God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 924: It is said that you are all going to die today


Water drops splashed on the iron ladder.

Old and dirty metal pipes were coiled on the rusty wall.

Li Xiaofu said tremblingly.

"This tower looks bright and beautiful from the outside, and inside it looks like a prison for a horror movie!"

Jiang Chen said.

"That's not bad, all machine-made objects are dead."

"Remember the remains of the Titans in the Southern Territory, the ancient civilization is so ridiculous, and in the end it just turned into seabed dust."

"This is time that brings irresistible damage to the machine."

As everyone said, they had risen five or six meters.

I saw a circular corridor in front of everyone.

The lights flickered and dimmed, and there were many things at the end of the corridor that were invisible to the naked eye.

Jiang Chen could barely see through Longhua that the stairs were continuing upward.

Several people boldly walked forward.

This seems to be an office area.

There is a number written on the door edge of the room.

1022, 1024, 1026.

Very orderly.

Everyone is walking.


The terrible shock that numbs the back reaches human ears.

Looking up, a retro old wooden door slowly opened.

A famous brand with bronzing flowers hung on the door.

On the nameplate, the paint is engraved with a big "8".

Jiang Chen was wondering why the number of this room was so abrupt, suddenly, the door opened wide!


The huge impact hit Jiang Chen's chest!


Jiang Chen slammed his back against the wall.

Jiang Chen caught this sneak attack by surprise.

If it weren't for Jiang Chen to turn on Longhua, this one might knock him through his chest!

Look down.

His chest was held back by a steel frame.

The two ends of the iron frame were firmly nailed into the wall.

Everyone hurried forward to help Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Jiang Chen looked in the door.

I saw a tuft of rectangular iron slowly approaching.

The upper body of the thing is all metal and the structure is complicated.

But the ** is very simple, a squishy soft tail.

In an instant, a piece of data appeared in Jiang Chen's eyes.

【Monster Name】: Stapler

【Monster Level】: Level 55 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attributes]: Metal

[Monster State]: Anger (War Intent)

[Monster characteristics]: Hybrid experimental species, the skill is staple launch

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Flame

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen was stunned.

Xin said, idiot Chuanmu turned the stapler into a monster?

Is the scientist in gate eight a fool?

Afterwards, Jiang Chen suddenly remembered that the scientists in Laboratory 8 were frozen into popsicles by Wang Sicong and hung on the tower.

Everyone was rushing over to help Jiang Chen get out of trouble, but he didn't expect a few monsters to emerge from the room again.

At this time, Jiang Chen completely began to admire the rich imagination of the scientists in Laboratory 8.

Jumping over on one foot was a radio lamp.

Behind the lamp, there was a turtle with a water tank on its back.

Behind the turtle is a black old-fashioned telephone.

No need to think about these things, they are all transforming monsters!

Moreover, there is more than one of each modification.

Then under the dim light of the corridor, a numbing modified monster beast blocked the door, seeming to be picking prey.


Jiang Chen couldn't help shouting!

Suddenly, dense purple and gold dragon scales swept across the body.

Push with both hands.


The steel staples were shot back to the herd.


The strong thrust brings strong penetration to the steel bar.

The steel bar is like a sharp knife, cutting through the necks of a group of lamp monsters.

For a time, blood splattered!


Jiang Chen landed on both feet.

I saw an angry face mirrored on the lamp of the lamp monster, showing that their companion was extremely angry after being killed!

Zheng! ! !

Energy accumulation in the lampshade.

Suddenly an orange laser shot out!

The scorching energy radiation swept to everyone, and was dodged by a few people in a thrilling manner.

But the lamp monsters are in groups.

The last second was a laser beam, and the next second was already a laser beam group!

Jiang Chen pulled up Tang Shishi and ran away.

The way upstairs was right in front of me, and I ran straight to the stairs.

Everyone followed closely behind.

After Shangguan Kitty released the Palace of Swords.

At this time, everyone in Chang'an couldn't worry about what monsters were waiting for them on the next floor. It was important to escape!

Six people were chased by a group of monsters, burning calories all the way.

As they climbed more than a dozen floors, gunshots suddenly came from everyone's ears!

Jiang Chen looked up and saw that it was Chuanmu's guard.

Turning around and looking around, the monsters were still trying to catch up.

Jiang Chen hurriedly said and made gestures.

"Thank you! Work crazy!"

The guards who fired seemed to understand, but they did see the group of monsters going crazy behind Jiang Chen.

beep! beep! beep!

The alarm was immediately sounded.

Behind the guard, a gate slowly opened.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen rushed in with everyone.

The two guards also hid, and everyone leaned against the wall and panted loudly.

There was a crazy knock outside the door.

"Thank you both, I decided not to kill you for the time being, and let you fend for yourself!"

The two guards were obviously foreigners, and Jiang Chen couldn't understand what he said.

Li Xiaofu giggled.

"Kawamu really shot himself in the foot with a rock."

"When the forest grows, all birds will be recruited. If we change two island nations, we can immediately recognize that we are Yanhuang!"

Li Xiaofu muttered, the two guards thought they were talking to themselves, and waved their hands repeatedly to show that they didn't understand.

Jiang Chen didn't speak much, and pointed his finger.

Li Xiaofu immediately pretended to be very enthusiastic and smiled and nodded.

"Ou Hey Gou said that Nima is dead!"

"Nima is not dead, your father is dead!"

The guards could not understand the dialect of the island, so they thought Li Xiaofu was complimenting them, and immediately said politely.

"OK! Itisnothing!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Sicong lifted the wooden stick and gave them a sap.

The two guards suddenly passed out.

At this time, Jiang Chen all the talents saw the appearance inside the door.

There is no mess at the bottom.

A screen is embedded in the crystal-like translucent wall, which is a virtual natural scenery.

All around are all kinds of weapons, equipment, suits, tools, etc.

An exquisite elevator shaft stands in the middle.

The computer system for the management equipment surrounds the elevator.

I don't know why at this time, there is no defense here.

"All smashed! Go upstairs!"

Jiang Chen snorted softly, and the six moved quickly.

Li Xiaofu looked helplessly at the latest automatic rifle in his hand, and reluctantly smashed it to pieces.

Everyone was beaten to death and destroyed, and gathered at the elevator entrance again.

At this time, seeing that the gate was about to be breached by the "three-piece office" group.

Everyone quickly got on the elevator.

There is only one upward arrow in the elevator.

Jiang Chen pressed, the strange group rushed into the hall.

Everyone climbed the ladder dangerously and dangerously.

Ding Dong!

There was a crisp sound.


The elevator doors opened.

The busy picture like a rocket launch pad was displayed in front of everyone.

Hundreds of computer consoles, large and small.

Surveillance images surrounding the entire circular wall.

This is the core control room of Chuanmu Champs City Branch!

Soldiers and scientists in uniforms kept running around in the narrow gaps.

The control room is busy, in order to deal with the city's defense pressure and the impact of the nightmare tribe army.

At this time, I don't know which scientist first saw Jiang Chen in the elevator.

Soon, hundreds of eyes looked over.

The audience was silent, and there was a sense of embarrassment in the air.

Jiang Chen apologized and smiled at the busy people in Chuanmu's core area.

"Oh hayo, it is said that you all have to die here today!"

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