Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1093: fighting

Li Yun's sword was in his chest, but he didn't start to attack the four monsters with Xiao Jiayu, but instead sent a powerful attack with mental power.

The fan-shaped shock wave of mental power spread out at an ultra-fast speed, and the four monsters had a violent stature. After that, they were swept by Xiao Jiayu's falling snow and flying sword. The sword tip cut their throats without any hindrance. Sword kills four lickers!

"...Is it over?" Xiao Jiayu was stunned. Although she already knew that the manifestation level's mental power was very powerful, she felt it personally and it was even more powerful than she thought!

These four monsters would have to spend a lot of hands and feet to fight against them in the early innate period, but under Li Yun's mental impact, she was killed in a blink of an eye, and it couldn't go smoothly anymore!


There were a few painful screams from behind Xiao Jiayu, and the remaining three lickers rushed into the crowd. The opened mouth opened wider. The one-meter-long tongue in the mouth was flicked, and a security guard was caught by their tongues. Entangled,

The security screamed in horror. As soon as the submachine gun in his hand was raised, but there was no time to shoot, he was slammed by the tongue of the licker, the gun in his hand fell out, and the whole person involuntarily rushed towards the mouth of the licker.


There was a creepy skull cracking sound, and the security guard's head was bitten off by the licker. When Li Yun turned his head, he saw it make a swallowing movement up to the sky, and the security guard's head was swallowed with a grunt. .


"Run away!"

"too frightening!"

Everyone flees frantically with guns in hand, this scene is too scary!

Seeing the tragic situation of the security guard, Li Yun was burning with anger and shouted: "I want you to die!"

The death of the security guard reminded Li Yun of his bad memories of losing his comrades on the battlefield. His head was flooded with blood. After a roar, his figure flashed past, and the sword of love was swung out cleanly. The licker who only ate the security stopped and cut it!

"Li Yun!" Xiao Jiayu was afraid that he would rush up again, and hurriedly followed him, cooperating with him to kill the last two lickers.

The remaining security guards had already ran away for some distance, but after seeing the bravery of Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu, they mustered up the courage to return and continue shooting at the zombies that came by.

Xiao Jiayu worriedly took his hand and asked, "Are you okay? Are you...?"

Li Yun shook his head, "Fortunately, I'm fine."

He has rarely lost control on the battlefield since he entered the innate. It seems that he cannot control his inner impulses only when facing Lingling, but this is a special situation, and Lingling himself cannot control the induction in her body. Device.

Li Yun sent a person to inform Wang Quangui to give him an order to prohibit discussion and to forbid imagining zombies and lickers.

Everyone is very puzzled, is it wrong to think?

Reminiscent of a series of crow's mouth incidents, Xiao Jiayu was thoughtful. It seemed that after the spiritual suppression of the illusion was lifted, there was a kind of weirdness of "whatever you want to do" here.

Next, Li Yun and the others retreated while fighting, and he would always remind these people, "The lickers will not evolve, don't worry, everyone, Jiayu and I can deal with them!"

After killing another licker, Xiao Jiayu roughly compared the difference between this licker and the previous one.

The original licker was the research on the direction of biological weapons by the umbrella company. Although the overall strength of the umbrella company is slightly worse than that of the gods, it is not inferior in biological technology.

As a biological weapon similar to a winged monster, the licker has a very ugly appearance, but its combat effectiveness is extremely powerful.

The body can evolve quickly, with great strength and swift speed. Five sharp claws are comparable to steel claws. The long tongue is a great weapon, not to mention their keen sense of smell. Although they have no eyes, they can easily Smell the human scent from miles away.

The lickers with these superpowers are really a nightmare for everyone.

But this was just the previous licker. Under Li Yun's constant hints, Xiao Jiayu found that their speed of action had dropped by at least one step, and the number of them at one time was much smaller than before!

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