Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1183: Angry Dugu Lingxian

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

There was a chilling accent from the door, Zhang Yuanbai walked in, and shot the phone in Dugu Lingxian's hand.

With a "crack", the unstable mobile phone fell to the ground, and the picture on the screen above was split into countless pieces, just like the heart of Dugu Lingxian at this moment.


There was a pain in the hand being beaten, and Dugu Lingxian really became angry for the first time. She stood up abruptly and wanted to say a few words, but at a glance she saw Zhang Yuanbai with a vicious expression on his face.

She was shocked, Zhang Yuanbai, her fiance, had become more and more irritable, and the expression on her face was almost the same as the golden soldiers described by Li Yun!

"What am I?" Zhang Yuanbai asked with a cold face, "You shameless little watch, are you talking on the phone with Li Yun again?"

Being scolded by her fiance as a cousin, Dugu Lingxian's heart aroused a strong pain. She didn't know how to explain her current mood. Her fiance didn't know her at all, and didn't believe her at all. There is no trust anymore.

"I was talking to Li Yun, but I didn't always call him. I only talked to him less than three times in the past few months. This time it was because of..."

"No reason!"

Zhang Yuanbai looked at her resentfully, "I knew you had a problem with this **** woman and that little white face. You have been refusing to have **** with me. I think you were **** rotten. Keep in the dark!"

"I, no, yes!!!" Dugu Lingxian retorted word by word, his face flushed red, I don't know if it was because his words were too explicit and shy or because he was so angry, "Yuanbai, you are too harsh I'm disappointed, you weren't like this before!"


Zhang Yuanbai raised his hand and slapped the beautiful and holy face of Dugu Lingxian fiercely, and cursed: "What are you disappointed? Cousin always has a million reasons to shirk!"

"Zhang Yuanbai."

Uncle Qi, who had long appeared impatient on the side, finally made a move, grabbing his hand in time and pushing hard, Zhang Yuanbai staggered back and almost sat on the ground.

"Pay attention to your behavior." Uncle Zhang coldly stood in front of Dugu Lingxian and shouted: "You and the young lady are not married yet, do you think you can do whatever you want? Besides, even if you are married, a man who beats a woman is an extremely bad one. People, you are not worthy of Miss!"

"Well said."

Uncle Qi wanted Dugu Lingxian to recognize Zhang Yuanbai's true face, so he never opened his mouth to help her. Now Zhang Yuanbai wants to hit someone, which can't be tolerated anyway!

"Zhang Yuanbai, we will truthfully tell the Patriarch, you just wait for our Dugu family to dissolve the marriage contract with your Zhang family!"

"Dissolution of the marriage contract...?"

This sentence finally made Zhang Yuanbai sober, who was stunned by anger, and he shook his head vigorously, like a drunk person trying to wake up.

His appearance made the three people on the opposite side more and more suspicious, whether he really took the innate pill of the gods and led to this.

"No, no, we can't dissolve the marriage contract." Zhang Yuanbai began to pretend to be pitiful and apologize again, saying to the two seniors that he was just a momentary confusion, and he still believed his fiancée.

Uncle Qi said indifferently: "How specific is it, I will tell the Patriarch and let him decide, you don't have to say it anymore."

"Xian'er, I was wrong, forgive me." Zhang Yuanbai turned to apologize to his fiancée, "Don't dissolve the marriage contract. Give me another chance."

His face made Uncle Qi and Uncle Zhang more and more disgusted, why didn't they mention it when they were angry just now?

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