Cai Yi's eyes lit up, and he quickly dipped his chopsticks in some chili oil and made a dot at the spot pointed by Yi Lun's finger. No way, I can't find the pen at the moment

"Thank you my good friend! Haven’t you tried the specialties of our flower country? Guys, tell the chefs to show me their special skills!!"Cai Yizhen laughed loudly after putting away the map.

A lively banquet in the style of the Kingdom of Flowers began!

The next day, Elun and his party were entertained by the Flower King at the 'Baogai Jade Palace' of the King of Flowers. The king of the country was summoned by King Zhima.

King Zhima had received the secret report from the Babao Navy in advance, and he was very impressed with Elen who personally came to 'deliver' weapons and revealed key information. But appreciation is appreciation, and the price still needs to be discussed..

The Minister of Advisors had a full morning of verbal disputes with Krasner and Capone Beki, and finally reached an agreement.

‘Coral's side cleared out all the weapons inventories they brought, while Flower Country paid an extremely considerable amount of money. With this money, 'Coral' can not only successfully complete the merger of the three major gangs, but also start to expand new business projects, without having to stick to the previous businesses that were not on the table.

The most important thing is that 'Coral' has successfully opened up the trade channel with the Flower Country, which is quite rare for the stubborn and conservative Flower Country.

After the transaction was completed, everyone stayed in the Kingdom of Flowers for a few more days and tasted some of the special delicacies that the Kingdom of Flowers is proud of. Elen, on the other hand, has been staying in his room and carefully studying the notebook recording the training methods of Armed Color Haki.

On the fifth day after arriving in the Kingdom of Flowers, Ellen, who had been reading very late the night before, woke up and found that everyone had already gone out. He felt like he was growing mushrooms after staying indoors these days, so he decided to go to the dock for a walk.

The weather was sunny, and the sea breeze on the pier was full of fish smell and noise, and it was very lively.

Ellen was wearing casual clothes, wearing a brown bowler hat, and her half-length blond hair was tied into a bun on the back of her head. She walked leisurely and comfortably in the dock market with her hands in her pockets, thinking about the future path.

The method of cultivating Armed Color Haki has been obtained, and it is only a matter of time before the cultivation is successful. However, seeing and hearing Haki is natural and extremely powerful, so there is no need to think about it. The most troublesome thing is the awakening of the fruit ability, I have no clue at all.

It would be nice if the dream comics were updated more often. While Yi Lun was thinking, he was attracted by the aroma of special snacks freshly prepared and sold at roadside stalls.

This snack called 'God of Wealth Gold Tie' is made by frying an egg pancake on a hot iron plate until the shell is crispy, then cutting it into small pieces and putting it in a small box and sprinkling it with various sauces and seasonings. , eating it with a bamboo skewer has a unique taste.

The price is not expensive, 200 beri per serving. Aeron bought one and planned to eat it while walking.

After just two bites, Ellen suddenly looked towards the other end of the dock market. A few seconds later, a burst of noise came from that direction.

Several strong men surrounded a woman wearing plain clothes and a bamboo hat, preventing her from leaving.

"Hey hey! Little girl, you hit me and seriously injured me, and you just said"I'm sorry" and thought nothing of it? No way!"The leader was a bald man wearing a blue shirt. Judging from his expression, he didn't look like he had been injured at all.

"Hey hey! Brother Kukuma, look, this little girl is so beautiful! If you present her to the captain, you will definitely get a big reward!"The other Mohawk with a long and narrow horse face looked carefully at the face of the woman who was stopped, and was so surprised that he jumped up and down like a giant monkey.

What an old-fashioned plot... he blended in with the crowd of onlookers. Elen was speechless for a while. Is this third-rate villain's minion-style speech serious? Is the"ah" that must be included at the end of every sentence to distinguish him from the"ah" character in front of him?

Aeron looked at the besieged woman again. The little guy was right, this woman was indeed a rare beauty.

She was wearing a plain, rough dress with some patches, and her long black hair was pulled up. , casually tied into a high ponytail on the back of her head, and her slender white neck was highlighted extremely conspicuously. Her pupils were a rare purple, and her beautiful face without makeup was slightly angry at this time.

"Big brothers, it’s my fault that I accidentally bumped into you just now. However, this market is crowded with people, and collisions are inevitable. I hope you can be considerate."Different from her delicate and delicate appearance, this beautiful woman's voice is full of heroic spirit and very pleasant to listen to.

"Considerate? Who will understand me who was injured? ah?"The bald man in blue started to mess around. He grabbed the woman's arm and pulled her to his pirate ship:"No, you have to accompany me to see a doctor!" There is a good doctor on that ship over there. Come with us!"

He was determined to seize the opportunity to kidnap this beautiful woman. The captain would like this, and maybe he would be rewarded with a lot of money if he was happy for a while. The black-haired woman was staggered by the bald man in blue, and Aeron noticed The left foot exposed at the hem of her long dress was wrapped with a bandage, but her right foot had a crescent moon tattoo.

Suddenly, the bald man in blue was shocked all over, and then while his hands scratched around his neck, red blood foam began to pour out of his mouth.

The mohawk hurriedly ran to the bald head, only to find that a long bamboo stick was deeply embedded in the bald head's throat.

Several people ignored the black-haired woman and hurriedly carried the bald head to the boat.

The black-haired woman was a little confused. , then she suddenly woke up and looked to one side of the crowd. In that direction, there was a figure walking away from the crowd, but she could only vaguely see the brown bowler hat on the man's head.

Hmm... you can't grab it with your hands if you don't have bamboo sticks, right? Ellen went back to the stall and bought another 'God of Wealth Golden Tie' and packed it up. After asking for more bamboo sticks, she continued to eat and shop. After shopping for about Half an hour later, with half a box of 'God of Wealth Gold Tie' in his hand, Elon turned to a nearby residential alley and waited for half a minute. A figure hurried into the alley. It was none other than the black-haired beauty from before.

"Madam, you have been following me for half an hour. Are you hungry? With a smile, Elon picked up the packaged 'God of Wealth Gold Tie' in his hand, shook it, and then handed it to the woman:"Eat first and then talk.""

After the woman took the food box hesitantly, Ellen found a stone step to sit down and continued to slowly eat the half box of egg cakes in her hand.

The woman declined politely, but at this moment, there was a gurgling sound in her stomach. Her face turned red, she hesitated and finally opened the food box and ate the egg pancake quickly and politely.

When the woman finished eating all the egg pancakes in the food box, Ellen also happened to finish the egg pancake in her hand. Snacks.

The woman's face was slightly red, she closed the food box and bowed deeply to Ellen:"My original intention was to thank my benefactor for saving me just now, but I didn't want to, but I received a meal from my benefactor. Actually, It's really rude. Aeron waved his hand and said gently:"You're welcome. The leader of the group just now is the notorious pirate Umbridge with the Carbon Eyebrows. This person is quite difficult to deal with." Miss, if you have nothing important to do, it’s best to stay out of the limelight.

The woman quickly bowed again and apologized:"I'm so rude, I didn't even give my name." My name is Wu Hongji. May I ask my benefactor’s surname?"

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