God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 908: Katenjin Thunder

Li Qinghou laughed on the spot.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Is there any means, make it out!"

The endless coercion exploded, and Li Qinghou was arrogant!

The Yue family suddenly became furious!

"You can't even summon Yu Beast!"

"You are looking for death!"

Right now, Yue Liuhen waved his hand!

Suddenly, endless coercion fell from the sky.

In the burst of light, a giant jade-white beast suddenly exuded a frightening aura.

Boom! ! !

The limbs of the giant beast stepped on the ground like four Optimus jade pillars.

The air pressure roared, and the dust scattered on the ground!

Moo! !

The behemoth roars up to the sky!

Endless evil spirits squirted from its mouth!

A high saddle canopy was on his back, and a golden Shura light flashed through the canopy.

With a flick of the extremely long nose, the wind suddenly rose!

Everyone on the field was suddenly blown up and down.

That month, Xiaoxiao jumped up, and immediately summoned his own beast!


Amidst the roar, the tall King Kong beast hit its chest misleadingly to provoke it!

Domineering, the red mane of King Kong danced in the wind.

At this moment, the alarm sounded in the city.


"Young Master! A large army is coming outside the city!"

"Look at the banner, it's the army of Chang'an City!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Yue family was shocked.

But immediately Yue Weixiao laughed directly.

"Hahaha! This is called moths fighting the fire!"

"The whole army is ready for war! Let him try to attack! See how I can take him down!"

Yue Liuhen also echoed.

"Young Master, let's take Li Qinghou first, and then kill Jiang Chen!"

As soon as the voice fell, a voice rang out in midair.

"Who said he would kill me!"

The silver light bursts.

Jiang Chen's figure slowly floated in the air!

Dozens of elites from the Yue family immediately summoned their own beasts.

Layers of terrifying coercion swept to every corner!

"Jiang! Jiang Chen! Why are you here!"

Yue Liuhen almost memorized Jiang Chen's information, and she recognized it as soon as she met.

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Ahahaha! I, Jiang Chen, come as soon as I want!"

"Could it be that this March City belongs to your home?"

Yueliuhen suddenly lost his words!

"The teeth are sharp! Watch me pull out all your teeth!"

"At that time, I see if you can say anything like this!"

"Abi **** elephant! Kill him!"

Moo! !

The white jade beast roars!

The oddly long nose flung to Jiang Chen instantly.

The terrifying energy shook the air hunting!

Jiang Chen looked at the giant elephant.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Abi Hell Elephant

[Monster Level]: Level 65 (Overlord Level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attributes]: Demon/Superpower

[Monster State]: Anger (War Intent)

[Monster characteristics]: The mount of the demon king in Abi Hell, possesses the cursing power to bring the dead back to life and turn life into death

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Holy Light System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen frowned.

It turned out to be a domineering beast!

Saying it is too late, it is fast, the odd long trunk has already struck!

Seeing Jiang Chen is about to take a hard blow!

Jiang Chen shouted.

"It's now! Domain Master!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Qinghou's body burst into light.


The terrifying thunder is coming!


Thunder fell.

The long nose of the Hell Elephant was hit by thunder in an instant.


Thunder flashed.

The Abi Hell Elephant's body was suddenly blackened and painful.

Dark clouds swept across.

The sun in the sky seems to have been forced behind the clouds by tyrannical coercion!

While everyone in the Yue family was dumbfounded, a strange monster that looked like a leopard and a lion stepped on the thunder and fell from the sky.

A single horn stands on the forehead, and five long tails are shaped like snakes.

In the golden hair, the blue arc beating frantically.

When Jiang Chen saw it, he was shocked.

"It's a legendary beast, ferocious!"

[Name of Monster Beast]: God of Transformation Lei Fei

【Monarch Level】: Level 79 (the peak of monarch level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Thunder System/Super Power System

[Monster State]: Anger (War Intent)

【Characteristics of Monster Beasts】: There are strange beasts in Zhange Mountain, which are like a red leopard, with five tails and one horn, and their sound is like hitting a stone, and their name is 狰

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Holy Light System

[Evolution route]: There are 4 evolution routes...

The members of the Yue family were dumbfounded when they looked at this powerful beast.

"Elder Yue Liuhen! Didn't you say that Li Qinghou has been poisoned and has no ability to fight back!"

Moonlight night felt like she was trapped.

The pit is serious!

I saw Yue Weixiao, the young master, climbed onto King Kong's arm in one step, and turned around to escape!

Under the camera, Li Qinghou smiled.

"Want to run? Kidnap for rebellion, go to death!"

Boring! !

The body of the **** of heaven Lei Xi burst out with lightning.

With a flick of the tail, five terrifying rays that ruined the world cut the body of King Kong into six segments!

Blood splashed out, like a scarlet flower blooming into the sky!


Pouring like rain, the meat of the giant beast fell to the ground!

Jiang Chen's heart was shaken by the attack of this **** of transformation, Lei Fei!

Overlord Yu Beast, unexpectedly kill instantly!

Moonlight was dead on the spot!

All of a sudden, the Southern Region network exploded!

"Fuck! Our domain master is absolutely terrifying!"

"What's the situation! So bloody, what's the situation!"

"The rebels of the Yue family quickly die!"

Li Qinghou couldn't care about the image of "anchor" at this time.

I saw him wave a big hand.

call out!

The tall God of Heaven Lei Fei suddenly rushed towards the enemy line!

The horror claws slammed to the Hell Elephant of Abi.

Only this claw cut off the oddly long trunk casually.

Then, thunder light shined in the unicorn.

boom! !

The **** of heaven Lei Fei turned into a thunder dragon diamond, and instantly opened the chest and abdomen of the Hell Elephant!

Lightning flashes, tossing and tossing!

Eight consecutive Moon Family Royal Beasts were instantly cut!

Nine consecutive cuts!

Among them is the other overlord Royal Beast.

Jiang Chen exclaimed loudly!

Powerful monarch, powerful!

Kill the three overlord Yu Beasts of the Yue family on the spot!

On a whim, Jiang Chen immediately summoned Xiao Hei Da Jin.

Between the dark clouds, the darkness of destruction thunder fell in the sky!

The black gold light was loud, and nine black gold giant fists fell from the sky!



Billowing energy annihilates everything!

The terrible loud noise shocked the space!

Everything that was hit instantly turned into fly ash, and there was not even a standing figure on the battlefield!

Many of the soldiers of the Yue family in March City peeed their pants in shock!

At this moment, the sound of killing outside the city suddenly rolled up!

The overwhelming dragon wolf cavalry rushed into March City!

The people in the comments are crazy!

Fight to destroy, fight against the beasts!

Ordinary people don't see it twice in their lives.

This is the naked war!

The dwarf king Romir watched the world and attracted countless girls to become idiots!

Wearing a battle armor and holding a giant hammer, he led the dragon and wolf cavalry to conquer the entire city.

Southland has ushered in a brand new idol!

The true idol men's team, the Dragon and Wolf Sergeants, have jumped to the top of the city and began to fight for control of the defense facilities.

Suddenly, the dead body fell from the city's head!

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