Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1085: Ishanshan's kiss

After Li Yun had dinner, he was too tired after a busy day. After chatting with a few of them in the living room, he fell asleep without a few words.

Because of the need to guard against and prevent emergencies, he and the young lady are sleeping on the sofa in the living room tonight. The high-end sofa is very soft. Although they are still not used to it, they have to do it.

Seeing that Li Yun and Missy fell asleep soon, Xiao Jiayu whispered to Yi Shanshan, "They are all tired today, let's go to sleep too."

"Well, Jiayu, you go to bed first, I'm not too tired yet."

Staring at Li Yun for a long time, the complex expression in Yi Shanshan's eyes turned soft. Behind the thrilling things, it was the result of the silent efforts of Li Yun and many people. What she had seen before was the beautiful side. , I can’t see Li Yun’s preliminary work.

Now looking at him in his sleep, Ishanshan has a trace of guilt, ashamed of her lack of understanding before.

"Li Yun, thank you~"

Yi Shanshan said softly, and looked at the people around who were asleep. When she turned her head to look at Li Yun's handsome face, her own face turned red.

Ishanshan thought of something bad.

"Do you want to do it?"

"No, not so good?"

"But... I really want to... kiss, kiss him..."

"Jiayu agreed, what am I afraid of?"

"Just, just give it a kiss, it's a reward for Li Yun..."

In the end, after a fierce spiritual struggle, Yi Shanshan surreptitiously looked left and right after confirming that no one was paying attention. She quietly opened the sheet covering her knees, put on slippers, and walked to Li Yun's side. After watching for a long time, he finally gathered up his courage, lifted his hair with his hands, lowered his head and kissed Li Yun's...face.

The warm touch made Yishanshan lost her senses. Just kissing her cheek made her feel hot and soft. If it were a real kiss, she didn't know how excited she would be.

"I like you, Li Yun~"

With delicate lips leaving his cheek, Yi Shanshan blushed and said while looking at Li Yun who was sleeping. She was about to go back secretly again. When she looked up, she saw that the young lady beside Li Yun had already sat up and was using Her cold black eyes looked straight at her!


Ishanshan opened her mouth and wanted to shout, but she left and thought about the current situation, and then she silenced her voice.


The two looked at each other for a while, and Yi Shanshan's mind was blank, and she was caught face-to-face by the eldest lady. Yi Shanshan had a feeling of passing away on the spot. She wanted to go back in time and beat herself to death a minute ago!

"Go to sleep, remember what I said to you." The lady lay down again, as if nothing happened or said nothing.


Yishanshan obediently agreed, returned to her sofa bed stiff hands and feet, and lay down. Only then did her mind begin to deal with what the eldest lady had passed to her.

There are more memories in her mind, just like what she saw from a certain book or a certain TV show, but Ishanshan carefully searched for the memory, and she didn’t know where these extra memories came from. .

"This is... the message that Missy sent me mentally?"

Yishanshan read the memories of Zhexi and finally came to the conclusion that it was what the eldest had warned her specially.

"I can agree with you and Li Yun."

"However, I have already told Li Yun that I will not fight with you, and you should not provoke me specifically."

"Li Yun's love for you can't be more than me, at most we are the same."

"Don't act like a resentful woman. Be prepared with a popular man like Li Yun."

"You had a good character before, I don't hate it."


Yishanshan was both happy and entangled. Among the numerous conditions and warnings, the eldest lady did not set conditions to oppress her like a queen in the ancient palace, but instead stepped and forbeared her, making Yishanshan very surprised and puzzled.

There are some conditions that she doesn't understand too much, and she wants to ask the eldest lady, but now it is not that time.

However, she still understood that the eldest lady meant to keep her as it is.

"Thank you, Jiayu, Miss."

After thinking about it, Yi Shanshan finally let go of her heart completely, closed her eyes and went into a sweet sleep.

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