The two of them didn't drive either, and walked directly along the road. The road leading to the outside world was all blocked. Everyone in Xiangshan wanted to drive away, but only discovered the abnormality when the car in front was blocked.

There was silence for a while, but Yi Shanshan didn't speak, but she looked worried.

"How is it? Are you feeling okay? Do you feel exhausted?" She did not speak, and Li Yun had to take the initiative to find a topic, otherwise the atmosphere would be strange.

"It's okay~, just a little bit scared by you, Li Yun."

As Ishanshan said, she made a face at him, she looked very cute.

Li Yun smiled, looked into the distance, and said leisurely: "Actually, what they said is right. If there weren't the goals of the religious cults such as my eldest lady and Xiao Jiayu, the religious people would not have come. Attack Xiangshan."


Yi Shanshan exclaimed, and quickly took Li Yun's hand to comfort him: "But, Li Yun, you did nothing wrong."

Being held by her slender and soft little hands, Li Yun felt infinite tenderness in her heart, and somehow she didn't break free.

"Well, I was right. Don't worry, I won't blame myself for it, but because they blame me, and I have to be tough."

Li Yun said lightly: "Otherwise, the people of Xiangshan would not be able to obey my wisdom. And I, I think I have some leadership skills."

He laughed at himself, but Yi Shanshan said seriously: "I think so, Li Yun, you must be the best person!"

Li Yun smiled gratefully at her. It was really fortunate that a pure and beautiful girl trusted and comforted her.

"Thank you, Shanshan."

"Hee hee, what are you talking about~, we are good friends, aren't we?" Yi Shanshan's face was slightly red, and she felt Li Yun's strange feelings towards her, which was different from the previous gratitude. This time, he seemed to have So a little... tenderness and sweetness.

As soon as she thought of this, her heart also rippled.


The two were speechless all the way, and Li Yun actually forgot to throw her hand away, so he took her soft little hand and walked to the end of the road together.


When he was about to check, Li Yun discovered this situation. Although Yishanshan’s little hand in his hand gave him a very good feeling, Li Yun was frightened and quickly threw her away. The action was so big that it even made Yishanshan a moment. stunned.

"I'll see the situation."

Seeing him hurried forward and the unnatural look on his face, Yi Shanshan finally understood and laughed scornfully.

It turned out that Li Yun must have reacted just now, and shouldn't have walked so far hand in hand with her like a couple.

In other words, Li Yun must have a feeling for her in his heart, otherwise he would not be frightened and throw her hand away, which proves that he must feel sorry for Xiao Jiayu and...Miss.

After a period of observation, Yi Shanshan finally determined that Li Yun had a tangled relationship with Xiao Jiayu and the eldest at the same time.

Moreover, the two peerless beauties also knew each other's existence at the same time, but they didn't mind.

Yi Shanshan even saw Xiao Jiayu taking care of the eldest lady, which showed that they were getting along very happily, not like being jealous.

Because of this, Yi Shanshan was able to summon the courage to pursue him when Li Yun said he and Xiao Jiayu were boy and girl friends.

After all, if the Generalissimo, there are definitely many girls who like it...

"Li Yun, wait for me."

The blush on Yishanshan's face became more obvious, but she didn't want to miss such a good opportunity and caught up with him again.

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