God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 961: Black evolution!

Jiang Chen frowned.

"No, the alarm is triggered, the guards of the laboratory have surrounded us!"

"Xiao Dong! Forcibly break the restraint defense!"

The Lich King Miaoman's figure turned out.

I saw that the dead soul behind it stretched its teeth and danced its claws, suddenly swept, and blasted towards the defensive laser!


Police sirens sounded throughout the Chuanmu base.

Jiang Chen was very upset.

Fortunately, Xiao Frozen controlled his strength and directly destroyed the laser defense!

At this time, the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine in Jiang Chen's hand had already sent out thousands of vines.

The body of the Shadow Wood Spirit Qilin was instantly entangled.

The vigorous breath of life immediately repaired the wounds of the four claws of the Shadow Wood Spirit Qilin.

Roar! !

The Shadow Wood Spirit Qilin screamed in excitement!

Xiao Hei stepped forward, and the two unicorns greeted each other with the unique etiquette of a beast.

Then the shadow wood spirit unicorn revealed the wood spirit phantom.

And the power of the starry sky in Xiao Hei was excited.

The majesty of the tyrannical stars descended, and the phantom of Zu Qilin appeared faintly.

The shadow wood spirit unicorn bowed down immediately!

Jiang Chen shouted.

"No time! Break out first!"

After all, he pointed to the alloy wall of the laboratory.

"Forcibly break here! Find a suitable position for us to fight!"

Jiang Chen instantly grasped the key to everyone's plight.

Being besieged in a building, the best way to recover the current disadvantage is to directly break through the shackles of the building.

In the open area, the whereabouts of Jiang Chen and the others will become like a moment of need and the sea.

It's hard to surround it anymore.

Daikin picked up the dark gold iron rod and sprinted suddenly, crashing into the alloy wall.


Metal cracks visible to the naked eye erupted from the total wall.

The strong metal stress was instantly broken by Daikin.


Daikin pulled out the dark gold iron rod that was stuck in the wall.

I saw Xiao Fong separated ten dead soul locks and nailed them around the cracks.

The rest of the chains gathered and turned into a huge pointed cone.

More than a dozen soul locks came into force.

The pointed cone pierced the alloy wall directly!


The metal made a harsh rubbing sound.

After Daikin used a dark gold iron rod to forcibly open the way, Xiao Dong directly tore a huge gap in the laboratory wall with his force!


Jiang Chen waved his hand, everyone was about to walk out of this cruel laboratory.

Suddenly, a sneer sounded.

"Huh! Go?"

"Think too simple!"

Jiang Chen was startled, and when he turned around, he saw a young man wearing a black special combat uniform leading the team and standing outside the door.

In his hand, he was holding a bomb trigger.

Jiang Chen understood as soon as he saw the trigger.

It turns out that these Chuanmu villains buried the bomb in the body of the Shadow Wood Spirit Qilin!


Jiang Chen gritted his teeth angrily.

"Haha! Don't be angry!!"

"You are Jiang Chen, I know you!"

"I heard that you are going to our country to participate in the Blue Star Beastmaster Competition. I didn't expect to meet you here!"

The man's contemptuous tone made him very angry.

Li Xiaofu couldn't control it at all, he just had to do it!

Seeing the excitement of the six people in Chang'an, the man suddenly raised the trigger in his hand.

"Don't move!"

"As soon as my fingers loosen, you will all be killed by high-explosive bombs!"

When Jiang Chen heard this, he said immediately.

"This shadow unicorn is innocent, and it's even a rare Yanhuang unicorn!"

"The conflict between you and me should not affect the innocent."

Jiang Chen tried to solve the problem through negotiation.

But how can the wicked accept regress?

The man laughed suddenly.

"Innocent? Are you saying these monsters are innocent?"

"To tell you the truth! None of the monsters on the Blue Star are innocent!"

"Damn it! I shouldn't talk nonsense with you!"

"Now do as I said, or it will detonate!"

With that, the man in black led a dozen team members to quickly surround Jiang Chen.

The guns were all aimed at Xiao Hei's head.

With a wave of his hand, the guards shot together.

The bullets flew as the fire spurted.

Xiao Hei growled in pain.

The bullet actually didn't cause fatal damage to Xiao Hei.

But the purpose of the man in black is to temporarily control the situation by himself.

Holding the bomb in his hand, he always reminded everyone not to act rashly, or it would detonate!

Jiang Chen will not be threatened!

I saw that his whole body was transformed into a dragon, and dragon scales slowly grew out of his body.

call out! !

The golden light flashed, and Jiang Chen ran past the guards instantly.


All slammed.

No one can see how Jiang Chen shot.

I saw the guns broke and exploded, and a dozen guards flew out suddenly!

The man in black was dumbfounded.

"Don't move! You want to die!"

Seeing his appearance, Jiang Chen suddenly became disgusted.

"Enough of you, don't think that a bomb can make us surrender to you."

"Look at yourself, you don't want to be affected by bombs."

"It's okay to be killed, maimed, but the Chuanmu Group will throw it away like garbage!"

Jiang Chen's last words hurt Heizinan's heart.

Indeed, Chuanmu Group is cold-blooded and ruthless.

But if Jiang Chen and Qilin are really let go, he will die!

He gritted his teeth tightly and suddenly opened his eyes, already crazy.

"Ah! For the great cause! I choose jade pieces!"

The man in black screamed, his fingers about to release.

Jiang Chen suddenly turned into a golden light and shot straight at the bomb trigger.

However, Jiang Chen underestimated the black-clothed man's determination to die.

The man's finger loosened quickly.


In the belly of the Shadow Wood Spirit Qilin, the sound of the circlip machine suddenly appeared.

"not good!"

Jiang Chen yelled.

When I looked back, I saw thousands of colorful flower vines wrapped around my waist and everyone.

Almost instantly, Jiang Chen and all the beasts were sent out of the laboratory by the vine!

Bursts of green light burst!

A burst of energy burst out of Xiao Hei's body.

I saw the energy transform into the appearance of a shadow wood spirit unicorn, slowly entering Xiao Hei's body!

boom! !

At the same time, the terrifying explosive energy immediately rushed out of the gap in the wall.

Under the eyes of everyone, Shadow Wood Spirit Qilin sacrificed himself and saved Jiang Chen everyone.


Just listen to Xiao Hei roaring in anger.

There seems to be a vague unicorn shadow combined with Xiao Hei.

Jiang Chen clearly saw that before he died, the Shadow Wood Spirit Qilin sacrificed his soul and gave all his energy to Xiao Hei!

Look at Xiao Hei's dragon horns, endless elemental power surging crazily.

Standing proudly, there are endless elements rushing to the sky!

In the sky, suddenly thunder rolled and it rained heavily.

In the patter of rain, the trees in the entire jungle began to release their vitality.

The wood spirits began to gather slowly and landed on Xiao Hei.

Suddenly Xiao Hei's eyes turned green.

[Monster name]: Haoyu Chaos Ancestral Dragon Kirin

【Monster Level】: Level 61 (Overlord Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Five Elements Chaos (has the power of the starry sky, the power of wind, thunder, fire and wood, and lack of gold and water)

【Monster State】: Healthy (pleasure)

[Monster characteristics]: With the blood of primitive unicorns, you can transform yourself into the ancient ancestor unicorns, possess the blood of the starry unicorns, and master the power of strengthening the battle to the stars.

Blessed by the wood spirit, gain the ability to fuse and separate the elements

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...


Xiao Hei snarled again.

Countless dark sky thunder rolled in.

Everyone was shocked.

Xiao Hei successfully evolved in this scenario.

The raging anger exuded from the green eyes, the shape is like the substance!

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