Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1020: Amazing effect

Li Liyi returned home at 7 in the morning and got the courier in the security room. Now there is still an hour before the decoration of the house upstairs.

In the past, Li Li would take a quick shower and eat something to sleep when he returned home.

But today, "Huh, I don't sleep, I must wait until you start decorating and I will sleep again!"

That's right, Li Liyi is so headstrong!

For some kind of nasty pleasure, he just waited tired and anxiously to go to bed when the renovations started upstairs, in order to experiment with the super power of this muffler.

At that time, it will be unimaginable!

The time finally came to 8 o'clock, Li Liyi did not wait for the residents upstairs to decorate.

"It should be late, no hurry, I will definitely come today."


"It's a bit late."


"Damn, upstairs, come on!"


"Oh my God, I can't stand it anymore. You came when I missed you, but now I miss you, but you don't come!"

Li Li caught fire, put the muffler directly on the table without turning it on, and went directly to bed to sleep.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Finally, the powerful sound of the electric drill digging into the wall sounded, and Li Liyi almost jumped up straight, and said with a surprised look: "Sure enough!"

Hearing the disgusting noise, he immediately felt a sense of irritability, and he wanted to rush up and beat the guy upstairs to calm down.

It's so pitiful, Li Liyi has endured the sound for a month, and his body has already reacted to the sound instinctively. He will feel uncomfortable when he hears it.

But today, all this is finally over.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The voice from upstairs continued, Li Li stretched out his hand tremblingly, and slowly pressed towards the switch of the muffler.

His heart trembled as well, and he yelled frantically: "Definitely, it must be effective, otherwise, I'm really going crazy!!"

Li Liyi prayed in his heart, and finally touched the switch button with his finger.

With a light push, the world is quiet.

Everything seemed to fall into a deadly silence. There was no rumbling of electric drills, no banging of hammers hitting wooden boards. Everything was quiet...

Li Liyi trembled all over, and then gently pressed the button to turn off the muffler.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The noise was still there, he immediately opened it again, and the world was quiet again.

Open, grumpy.

Closed, quiet.

After repeated experiments a dozen times, Li Liyi finally satisfied his inner pleasure.

What kind of feeling is this... Simply put: cool! ! !

"Shuang! It's so cool!! It's so cool!!!"

Li Liyi shouted with excitement, cheering for the powerful effect of this muffler like a madman.

Finally, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep, turned on the phone and immediately ran to SuperTech's Weibo and sent a message:

"Thank God, thank you, thank your company's muffler for giving me a world without noise, and for giving me a happy new life [狗头脸] Hahahaha, I am dead now!!!"

After sending it out for three seconds, many netizens replied immediately: "The classmates who received the muffler are so happy to die immediately!"

"Without a muffler, the world is gloomy."

"Draw a circle and curse everyone who receives the muffler!"

"Please send, coordinate: **** city."

"Your company is really real, don't you have a B-number in mind how much you can sell? I mean: immediately increase the output for me, what I said is immediately, have you heard it!"

"Hehe, I didn't get it before, and only sold for 10 million. With proper hunger marketing, Super Technology will be black forever! Get out!"

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