liuli touched her face in shock. In other words, she always looked like a forty-year-old aunt in front of Li Yun...

"Ah ah ah!!!"

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