Aeron scratched his cheek and smiled bitterly:"Let's not be so formal, okay? My name is Philia Aeron. I'm glad to meet you. I am a dancing lady from the Kozuki family of Wano Country."

In the alley The wind suddenly stopped.

Wu Hongji lowered her right hand, and then a bit of cold light came out of her sleeve and went straight to Elen's throat.

But Elen's reaction was faster, and his neck automatically turned into a zipper and broke in half, allowing Wu Hongji's thrust to escape.

Resin zipper puzzle.

Ellen grabbed Mai Hongji's right arm, who had no time to retreat, and said warmly:"What's wrong? Miss Mai doesn't want people to know that her hometown is Wano Country? Or do you want people to know that you are Kozuki?" Are you one of Oden's retainers?"

Wu Hongji flipped her restrained right wrist and threw the short sword in her hand into the air. She was about to catch it with her left hand, but Ellen tightly held her left arm, so she had no choice but to give up and looked at it bitterly. Looking at Aeron:"The lackey of the Black Carbon Serpent! I am so blind, why did I fall into the trap?"……"

Aeron laughed out loud and said:"That short, fat guy with a square face is not qualified to be my master. All kidding aside, if you exercise so intensely a few times, your feet will be really useless."

He wanted to say something else to calm down. In an awkward atmosphere, I suddenly found a figure standing blankly at the door of the alley, it was Perona!

Her mouth was full of sweet rice cakes, and she was holding a bunch of wrapped desserts in her arms. At this time, she stared dumbfounded at Yi Lun and Wu Hongji, who were half-pulling and half-hugging each other in the dark alley.

I just went out to eat some sweet rice cakes, and then got raped by a strange woman? ?

"elder brother! Who is this shameless bad woman! ?"

Perona threw the food in her arms into the sky, threw herself between Wu Hongji and Yi Lun, and pushed the former hard.

"No, shameless? rude! I am the victim! You rude silly girl, let go!"

Wu Hongji let out a scream, and without knowing where the strength came from, she broke free from Ellen's hand and struggled with Perona.

Ellen tried her best not to look up to the sky and sigh. She became more and more fragrant no longer looking at it. In the fight scene, Aeron leaned over and picked up the dagger that fell on the ground.

Before he could take a closer look at the dagger in his hand, Aeron, who was half-crouching, suddenly looked up at the other end of the alley. He waved the dagger in his hand. He sharply slashed the knife on the ground, and a beige zipper appeared on the ground along the trace. At the same time, the ground at both ends of the zipper became as soft as cloth, but it still felt like a hard stone when touched.

Ellen was like Pulling up the ground at one end of the zipper as easily as pulling a canvas, and at the same time releasing the ability.

Resin zipper and building blocks.

A large piece of stone ground suddenly lifted up, blocking the three of them like a giant shield. At the same time, a twine wrapped around The violently high-temperature coal bombs hit the huge 'stone shield', causing a shower of gravel and violent dust and smoke.

The two beautiful girls also reacted quickly. Two burly figures quickly appeared next to Perona. The big ghost guarded her side.

Wu Hongji snatched the dagger from Yi Lun's hand, glared at him fiercely, and held the knife in her backhand.

A group of figures appeared at the end of the alley. The previous one The bald man in blue with a horse-faced mohawk and a bandage around his neck stood out. Walking in the C position was an unusually slender man with a long beard. His eyebrows and the edges of his beard were burning with embers. He has a sinister expression. Needless to say, he is the 'Charcoal Eyebrow' that Aeron mentioned before.

"‘Umbridge, the charcoal eyebrow, is a superhuman charcoal fruit user with a bounty of 87 million. Aeron took off his hat and threw it aside, loosened his collar and said easily:"This is a warning. I can forget about the attack just now, but please carefully consider your next actions." So please take the garbage behind you, turn around, and get out."

Umbridge was unmoved, and her expression remained the same gloomy look. He slowly scanned the three of them, lingered on Perona for a while, and finally fixed his gaze on Wu Hongji.

"……Is that you? Umbridge's voice was also surprisingly low and weird:"Kneel down on the ground and crawl over with that pink-haired guy, otherwise you will end up with the same fate as this mean-mouthed boy.""

As he spoke, dark red embers appeared on the fingertips of his black moleskin gloves.

Wu Hongji frowned and whispered to Aeron:"This magician is very strong! You guys run away, I'll hold him back."

Having said that, Wu Hongji was determined to kill herself with a knife as soon as Ellen and Perona escaped. Even though she was seriously injured and was weak, she could not use her abilities to the fullest, and she would not be able to compete with the opponent. It is really difficult to win a battle with a tall, thin and ugly man, but the innocent body that has been protected for 18 years will never be handed over to such a shameless person!

Ellen sighed helplessly, grabbed Wu Hongji by her back collar and pulled her away. Throw it to Perona:"What kind of drama are you adding without permission... The wounded should behave like wounded people and stay by Perona's side."

He took off his casual coat and threw it to the ground, and slowly rolled up his shirt cuffs:"You are wasting my kindness, Mr. Umbridge."

"Haha... I don't know the heights of the world.……"The embers on Umbridge's eyebrows exploded suddenly, sparking a little spark:"I guarantee you will die in a very painful way."

Scorch marks broke out on the ground under Umbridge's feet, and she rushed to Aeron and others very quickly. In front of the giant stone shield in front of the person! His hands turned into charcoal fists burning with embers, and he clasped his hands together and slammed down on the stone shield!

"Meteor charcoal explosive punch!!" boom————!!!!

As if a bomb detonated instantly, the stone shield and the stone walls around the alley were blown to pieces! The men of 'Cinderella Eyebrow' were all shaken by the violent shock wave and flew out of the alley screaming.

In the ruins of the smoky alley, Umbridge showed a ferocious smile:"Run away like a mouse, kid! I will tear every bone in your body alive after I catch you!""Oh? Great mind. It always coincides, right? Mr. Umbridge?" Aeron's voice suddenly came from behind Umbridge.

The veins on Umbridge's temples bulged, and dark red charcoal shells appeared all over her body. Then, it exploded instantly!!

"Charcoal blasted body!!"

The alley ushered in the second devastating explosion, and the buildings on both sides were completely damaged and collapsed. A figure suddenly jumped into the air from the sudden smoke and dust. It was the slender 'Charcoal Eyebrow' Umu. Richie.

Umbridge felt that his second large-scale attack did not hurt the kid. In mid-air, he narrowed his narrow triangular eyes and quickly locked onto the girl who was pulling Wu Hongji towards her not far away. Perona running towards the pier

"Boy, you will soon pay the price for your bitch...starting with your woman! Attack the charcoal wings!!"Umbridge's back transformed into a groove filled with charcoal fire, and then exploded suddenly, using the thrust to jump directly from the air towards Perona and Wu Hongji!

The idea was beautiful, but in the smoke-filled alley below, there was a sudden explosion. Shooting out five infinitely extending metal zippers, they stabbed towards Umbridge at high speed like golden meteors trailing flames!

"Metal zipper·Five-string pipa!"

Umbridge adjusted her position in the air with the help of the impact charcoal grooves that instantly changed on her body, but found that the five metal zippers were not intended to stab her. They flew past Umbridge's body, and then suddenly The ground turned around, and the five chain locks directly tied up the 'Charcoal Eyebrow' in mid-air like layers of iron chains.

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