Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1064: No doubt

Li Yun didn't know how the gods did it. Everyone's mobile phones, including the computers in the security room, could be turned on, and the information in them was all available.

In addition to being unable to connect to the Internet, it is almost the same as outside.

However, although it was able to boot up and check the computer, the special forces that Captain Zhang brought did not find any useful information.

"No, still no, everyone's record is not suspicious."

The computer expert said embarrassingly: "Li Yun, maybe we are looking in the wrong direction. The network technology of the gods is definitely much better than ours. Even if he invades, there is no artificial intelligence like Li Xiaoai, I can't find it. What useful thing."

"I can't get in touch with Xiao Ai." Li Yun knew what he wanted to ask, and shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "You are thinking about it correctly. Then I can check out the interview records of the last few days, especially one entry Records of more than five people."

Now Wang Quangui was embarrassed again, "Li Yun, we went in and out of Xiangshan, except to check the identity of the head of the household, but the people who brought in didn't record it."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Li Yun looked at him strangely, "Normally, the community has a record of visiting people. Why don't you get to the tightly guarded Xiangshan without checking?"

"This one……"

Wang Quangui fumbled to tell the truth.

It turned out that a long time ago, the head of Xiangshan specifically requested to cancel the inspection of those who brought in, and only required the security department to check those who were eligible to enter Xiangshan and confirm that the other party was not coerced.

Li Yun thought about it, and immediately got the answer.

It seems that these upper-class people do not want the people they brought in to be recorded in order to prevent any shady evidence from being left.

"These people are really..." Li Yun sighed helplessly. He had no choice but to give up.

Yi Shanshan asked cautiously: "Li Yun, where are we going to check next?"

After being frustrated one after another, even she has lost confidence.

"Don't worry, there will be a way."

Li Yun turned his head and said to Wang Quangui: "In the two meetings today, many people said frustrated or opposed to me. I plan to check them all. Do you remember their names?"

Yishanshan stood and listened obediently, even if Li Yun went to check the person who opposed him, she had no objection now.

Because Li Yun must be much smarter than her, there must be his reasons!

Yishanshan had already blindly obeyed Li Yun's command and trusted him incomparably.

"Remember some."

Wang Quangui sorted out the personnel's information, printed it out and gave it to Li Yun.

Looking at these materials, Li Yun said: "These people have, three of them are particularly noteworthy, Guo Fuyu, and the rich second generation Gu Tianming, middle-aged woman Xiao Mei. All three of them looked suspicious before. Come down, you must pay special attention to their actions!"

Especially Xiao Mei, Li Yun doubted her most.


There is nothing to investigate next. Li Yun asked them to be on guard at any time. Even if Li Yun went there, he had to cross-examine the person to make sure that the character of the incoming person was the same as usual before letting go, so as to prevent the gods from changing into other things in the realm Human appearance.

Everyone smiled bitterly at each other, even the closest person could stabb them at any time in the realm of fantasy. This feeling really hurts!

"Where shall we go next, go back?"

Ishanshan asked curiously. It has been nearly 10 hours since everyone fell into the environment at 8 in the morning.

Li Yun looked at the road in the distance, "I'm going to the border to take a look, and I will go back to eat after reading, Shanshan you..."

"Of course I will go too~"

Ishanshan quickly answered the conversation.


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