God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 925: Destroy the Skeletal Tyrannosaurus Rex!

As soon as the voice fell, the six Jiang Chen walked out of the elevator and immediately let the elevator door open.

A crowd of Chuanmu rebelled against the party immediately became blind.

I could only hear the roar of the monster beast from the elevator shaft.

The people present instantly felt cold behind their backs!

I saw the huge mutant tortoise first climbed the ladder door.

The seemingly sturdy elevator was squeezed by it, and it broke and shattered.

Countless monsters swarmed out, like a blowout!


These horrible and crazy mutant beasts are scattered all over the ground!

As soon as he stood firm, he immediately saw Chuanmu Nidang who was wearing the same uniform as Jiang Chen around.

Suddenly, countless beasts began to attack frantically!

The beast bites wildly, and his broken limbs and arms are flying around.

Jiang Chen everyone was aside, watching all this coldly.

The absolute control of the purple scales opens, and the transparent wall isolates them.

The people of Chuanmu Group are not good stubbles either, they took out weapons and fired wildly.

Some stupid experimenters also tried to warn these crazy mutants.

At a time, the two parties fought together.

The blood of the monster beast is mixed with the blood of the human.

A large amount of liquid penetrated into the gap of the computer console, which caused an instant short circuit.

Control the indoor sparks in one time!

But Jiang Chen everyone was in absolute control, but they were very comfortable, and even the melon seeds were taken out at this time.

"Tsk tusk tusk!"

"It's almost the same as a holographic movie, this special effect and dubbing! It's amazing!"

Hundreds of beings are fighting each other in the space under their jurisdiction, and the number of deaths on both sides is constantly increasing.

At this moment.

Zi Zi Zi-Boom!

The computer console began to short-circuit and explode.

The hot flames ignited, the lights went out, and the entire control room was in a mess.

At this moment, the phone rang.

It was from Elder Suzaku.

Jiang Chen immediately connected the phone in his hand.

"Young Master, the Dragon Head Cannon is slowly returning to the space matrix!"

Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

"Haha! It seems that this is the central location of Tongtian Tower!"

"Send my order, the whole army will attack!!"

At the same time, the top of Tongtian Tower.


A cell phone was smashed to the ground.

Parts are scattered.

"What the hell! Why did the signal transmission fail?"

"I have made six calls for help, not even one of them!"

The person who spoke and complained was the head of the Yanhuang North Branch of Chuanmu Group who had spoken to Jiang Chen.

His men said.

"Return to Osaki City, the power system of the energy center has a problem, and now the entire energy supply system is in a state of paralysis!"

Oshiro Shinichi seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Energy supply paralyzed?"

"That said, the leading gun has been recalled?"

The man nodded, expressing affirmation.

"There is also communication, which is also interrupted, and the defense system in the city is completely silent!!"

"It can be said that the defense value of the Champs City has been reduced to zero at this time."

"Foreign enemies may come in at any time!"

Yucheng Xinyi was in a hurry on the spot!

"Damn! Didn't I become a polished commander?"

The subordinate said immediately.

"No, my lord, you can manipulate Experiment No. 8!"

"And cut, I believe that all the soldiers will also respect the destiny of the heavens, and the adults will be broken here!"


Yucheng Xinyi's eyes lit up.

"Yeah! That thing should come in handy!"

"Pass my order! Casting Experiment No. 8!"

Shinichi's subordinates immediately looked excited.


The loyal subordinate immediately ran out to release the subject.

But Yucheng Shinichi smiled indifferently.

"Haha! I'm sorry, my loyal soldier, in order to preserve the foundation of the Northern Territory, I must send you to death!"

After finishing speaking, an energy vortex burst out from the back of Yucheng Xinyi, and the energy turbine was formed immediately.


The tyrannical thrust ejected him out of the Tongtian Tower.

At this time, Jiang Chen was frantically harvesting heads.

Xiao Hei's figure is hidden in the destruction lightning, like a pitch black blade.

Every time a sharp blade gets out of its sheath, a lot of lives are taken away.

The power of the starry sky is integrated into the death light of Sun Luo, which has a stronger penetrating power and a longer duration!

Coupled with Xiao Hei's own Dou Zhuan Xing Shift ten consecutive shots.

In an instant, ten enemies were arranged in a straight line with Dou Zhuan Xing Shift, and the next moment was the eruption of Sun Luo's death!

Zheng! !

The power of destruction instantly penetrated the body, and the enemy died!

When Xiao Hei's fierce battle was in full swing, a sorrowful scream reached everyone's ears.

I saw the original crazy desk lamp stapler instantly stopped moving.

The Chuanmu Group’s rebellious party also suddenly stood firm.

The chaotic master control center suddenly quieted down.

Only the horrible screams that frightened people continued to surround themselves.

I saw the sound of flying footsteps in a corridor.


The faces of people calling for help were deformed in shock.

Very pale in the blackness of the blackout!

Jiang Chen suddenly threw away the melon seeds in his hand.

"Fuck! Not good!"

"Stubborn stubble!"


Jiang Chen looked more and more nervous.

He just finished speaking, only to hear the terrifying roar coming from the corridor!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The footsteps of the behemoth came from the corridor!

Li Xiaofu suddenly recalled the horrible roar, he knew what species the roar was made of.

Jiang Chen glanced at him, and both of them nodded.

The next moment, a terrifying scene appeared.

In the dark corridor, a blood-colored skeleton came out.

The dark eyes alone make your legs and feet soft!

The sharp fangs and teeth are like spears used by ancient warriors.

The ferocious expression seemed to be a fat man smiling evilly at the buffet!

Just this time the probe was probed, the scary scarlet teeth opened and joined together, and the tiny figure in the screaming roar was suddenly penetrated by the sharp teeth! !


The expression on the human face disappeared instantly.

From the nostrils and mouth, viscous blood rushed out.

At this time, the quiet master control center suddenly rioted!


"Run! The monster is out!"

Ouch! Ouch!

Shocking roar echoed in his ears.

Pouring plasma trickled down from the sharp teeth.

The huge blood red skeleton was suddenly covered with sticky blood.

The next moment, muscles grow wildly on the bones!

This strange sight made Jiang Chen wonder.

A piece of data flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Destroying Bone Tyrannosaurus Rex (in evolution)

[Monster level]: Level 69 (the peak of the overlord level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attributes]: Dragon/Demon

[Monster State]: Bloodthirsty (killing intent)

[Monster characteristics]: The first generation of ancient Tyrannosaurus rex resurrected in the gene cell experiment can swallow different genes and evolve quickly. The stronger the swallowed species, the faster it evolves until it returns to its peak state.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

In such a moment, Jiang Chen immediately understood the reason for the crazy growth of the muscles of the Destroyer Skeleton Rex.

I saw that the red bones of the dying skeletal Tyrannosaurus rex were not actual bones, but violent **** killing energy!

These energies can swallow flesh and blood, and rely on the powerful self-healing ability to condense a true ancient Tyrannosaurus rex!

And now, the Destroyer Skeleton Tyrannosaurus is evolving wildly!

Under Jiang Chen's eyelids, the World-Exterminating Skeletal Tyrannosaurus ate nearly a hundred people frantically!

Seeing, the ancient Tyrannosaurus rex already has a terrifying embryonic form full of muscles!

"Can't let it eat anymore!"

Jiang Chen couldn't help shouting.

"You have to break through to the king level before eating!"

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