Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1086: Enemy track

"Shan Shan, Shan Shan?"

"Well, Li Yun, but also..."

I don't know how long I slept, after Yi Shanshan was woken up by Li Yun, she started to do it stupidly, staring at him for a long time.

"Are you awake?" Li Yun said quickly: "Get ready, something happened."


It took a long time for Yi Shanshan to come back to her senses, and then her beautiful face flushed red. She was ashamed to change her clothes quickly, picked up her clothes and ran to the temporary changing room next to her and slammed the door.

Her behavior surprised everyone, but the eldest lady guessed something and glanced thoughtfully at the closed door.

Ishanshan closed the door with her back leaning on her back, and she covered her chest with her hand. The heart in her chest was pounding. When she thought of the things in her dream, she couldn't help her whole body becoming weak and her feet almost couldn't stand to kneel Fell to the ground.

Just now, in a dream, she and Li Yun, who was dressed in a handsome general with armor, were sitting in a garden full of flowers, doing something to kiss me and me.

The two kissed like glue, and when Li Yun called her, she wanted to let Li Yun continue to kiss her dissatisfied.

When I think of the scene in the dream, Yi Shanshan is shy, even in a room with no one, still can't help covering her cheeks with her hands, closing her eyes and dare not look ahead.

"Me, what's wrong with me? How can I suddenly become...so shameless!!"

Her pure and beautiful face is full of blush. If any man sees her surging in spring, this kind of purity and seductive look, I am afraid that even the most calm and comfortable man will not be able to control it. Live yourself, put all your attention on her, and appreciate the pure beauty to your heart's content.

"Have I been caused by Xiao Jiayu's words to cause a so-called spiritual rift?"

Yi Shanshan's eyes lit up, she let go of the hand covering her face, and after thinking about it carefully, it was really possible.

"Because of the rift in my heart, I made the act of pro-Li Yun, so I had a spring... bad dream?"

"Yes, yes, it must be so!"

"It's all to blame for the gods, to create such an illusion, so that Li Yun can't control himself, but it's the same for me, nothing special..."


In short, Ishanshan found an excuse for her impureness, and the shame in her heart disappeared.

"But, it seems...I was also a blessing in disguise, and I was recognized by Jiayu and Missy."

Ishanshan was happy in her heart, because of this bold move, she expressed her heart earlier, and both of them accepted her.

"Shanshan? Are you okay?" Xiao Jiayu's voice came from outside the door.

"Ah, just fine!"

Yi Shanshan took off her long skirt, put on a tracksuit, fastened the laces of her sports shoes, and prepared to deal with an unknown emergency.

"Jiayu, what happened?"

"Li Yun said that the mental environment surrounding Xiangshan was disturbed."


After Wang Quangui and Captain Zhang heard Li Yun's words, they didn't react for a while, "Is restless?"

"Yes, it is likely that the gods are preparing something, we must be careful."

It is 4 in the morning. Li Yun was awakened by the eldest lady in her sleep. After the eldest lady reached the dream-building realm, her mental power felt the changes in the outside world at any time, as if she had turned on an all-weather radar.

At the stage of Li Yun's appearance, he needs to deliberately release his mental power to do this.

The mental power cage that originally enveloped Xiangshan was a state where people could not breathe. Although ordinary people could not feel it, it was also very uncomfortable.

But just now, Li Yun and the eldest lady felt that Xiangshan's mental power had changed and turned into a restless state, it seemed that something was brewing.

"Team, captain, the situation has changed, and an enemy has come out of the fog!"

Several gunshots came from the intercom.

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