Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1182: Discount plan

Soon afterwards, Taisheng Technology posted another Weibo.

"In view of the high cost of Bright Source, the company actively cooperates with multiple organizations to solve the problem from the following aspects.

One: Medical insurance reimbursement is available, which belongs to the category of major diseases and can be declared at the highest 50% reimbursement ratio.

Second: Communicate and cooperate with charity associations from all walks of life to establish relevant fund organizations to provide help to poor families. Those in extreme difficulties can qualify for treatment for free.

Third: 20% of the monthly output is used to provide fast and free treatment for children under 14 years of age, so that they can return or start to study in normal schools. "

After these favorable conditions were listed, all netizens closed their mouths.

If normal people have medical insurance, they only need to pay 250,000. Some poor families can also enjoy more preferential programs.

More importantly, children under the age of 14 are eligible for free assistance for 20% of the monthly output, which is even less opposed.

After all, saving children for free is more important than helping some adults who can no longer go to school, and everyone has nothing to say.

Some people questioned why Taisheng Technology would get the trophies from the people’s fighters, but soon someone pointed out that from the information published on Taisheng Technology’s official website, in the new round of investment, Tsingya Research Institute’s shares already accounted for To 80%, although the netizens of Qingya Research Institute do not know the origin, it is almost certainly official.

After such a disturbance, Lawrence's fierce remarks at the press conference were not paid attention to.

Everyone focused on the event of regaining the eyes of blind people around the world, and chose to temporarily ignore the possible consequences. Many people even discussed when the virtual world will be realized, and they don’t care about the probe. The danger of technology.

As Li Yun said, there are two sides to everything, and only after the probe is really dangerous, it can be solved.

The next day, Li Yun got up for class as usual, leaving the rest of the work to Lu Ming and others to complete.

While going to dinner with Xiao Jiayu at noon, he received a call.

"Dugu Lingxian?"

"It's me~"

An excited voice from Medical Fairy came from the phone, "Li Yun, is the source of light released by your company? Is it really the same as the one at the press conference? It can completely solve the problem of blind people, regardless of blindness. Can all symptoms be resolved? Are they true?"

Her tone was hurried, as if she couldn't wait to confirm the situation. It was not at all like the holy doctor fairy whom Li Yun met last time, but more like Ishanshan.

Li Yun was amused, and replied: "It's all true. The technology of the Source of Light has been discussed by many medical experts. It can indeed do many wonderful things. It is not a problem to completely solve blindness."

It can be said that the probe can work as long as the brain is fully functional.

Xiao Jiayu who was opposite him was a little jealous, and Li Yun was talking to the beautiful girl again, although this time, the girl opposite already had a fiance.

"Awesome~~, Li Yun, you are so amazing!"

Dugu Lingxian desperately praised Li Yun for everything she did. She didn't even realize how ambiguous and imaginative her words were, and they would think of some unsuitable images for children.

The two innate mid-term masters who were responsible for protecting her beside her, Zhang Shu and Qi Shu's faces became a little weird, not only because these words make people want to be crooked, but also because of the happy smile of Dugu Lingxian at this moment.

Recently, she was very unhappy because of the trouble with Zhang Yuanbai. They have rarely seen such a joyous smile on the holy and kind face of Dugu Lingxian. Most of the world is pretending to be a gentle smile-she wants to use this The expression soothes the increasingly irritable Zhang Yuanbai.

"Ling, fairy! Who are you calling?!!!"

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