God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 938: Attack the mountain!


In the sky, the wings of the Divine Phoenix shook the air.

"The north ushered in an enemy attack, and six hundred sergeants had already rushed to the place where the incident happened!"

"More than three thousand wolves want monsters to gather in the northern forest."

"It looks like it came down from Zhenling Mountain!"

Tang Shishi's voice came from Jiang Chen's communicator.

"Damn! Wouldn't it be the same as the one you met in the morning!"

Li Xiaofu is sleeping soundly, his pants are still not worn!

There was a gleam in Jiang Chen's eyes.

That is the light of anger!

"Which batch it is! Kill!"


The wings of the gods and demons behind Jiang Chen shook suddenly.

In the next instant, Jiang Chen had already flown three hundred meters away.

Shenghe Village occupies a total area of ​​less than three to five kilometers, and Jiang Chen rushed to the front almost in the blink of an eye.

Tang Shishi on the front line has already been put into battle.

I saw her wearing a blazing red Divine Phoenix dress.

In the trembling of Feng Ling, endless fire feathers descended in the air.

This is a new style of Tang Shishi's epiphany from the falling starry sky of Suzaku.

Just suitable for large-area coverage output.

A huge fire element ball with a diameter of ten meters fell in the air.


The fireball smashed to the ground, and shock wave immediately smashed the monster figure into the air.


The wolf was screamed by the explosion.

The flames ignited their hair, and the wolves on fire rushed into a rampage, inadvertently expanding the fire.

The formation of three thousand packs of wolves was immediately disrupted by a terrorist explosion.

However, the posture of the queen of Tang poetry remains unchanged.

An astonishing flame light erupted from Taixu Nine Color Glazed Glass Phoenix.

The terrifying supernova that gathers heat is slowly taking shape in the sky!

Liuli, who has been promoted to overlord, controls energy more accurately.

It did not directly choose to detonate the supernova to end the battle this time, but burst out high-frequency flame rays from the supernova!



The heat of terror permeated.

Three scorched ravines suddenly appeared on the ground!

As the light swept across, it was as if a laser knife cut through a sponge.

Dozens of demon wolves were instantly cut into two sections.

A random wave broke out, and the three thousand packs of wolves that directly attacked scurry!

Subsequently, the light continued to erupt at a high frequency!

At this time, the Nine Color Glazed Glazed Phoenix was completely like a sun that constantly sprayed sunspots!


The rays continued to kill, and the wolves began to collapse.

In the stunned everyone, the supernova carried out the last wave of explosion!

In an instant, it was like the Big Bang.

Hundreds of ion beams rushed to the ground.

Disorderly power is extremely powerful!

boom! !

The heat wave is rolling, and the gravel turns into powder!

"I'm going, it seems we don't need our old brother three!"

Jiang Chen and Li Xiaofu and Wang Sicong looked at each other, smiling bitterly on their faces.

And a group of soldiers of the Northern Territory finally saw today, what is meant by a woman without shame.

When the queen's graceful and noble Tang poetry fell in the sky, the rough soldiers could only cheer Tang poetry with excitement and admiration.

The people in the village saw the heroes for the first time.

Tonight's Shenghe villagers are very excited.

The beast wave that has plagued them for a long time finally has a real strong man willing to solve it!

The villagers are not confident about Jiang Chen's plans for tomorrow.

In the blink of an eye, everyone in Jiang Chen had already embarked on the journey.

In order to prevent the monster from attacking the village again, Jiang Chen left two thousand elite soldiers to garrison.

Zhenling Mountain, at the foot of the mountain.

Jiang Chen was surprised to find that in the place where Shangguan Kitty and others slaughtered wildly yesterday, there was no trace of fighting.

The trees are as good as they were before, and all the blood-stained corpses are gone.

Jiang Chen smiled softly.

"Heh! Meaning!"

Li Xiaofu asked immediately.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter! Is it haunted?"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

"Why is there such a supernatural power!"

"I'm afraid that the legend Man Zhen said has worked!"

Going further up the mountain, Jiang Chen and others discovered a small stream.

This is a mountain spring stream formed by melting the snow cover on Tongtian Peak.

And beside the stream, dozens of monsters of various colors were bowing their heads and drinking.

Drinking water peacefully, this is the rule of the monster world.

Even predators have to wait until they leave the water source before they start killing.

The reason is that the water source is pure, sacred and not polluted.

No animal wants to drink water contaminated with blood.

But Jiang Chen is not an animal.

He does not need to drink these mountain spring water.

Facing the monster group that would run away at any time, Jiang Chen decisively issued the kill order!

Three thousand elites broke out extremely strong on the spot, instantly leveling the monster beast drinking water.

The bright red blood flowed into the stream.

The terrible smell of blood spread throughout Zhenling Mountain along the stream like the blood vessels of a big mountain.

In less than an hour, a large number of monsters in the Zhenling Mountains found invaders in the land where they lived!

During the march, Jiang Chen discovered that he and the sergeants had been surrounded by a large number of monsters.

However, Jiang Chen did not take any action.

The purpose of his coming out this time, in addition to establishing a reputation in the Northern Territory, the most important thing is to train!

I saw Jiang Chen headed, and everyone in Chang'an was walking forward.

Three thousand sergeants surrounded several people and moved forward with Jiang Chen's rhythm.

Fighting all the way, blood stained!

Thousands of monsters died.

But these monsters are all attracted by the smell of blood, and they are all aggressive adults.

Jiang Chen saw clues in these monsters.

The place where the aura of monsters and beasts gather is also divided into population density.

If there are too many monsters, just rob and fight for territory, you will have to kill countless every day.

"There are too many monsters!"

"It's almost rampant!"

"There are so many adult monsters in the woods at the foot of the mountain."

"There is a snow top with gust of wind behind."

"The monsters in this mountain range are fast enough to catch up with a city!"

"No wonder the shortage of food always goes down the mountain to eat people!"

Everyone in Chang'an suddenly realized.

This is really weird!

Even stranger things were taken care of by Jiang Chen.

Three thousand people entered the mountain in a mighty massacre all the way to the present, without even encountering a king!

This is absolutely unreasonable!

There must be a king in the royal beast population.

There are so many young people in such a huge Zhenling Mountain Range?

It is impossible.

Jiang Chen's heart suddenly lifted, thinking.

"I'm afraid it was hiding in the dark!"

Jiang Chen had things in his mind, so he didn't care much about the changes around him.

After walking for another half an hour, everyone suddenly felt the temperature drop sharply.

Looking back, the frozen nostrils of the sergeants were frozen!

Tang Shishi was busy waking up Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen! Wake up soon! We are on the top of the snow!"

The voice just fell.

Shoo! !

Four powerful tornadoes, hundreds of meters high, suddenly skyrocketed in the white snow cap above!

There is a lot of ice and snow in the tornado, and the power is terrible!

If you don't react any more, I'm afraid that all three thousand sergeants will die here.

In an instant, the weekly temperature dropped again.

Jiang Chen woke up from thinking and chuckled when he saw this situation.

"Huh! Little bugs!"

With a wave of his big sleeve, the purple scales suddenly wrapped around Jiang Chen's arm.

The fine purple dragon scales burst out of Jiang Chen's skin instantly.

The endless dragon will be released from Jiang Chen's dragon claw without reservation.

The golden light flowed in the dragon eyes.


Absolute and transparent control broke out immediately.

The snow-top tornado spins and collapses instantly!

Behind Jiang Chen, the three thousand sergeants looked stupid!

What is the strength of this new domain master?

With a wave of your hand, such a tyrannical tornado can collapse and disappear!

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