Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1094: Come see me

However, even if the lickers who came out were beheaded by Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu before the security guards, these security guards shot the zombies safely behind them, but they couldn't continue the fight now.

The ammunition is exhausted and must be withdrawn.

"Everyone, follow the order and retreat in an orderly manner!"

After Li Yun issued such an order, everyone began to move backwards. Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu consciously acted as barriers after the break, killing all the lickers who would attack them.

Seeing that these guys had a chance, everyone who was still lurking beside the trees on both sides rushed out one after another. It seems that their IQs are not low.

Everyone backed all the way and came to the road leading to the top of the mountain at the foot of Xiangshan.

A large group of people blocked the road, noisy and did not go up the mountain.

Everyone was carrying large and small bags. The old people and children looked anxious. When they saw Li Yun and the others, they were covered in blood, they looked at them in a little panic.

"what happened?!"

Li Yun came up fiercely and shouted: "Wang Quangui, come and see me immediately!"

Xiao Jiayu was taken aback by Li Yun's anger. She looked at him with a little surprise. It turned out that Li Yun was so terrible on the real battlefield.

Last time Li Yun couldn't go to fight in the Xiao family's old house, so Xiao Jiayu hadn't seen what Li Yun looked like when he was actually fighting.

A security captain ran up quickly, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Director Wang argued with others in front. The Zhang family's bodyguard blocked the way up the mountain. The Zhang family woman said that she wanted Director Wang to agree to her and not send anyone. Enter her house, but security guards must protect them."


Seeing that he was a little nervous, Li Yun suppressed his anger, "Go and stop the zombies from coming. Don't save ammunition. Jiayu, help me block the lickers."

After a real battle roar, with Xiao Jiayu's current strength, it is no problem to block a few lickers.

"Yeah." Xiao Jiayu said worriedly: "Don't mess around, control yourself carefully."

Li Yun nodded and quickly pushed everyone away and ran up the mountain.

He heard the screams of the hostess of the Zhang family from afar, and when he took a closer look, she took a dozen bodyguards with guns, and blocked the only way to the top of the mountain with a huge wooden box.

"What's the matter? My Castle No. 10 is next to the road. I can occupy a seat as I want. What's upsetting you?"

"I tell you, you have to agree to my terms if you want to pass!"

"Send a hundred security guards to protect my home, but no one can live in. This should have been the responsibility of you security guards. The property fees I paid are not for you!"

"Do you dare to do it? Do you believe me if I don't go to the Xiangshan Management Office to sue you and make you lose your job?"

"Huh, dare to do it? It's not a bad idea for you!!"

The hostess of the Zhang family appeared very aggrieved, pointing at Wang Quangui and cursing. Although Wang Quangui was angry, she did not dare to do anything to her.

For many years of easy life, he has long lost his blood, because he is afraid of losing his job, and he has become fearful.

"You are so bold."

Li Yun shouted in a cold and murderous tone, causing everyone present to shudder.

"We were fighting with zombies below, and several people died, Wang Quangui, I asked you to take people up the mountain, but why are you staying here?!"

"How many people died?" Wang Quangui was sweating profusely. He didn't expect things to get so bad.

A total of fifty security guards with submachine guns could not stop it after only a while?

Don’t you mean that zombies are weak? !

The hostess of the Zhang family looked at Li Yun and exclaimed: "Why are you calling so loudly? It just happened, I..."


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