Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1021: Giants get together

The official blog of Super Technology was in chaos, and the last Weibo showing the delivery time of each city was reposted in large numbers, and the number of comments alone reached one million.

The people who bought it were all praised and gave detailed experience of use. Without exception, the effect of this muffler exceeded their expectations. It perfectly shielded all external sounds, and it can suppress the noise emitted by the muffler. The voice is locked within a certain range, and there is no need to worry about being heard by someone doing something between husband and wife.

After hearing this news, major hotels and hotels are ordering in batches, and each room has one set. In the future, it is expected that the muffler will become the standard configuration of hotel rooms.

As for those who didn't buy it, they were itching to watch, and went to the official blog every day to leave a message to urge Super Technology to increase production.

Many of them have experienced it with friends and colleagues, and are even more looking forward to the muffler.

I didn't think it before, but once there is something that can shield the sound, it immediately becomes a necessity, and I can't wait to have one right away.

In the anger of the crowd, Super Technology finally issued an announcement stating that it will continue to recruit suitable agents and transfer technology to all agents to increase production. It is expected that the output will be 10 million more units within one month. To satisfy the appetite of netizens, they changed their tunes and praised super technology.

And Yishanshan’s Weibo, because of the big sales of muffler, was also praised and envied by many fans. She said that Shining is really a good foresight. She caught such an excellent company at a glance, and she has benefited hundreds of times in just a few months. Billion.

Yishanshan’s friends in the entertainment circle are even more envious. Yishanshan’s publicity and investment directly doubled her assets, at least 5 billion into 30 billion.

The vast majority of stars with this money can't even think about it. Even if they don't make movies in the future, the profits from the shares of Super Technology will be enough for a lifetime.

But what everyone didn't expect was that an explosive news came out, directly pushing Super Technology into everyone's field of vision again, which caused a huge response.

After the news came out, Yishanshan's fans began to worry, I am afraid that their idol’s shares in Super Technology were not guaranteed.

Because this news is related to the reorganization of Super Technology.

"It is suspected that Super Technology was acquired. The founders of the three major technology companies jointly visited Dingwei Building to discuss the acquisition."

But soon everyone knew that the news speculated that the acquisition was pure nonsense.

When the real news came out, they realized how weak their previous guesses were.

"On the morning of February 20th, the founders of the three major domestic technology companies, together with the heads of taxi-hailing, shopping websites, voice recognition, mobile phones, communications, drone giants, food delivery groups, and household appliances groups, visited 30 people. Super Technology Corporation.

An insider revealed that in addition to science and technology companies, China Academy of Sciences, an important bank of China, important leaders of China Shipping City, important departments of China, education, agriculture, industry, etc. all have leaders to inspect and observe. "

This news came out, not to mention the sensation in China, the whole world's eyes were basically attracted here.

Everyone speculated that so many chairmen of technology companies and leaders of so many national departments gathered on the same day to visit the same company. Why?

Certainly, something shocking will be brewing, otherwise it would not be so exciting.

Thinking of the recent news about Super Technology, many people have vaguely guessed.

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