God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 962: fishing

Suddenly, Jiang Chen felt that a tyrannical force swept the island forest.

For a moment, these huge mutant trees seemed to have their owners.

And between Xiao Hei's dragon horns, a strong attraction is produced, and the traction range is constantly expanding.

This gravitational force directly pulls endless and tyrannical forces from the forest.

Mixed with the power of wind, fire and thunder, it is continuously purified and agglomerated.

Suddenly, the wind howled.

An obvious chaotic vortex appeared behind Xiao Hei like a halo.

The multicolored chaotic unicorn phantom flashed.

The power of the elements was completely inhaled by Xiao Hei!

The coercion of terror is blooming from its eyes.


The unicorn opened his mouth in anger.

Zheng! !

Suddenly, a chaotic energy refracted the shadow, covering Xiao Hei's face.

Xiao Hei has a long neck and raised his head to the sky, holding a huge energy bomb like the sun!

Boom! !

As Xiao Hei roared, the huge energy group turned into a meteorite and burst out suddenly!


The sky trembled!

The light of chaos hits the sky!

Disaster-level energy hits the earth.

The terrifying remnants of the island shook the island.

For a time, the mountain whispered a tsunami.

The solid secret base instantly vaporized, and dozens of tons of alloy suddenly disappeared!

As if evaporated out of thin air!

Xiaohei's anger, the rotten people of Chuanmu can only bear with their lives!

The elemental vortex caused a shower of rain.

It is as if the heavens are paying homage to the passing of the wood spirit unicorn.

Five phantoms of five colors slowly sink into Xiao Hei's back.

Xiao Hei's expression is solemn.

"I will help the master to uproot the Chuanmu to comfort you in the sky!"

Upon hearing this, a group of monsters immediately mourned with Xiao Hei.

At this time, several remnants who had survived the explosion frantically escaped to the coastline.

Xiao Hei immediately perceives, without Jiang Chen's order, it leapt out immediately.


After the roar, Xiao Hei transformed into a violent wind and thunder, and hunted down several Chuanmu survivors.

When the vines were flying across the sky and swept over the human body, the bodies of a few survivors were instantly shattered and melted into the soil.

On the ground, only empty combat uniforms were left.

However, Jiang Chen made a new discovery when Xiao Hei chased him.

I saw a fully automated trestle bridge standing on the coastline.

A huge voyage ship is floating on the water.

"It seems we are going to continue on the road again!"

Jiang Chen looked at the distant sunrise and said.


Everyone returned to the village and told the village chief and villagers about the Black Forest.

The villagers were extremely grateful to Jiang Chen. Every family killed chickens and sheep, thanking Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen stopped it.

"We found the trestle bridge on the other side of the island. We are leaving now. Keep the cattle and sheep!"

Afterwards, Jiang Chen discussed the matter with the captain of the airship.

Jiang Chen decided to let many drivers stay and wait for the support that would arrive soon.

And he and the Chang'an team, with the captain and a small number of crew, rushed to the island nation alliance.

The captain immediately agreed.

Afterwards, everyone used the communicator on the Chuanmu Group ship to contact the alliance and requested support.

This trestle bridge Jiang Chen was not destroyed, it was regarded as interest received from Chuanmu.

The troops supported by the alliance will help the villagers here to repair and protect.

This small island will definitely become a tourist attraction.

At that time, the Yanhuang flag will surely rise above the island.

Everything settled, Jiang Chen set out with everyone.

At this time, the sea is peaceful and quiet.

The sea and the sky are the same.

Black-skinned killer whales flocked to surround the salmon in the ocean currents.

There was a splash of silver light on the sea, and it was a salmon that was driven out of the sea.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he immediately became interested.

"Brothers! Let's compare fishing!"

Everyone hasn't gone fishing in the ocean.

That said, everyone was interested.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile when he saw everyone active.

Now supper is over!

Several people took out their fishing rods from the deck and started fishing with them very rusty.

I saw Jiang Chen secretly hung the Tianshan Snow Worm on his hook, a great tonic medicine.

Whenever there is a fish passing by, it will be greedy.


As soon as Jiang Chen's bait entered the sea, he was bitten by a huge tuna!

Jiang Chen turned into a dragon and suddenly picked up the hook.

The tuna was taken aboard with a dazed face.

It is three meters in length and is covered with silver scales.

The delicate fat on the abdomen is crystal clear, and sliced ​​fresh is the best delicacy!

The huge tuna shocked Changan's friends.

Both Tang Shishi and Wang Sicong had enough strength to surpass Jiang Chen.

But without the Tianshan snow worms as bait, everyone has no big fish to bite them.

But after all the tinkering for so long, he caught a lot of salmon and moray.

At this moment, Li Xiaofu said wittily.

"Just now we didn't say that the ratio is still a number!"

When Jiang Chen heard this, he immediately smiled.

"Oh? I was negligent. Then you talk about the ratio of size or quantity!"

"Negligence must be punished. In this way, I will listen to you in terms of size and quantity!"

Li Xiaofu looked under Jiang Chen's feet and was immediately happy!

"Hey hey! Than the number!"

"Brother Chen! You only have one! We will win before dark!"

Jiang Chen smiled and didn't reply to the little fat man.

Seeing, it was getting late.

Under everyone's feet, a piece of silvery white.

All kinds of marine fish, octopus and even seabirds are caught on the boat.

But Jiang Chen looked indifferent, watching quietly from behind, even helping Tang Shishi and Shangguan Xiaowangyu from time to time.

Li Xiaofu was very happy, because the sun was about to go down to the sea level.

at this time.

Jiang Chen's expression suddenly changed.

Seeing him with a move, Xiao Dong suddenly leaned on Jiang Chen's shoulder.

The chains of the undead opened instantly.

Tens of thousands of soul locks pierced the water like spikes.

Schools of fish swam under the water!


Soul Lock launches a surprise attack!

For a time, countless flying fish jumped up on the sea.

Xiao Dong chuckled, and suddenly a salmon fell in Xiao's hand.

I saw countless salmon, tuna, cod, saury, hairtail, pomfret, conger eels, and anchovies being stabbed by dead souls and thrown onto the boat.

The stupid Harazi fell to the ground instantly.

Li Xiaofu was choked by Jiang Chen's extreme manipulation routines.

"Better than... Bigger! Brother Chen! Bigger!"

The little fat guy is going to shame.

Jiang Chen took care of his shortcomings and smiled suddenly.

"Okay! Big or small, if you catch something bigger than me, I will lose! I will cook today and tomorrow's meals!"

After all, Jiang Chen borrowed Leiqi from Xiaoguigui.

I saw him pile the huge tuna on the kitchen counter, and the Rachet in his hand suddenly turned into a short kitchen knife.

Lei Che's front is far superior to Gang Jin's blade.

With the knife in his hand, the kitchen knife slashed across the fat and transparent fish. After a few knives, under the fillets, the huge tuna was neatly divided into several portions.

The fish bones and fish heads were thrown back into the sea, and Jiang Chen picked up salmon, eel and other delicious ingredients again.

While Jiang Chen was processing fish, Li Xiaofu was stubbornly looking for suitable fishing tackle.

Soon, he saw the iron speargun on the deck!

This thing is simply for hunting big fish.

After a while, a smell of fried fish steak floated over.

Jiang Chen's exclusive secret, salmon steak!

Xiaoguigui and Ah Fong suddenly slobbered as they wanted to eat.

Hehehe! Master, give up, let's eat grilled fish?

Little tortoise couldn't help it either.

Yes, master! Don't insist!

The fish is not fresh when it is dead!

Li Xiaofu drooled after hearing what Yu Beast said, and was about to give up.

Just now.


A huge wave passed by, and a huge black shadow passed by the bottom of the boat.

Li Xiaofu gritted his teeth.

"It's not bad to win or lose this shot, I shot it!"

I saw him throw off his arms and directly pushed out the speargun in his hand!

call out!

The speargun was submerged in the sea, and it was in the middle of the shadow!

That shadow is really not easy!

Ang Ang Ang!

There is a huge whale roar!

A fountain rose from the sea.

The huge black shadow suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Li Xiaofu!

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