God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 939: The monster is resurrected!

The tornado dissipated, and Jiang Chen frowned.

"Guys, I don't think you can go up anymore!"


Three thousand elites were shocked immediately.

Jiang Chen explained:

"There are six king-level monsters hidden in the snow cover in front."

"Every one can summon a tornado of the size just now."

"The higher the place, the stronger the airflow, and the sky here is almost a forbidden area."

"Although I don't care about these little troubles, for you, it is likely to lose your life."

"This Tongtian Peak gets more dangerous as it goes up, and I can't use your lives to risk it!"

"All follow the order! A team of fifty people will hunt down all the monsters below the snow cover!"

"Before evening, gather here!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he walked slowly forward alone, followed by everyone in Chang'an.


Three thousand sergeants responded together.

Subsequently, the formation changes.

In accordance with Jiang Chen's order, a group of fifty people will sweep and kill the monsters in the forest.

Fourteen small drones circled Zhenling Mountain, and a terrible scene appeared in the camera.

The verdant mountain forest seems to be oxidized and corroded by the air, and the red marks are like blooming flowers.

Soon part of the foothills in the Zhenling Mountains became red and green.

That is the blood of the monster beast.

The entire Zhenling Mountain has now become a slaughterhouse.

At this time, everyone Jiang Chen had already penetrated into the snow-covered area.

In the lens, you can see that the red spots on the white snow cover can be connected in a straight line to point to the Tongtian Peak.

They were all monsters killed by Jiang Chen and Chang'an.

At this time, everyone in Chang'an had already climbed the Tongtian Peak and was steadily climbing to the top.

Click! Click!

Tongtian Peak is simply a large block of ice.

Every step everyone in Chang'an took, their boots would sink into the snow.

The terrifying wind hits, and the terrifying air current forms wind blades.

If it is an ordinary person, this wind will be cut into meat sauce.

In such a harsh environment, only powerful monsters can survive.

But strange doubts came to Jiang Chen again.

"There are still only king-level monsters here!"

In front of Jiang Chen, among the white ice and snow, a huge dragon head suddenly rose up.

Roar! !

The dragon's hair made a roar that did not resemble a dragon, and for Jiang Chen, there was no pressure at all.

This kind of monster Jiang Chen killed seventy to eighty along the way.

The king-level iceberg worm.

It just looks a bit like a dragon, and actually has no blood relationship with a dragon.

The little black eyes didn't even look, and he flicked his tail.

The death light of Sun Luo shot violently, directly piercing and exploding the worm's head.

Disgusting and sticky plasma spattered from the wound, staining the ice and snow.

Twenty minutes more. Jiang Chen and everyone will be able to reach the top of Tongtian Peak in a harsh environment.

The sun has risen above the clouds.

Jiang Chen everyone was standing at an altitude of three kilometers at this time.

For the remaining 200 meters, everyone was struggling.

Can't fly, oxygen is cut off, the temperature is like an ice cellar, and the strange wind is constantly hitting everyone's skin.

Climbing these two hundred meters, it took a full five minutes for someone like Jiang Chen to climb.

But the summit has been reached smoothly.

Stand high and look far.

At the moment of climbing to the top, all the flowers, plants, trees, insects and birds in the world screamed, and the cities and villages instantly turned into mustard seeds.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, Jiang Chen felt the smallness of the world.

Jiang Chen looked at the burning sun above his head and took out the neatly folded Yanhuang banner from his arms.

This flag is inserted into the ground, representing Jiang Chen's successful ascent to the top of Tongtian Peak and calming Tongtian Peak!

When the six people took photos with Tongtian Peak at the apex and posted it to the Northern Territory Forum, nine thousand news media in the Northern Territory exploded instantly!

The six people's opinions are still unfinished.

"Climbing a mountain is a real exercise! Chubby can lose two catties back!"

Wang Sicong teased.

Jiang Chen also smiled.

"This is the same thing about Tongtianfeng, it's not that difficult!"

Jiang Chen's words can kill most of the people in the world.

He had just slaughtered a whole mountain of monster beasts that countless capable seniors could not calm down after hardships, and it was still a peak of 3200 meters.

Actually said it's not that difficult!

If the people who failed in the previous conquest of Tongtian Peak heard of this, it would be blamed for not being so angry!

But group climbing is indeed instinctively exciting at first sight.

Because Tang Shishi couldn't help but get into Jiang Chen's arms and cheered.

Everyone was very happy.

Only Li Xiaofu was lying on the ice with a tiring snap.

"Haha! Xiaopang is starving!"

Wang Sicong said.

"It's also possible that I want to spend my time thinking about it!"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but joke about Li Xiaofu.

But Li Xiaofu is a fat man who is not afraid of boiling water.

"What did you two say? I can't hear you!"

"I'm exhausted. When I go down the mountain, I want to eat roasted deer legs and video with my family fanstar!"

The five people's mouth suddenly made chuckles.

Tang Shishi Ye Lanyi hugged Jiang Chen and Wang Sicong on the spot, and Li Xiaofu pouted.

In the evening, the sergeants gathered on the mountainside.

Jiang Chen and several people happily returned to Shenghe Village with troops.

As soon as they entered the village, a few children offered pure white hada to Jiang Chen.

The village head personally respected the horse milk wine.

The whole village slaughtered cattle and sheep and raised a bonfire.

A big banquet is about to be held for everyone in Chang'an and the Northern Territory.

Jiang Chen was very happy.

It's not that I want to enjoy the kindness of the villagers, but that I have done something meaningful.

Wang Sicong told the villagers that the monster beasts on Zhenling Mountain had been wiped out. You can relax and celebrate tonight, and you don't have to worry about another monster attack in Shenghe Village.

The villagers gathered around the torch, singing and dancing with a group of soldiers.

At this moment, a few elite teams of sentinels suddenly ran in.

"Domain Lord, it's not good!"

As soon as this statement was made, the villagers’ dance music stopped immediately.

Except for the village chief’s accident, the simple villagers learned of Jiang Chen’s identity for the first time.

A boy in white at such a young age turned out to be the domain master of the Northern Territory!

At this time Jiang Chen has no time to take care of it.

I saw a terrifying demonic power burst out of his eyes.

The dark light instantly covered Jiang Chen's body.

Between Jiang Chen's strong muscles, the white holy light pattern was engraved with a sacred cross pattern.

Devil's horns are born on the top of the head, and the angel halo representing divine power is suspended above the head.

The light came down, Jiang Chen was extremely majestic!

Suddenly, thousands of villagers collectively knelt down.

They thought they had seen the true god!

boom! !

When everyone was dumbfounded, Jiang Chen rushed to the sky!


The rapid flight tore the air.

There was a thunderous shock in the sky!

In the next moment, Jiang Chen has appeared at the foot of the mountain where the beasts are galloping!

This mountain again, this forest again!

The scarlet blood flower has disappeared!

All the destroyed woods have been restored!


I saw a huge downhill tiger leading a group of animals!

The sharp claws cut off the mutated giant tree and swooped down with tens of thousands of monsters!

Jiang Chen was shocked!

He saw that the crowd had hunted and killed tens of thousands of monsters for two days, but they were back tonight!

Even looks exactly the same!

Jiang Chen suddenly cursed in his heart.

"This is too evil! The entire mountain range is a resurrection monster!"

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