"As expected of the 'Vicious Chain', he defeated the most outstanding member of CP9 in just a few strokes."His voice was deep and powerful:"Introduce yourself, 'Lion' Los. Next, I will be your opponent. A smile appeared on the corner of Ellen

's mouth:"Okay, but if you also lose, I have to make some demands.""

‘Lion'Los showed a sneer:"……Then wait until you win."The second round begins.

With the roar of the beast, the figure of 'Lion' Los continues to enlarge, and his already wanton and arrogant thick black hair floats towards the sky like flames.

Aeron put his hands in his pockets and waited patiently Ross's transformation was completed.

In the end, Ross' figure soared to a height of 5 meters. His thick black hair turned into a beautiful long mane that fluttered like flames, and connected with the swollen beard and hair on his lower jaw. The upper half of his face was directly He transformed into a majestic lion king; his palms were not as sharp and ferocious as Lu Qi's leopard man form, but instead were full of a heavy kingly demeanor; his muscles swelled so much that they almost burst his suit and shirt, and a thick lion tail swept freely behind him. Moving.

Animal cat fruit - lion form!

"Phew... long wait."Loss twisted his neck twice and made a clicking sound:"Let me make it clear first that I will not show mercy to a master like you. If you don't want to die, use all your strength to defeat the 'King Shichibukai'."

A sheathless long sword with blue patterns appeared in the palm of Aeron's palm, and he smiled slightly:"It's just what I want."

The battle has begun!

Los' figure swayed and disappeared instantly! Ellen turned her head suddenly and saw that Ross had jumped at least 20 meters and appeared behind him in less than half a second!

So fast!! More explosive than Rob Lucci! Even Aeron would adjust his posture. Just as he raised the long knife in his hand, he saw the ground under Los's feet suddenly exploded. Using the huge recoil, he used it faster than before. He rushed towards Aeron with great speed, and black barb-shaped nails popped out from between the thick claws of his left palm, grabbing towards Aeron's head!

"Finger Spear·King Claw!"

Iron was just about to raise his knife to block, when a slightly blurry picture suddenly flashed through his mind! In a daze for just a moment, the long knife in his hand suddenly broke apart, revealing the tough zipper attached to it, and then his feet jerked back. He ran away, and at the same time, the whole long knife was whipped towards Loss like a long whip!

The moment the chain whip collided with the nails, a large number of sparks burst out, and Ross's entire hand was covered with jet-black armed domineering energy. He ignored it. His hand was sharpened by the violent fluctuations of the chain blade, causing sparks to fly. He grabbed the chain whip and yanked it towards him! Taking advantage of the situation, Aeron stood up, raised his right hand backwards, and the tips of his five fingers shone with metallic light. Then he shouted loudly and waved his arm at Los, who was getting closer. Five chain blades flew out and twisted at high speed to form a multi-ring spiral whip, which hit Ross's head hard!

And Ross's The attack had arrived. After he pulled Elen and the knife flying towards him, the muscles of his right arm suddenly swelled and bulged, with veins popping up on the surface. His fingers were slightly open, and sharp barbs popped out from the fingertips. He used all his strength to blast towards Aeron, who was flying towards him!

"Metal zipper·five-string pipa·note string!!"

"The Secret of the Finger Spear·The King of Lion Luo!!"

Neither of the two sides wanted to pay the price of their lives for such a broken mission. Two powerful and devastating blows hit one place with tacit understanding! The harsh friction sound was deafening! Sparks flew everywhere where the two sides came into contact, shaking the crowd. Can't open my eyes.


With a loud noise, the two of them were blown backwards at the same time! The surface of the spiral whip twisted by Aeron's fingertips was shattered and sparks flew everywhere. The countless rings that made up the whip could no longer rotate, and scattered sparks shot out like a malfunctioning machine.

On the other side, Los's condition is not good either. The black barbed nails on the five fingers of his right claw were all broken off, and the entire palm trembled slightly, obviously being severely whipped by Aeron's spiral whip.

Ross forced a grin and his voice trembled slightly:"Good boy... I really believe that Moonlight Moria was defeated in your hands." His right arm quickly stopped shaking, and all the broken nails fell off. Brand new nails slowly grew out from between the fingers.

What a strong resilience...the awakening of the animal system?

Seeing this scene, Ellen frowned slightly. He flicked his right wrist, and the damaged and shattered ring shell on the spiral whip automatically fell off and disappeared, and then returned to the five chain blades and returned to the fingertips.

Just as the two sides were getting ready to fight again, the phone bug's voice of"Dulu, Dulu" rang out from the arms of 'Pinocchio' Kaku, who was supporting Rob Lucci and watching the battle.

After he handed Lucci to the 'Big Bad Wolf' Gabra, he picked up the phone bug and ran quickly to Los.

Upon seeing this, Ellen flicked her fingers, flew out a zipper and hooked the famous sword 'Lei Yu Zuo' that fell far away, and retracted it into the zipper space in her palm.

Los transformed back into human form, patted the dust on his body and answered the phone:

"Sir, this is Los Angeles. The phone bug's expression turned into a majestic old man's face, and he asked slowly:"How is it?""

Los glanced at Elen, and then said respectfully to the phone bug:"It's very strong. The probability of defeating Moonlight Moria is more than 60%.%"

"……I want to talk to him"

"yes."Loss took the phone bug from Kaku's hand, walked to Aeron, and held the phone bug to a position parallel to Aeron's eyes.

"Philia Aeron, you've given us a big problem."The phone bug's voice was filled with a hint of displeasure.

"Dear Lord Wulaoxing, I was passively beaten from beginning to end. Aeron waved to Robin in the distance, and then said to the phone bug with a smile:"Look, Moonlight Moria is rushing to find trouble with me. How can I, as the father, not respond?""

The phone bug said coldly:"Then you should just stay in the West Sea! Just after defeating Moonlight Moria, you ran to the Grand Line. Did you want to challenge the majesty of the World Government? Aeron looked innocent:"I came to the Grand Line purely to relax and travel!" Challenging the world government is a fool's errand, so I disagree."

Loss, who was holding the phone in his hand, had a grin on his face when he heard this conversation. This kid is really brave. He dares to be so glib with the five old stars who hold the highest power in the world...

The other end of the phone sneered. After two sounds, he said:"I said you gave us a big problem, not because you defeated Moonlight Moria... but because you defeated him but didn't eliminate the root cause! Now that he has disappeared without a trace, the last position of the King's Shichibukai is still up in the air, and you have to bear the main responsibility!"

Ellen sneered:"Ha! I originally thought that the World Government would be lenient to its own 'Ocean Shichibukai'?

The old man with a cold face said:"Smart people should stop talking nonsense, Philia Yron." Is Nicole Robin with you? Hand her over!"

Robin was startled, and subconsciously grabbed Elon's arm. Elen patted her little hand that was covered in cold sweat, and looked at the phone bug with a frosty expression:"I don't agree with this sentence. Moonlight Moria also said it once, and now I will say it again. If you, as the boss (Father), can't protect your subordinates, then how can you survive? Five Old Stars, if you really want to steal Robin, why don't you try it? If you dare to send people here, I will kill them all! Kill as many as you can!"

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