The leading man chuckled and said,"It's normal that you don't know who we are. There are eight spy agencies under the World Government.…………"

"CipherPol No.9, the world government's ace killer spy agency known as CP9. Aeron raised his eyebrows, found a bench in the shade under the tree and sat down with Robin, and said easily:"What?" Is the world government finally planning to bring me, an ordinary citizen, to justice? Guys, please stop standing around. It will easily attract other people's attention. Please sit down."

The tall man at the head nodded to the other three, and then he also found a bench next to Aeron and sat down. The three subordinates, only the pigeon man with long black curly hair, stood behind the tall man with his hands clasped behind his back. The two of them dispersed and disappeared into the crowd.

"Mr. Ellen has a deep understanding of our organization."The tall man's eyes behind the mask were as sharp as a sharp blade.

"Just heard a little bit. Aeron waved his hand:"Let's be direct. What does the World Government want from me?""

"Very simple. The tall man moved his neck and made a clicking sound:"The government intends to recruit you to join us."

Ellen laughed loudly:"Are you kidding me?" When did CP start to attract outsiders to join? Isn't your usual style of training and brainwashing the children of your internal team and the orphans you have collected since childhood, so as to obtain a perfect and loyal killing machine? The tall man shrugged his shoulders:"It's just a decision from above. In fact, I don't quite understand it." But an order is an order, and your wishes don't count. Leopard, try his quality."

The pigeon man standing behind moved his shoulders, and the pigeon flew into the air.

Elen raised his finger and shook it:"Wait a moment, wait a moment."He inserted two pieces of 'Bin Bin Pulu' and put them in his mouth, and bit into half a piece of thin chili pepper. The strong aroma and the spiciness of the chili pepper hit his tongue, leaving him with an endless aftertaste!

Aeron planned to go back and ask Robin to buy more. The specialty chili here, 'Mercy Green', is really a treasure for those who like spicy food. He took the handkerchief handed over by Robin and wiped the corners of his mouth, stood up and said easily:"Fill it in a little bit. Belly... Today is an important festival here, so don't dampen the public's interest. There is a place in the northwest that is empty and has few people, so go there."

He took Robin's little hand and walked towards the northwest garden.

The pigeon landed on the curly-haired man's shoulder again, cooed twice and then asked:" that okay, lion? The tall man known as the 'Lion' nodded in disbelief:"Such trivial matters don't matter, just let him go where he wants to go." Pinocchio, the big bad wolf, follow."

With that said, 'Lion' stood up and walked towards the northwest. Two figures emerged from the crowd and followed closely behind 'Lion' and 'Leopard'.

Not long after, several people arrived at the northwest garden.

Said It is a garden. In fact, this is the former site of the park. Two years ago, Tanar Town built a new large garden on the west side of the island, so this place was temporarily shelved. There are no residential buildings around, and most people go there due to the festival. It's Central Street, and no one comes here to play. It's a perfect fighting venue.

Aeron took off his suit jacket and handed it to Robin, slowly rolling up his sleeves:"I have no interest in joining your rotten organization. But since you disturbed my fun, I will give you a good beating to vent my anger."

The pigeon man codenamed 'Leopard' also took off his suit jacket and threw it aside. After the pigeon landed on his shoulder, he said:"Gu Gu... I've seen too many country bumpkins from the sea, so you guys have to be loud. Let me, Mr. Hadley, teach you, a newcomer, a profound lesson.

Aeron tilted his head:"Ventriloquism?" Or dual personality? Don’t you blush with these ridiculous remarks you made from the mouth of a pigeon?"

The pigeon flew away, and 'Leopard' sneered, took off his mask, and said with his own voice:"……Things that don’t know whether to live or die."

His body gradually expanded and soon reached a height of nearly 3 meters. His oily fur was covered with spots, his sharp claws, his tail that made the sound of wind when swinging like an iron whip, and his mouth full of sharp... Teeth... animal cat fruit - leopard form!

Aeron put his hands in his pockets and whistled frivolously:"Wow, it's really a leopard. So, the lion and the big bad wolf are also real code names?…………Is your CP9 a zoo?"

‘The leopard wasn't angry, he just sneered and licked his paws.

The 'Lion' standing aside said in a deep voice:"'Leopard', calm down, we need him alive!"

Aeron smiled slightly, and he recognized who the man in front of him was at the first sight. The strongest fighting genius and killing machine in the history of CP9, Rob Lucci! If nothing else, the 'Big Bad Wolf' and 'Pinocchio' over there should be Gabra in the wolf form of the Dog Fruit and Kaku with the long nose who has not eaten the Devil Fruit yet. Spandam should still be affiliated with CP5 at this time. Soon he will make great achievements because of 'that incident' and successfully take over CP9 as the commander of CP9.

Then, this man called 'Lion' should be the current commander of CP9.

Lu Qi sneered and said:"In CP9, people speak in terms of 'Dao Li' and don't pay attention to seniority. Don't worry, I will slowly teach you these rules after I beat you to death." As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Qi's figure suddenly appeared. disappear!

Aeron put his hands in his pockets and turned his body, just in time to avoid the giant claw coming from behind. Then sparks flew from his feet, and he moved a few meters away in a strange posture. He turned around and looked at the giant leopard man who stopped in place after missing the attack.

"What's wrong? keep going."Iron yawned and continued to arouse Lu Qi's anger.

Rob Lu Qi remained unmoved:……Newcomer, does it make you so happy just to escape this attack? It seems you don't know what 'Superman' is.’!"

Lu Qi let out a low shout, and the ground beneath his feet exploded. His figure suddenly rushed in front of Elen, raising his index fingers to create a cone shadow!

"Finger gun·Madara!"

"Resin zippered and spotted pockets."

Iron put his hands in his pockets and opened several zippers from time to time as he swayed from side to side, just in time to avoid the rain of guns.

Then he raised his right foot and whipped Lu Qi hard. Lu Qi reacted very badly. Quickly, he suddenly jumped into the air to avoid the whip kick, stepped on the air explosion a few times, and then made several sharp angle marks and pounced towards Aeron from the air.

But Aeron's domineering power is not the way he is now. As Qi could do, he grabbed the gap exposed by Lu Qi and struck suddenly, hitting Lu Qi's stomach with a powerful and heavy punch! The two of them seemed to pause slightly at the moment of contact, and then With a muffled sound, Lu Qi flew backwards, smashed several garden sculptures, and fell into the bushes.

‘The Big Bad Wolf and Pinocchio immediately ran towards the bush where Lucci disappeared. The 'Lion' loosened his arms, took off his mask and stretched his shoulders.

This is a majestic face with Chinese characters, a carefully trimmed short beard at the corner of the mouth, and the most eye-catching thing is the pair of thick eyebrows that are not angry or authoritative.

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