God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 907: reverse!

As soon as Jiang Chen left, Yuejia guards walked into the dungeon with Yue Liuhen.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Yue Liuhen smiled wildly.

"Lord Li, your consideration should almost have a result!"

After all, the cell door opened.

Yue Liuhen walked in confidently.

Looking at Li Qinghou, who was suffering from scars, Yue Liuhen felt very refreshed.

But Li Qinghou remained indifferent.

"Humph! It will only be a waste of medicine!"

As soon as Yue Liuhen heard this word, her expression changed!

"What's wrong with the waste! What's wrong with the medicine!"

"Some people just deserve to be drugged!"

"If my voice is better than mine, I'll add drugs to his vocal cords!"

"If you look good, I will apply the medicine to make his face full of pus!"

"Women who don't love me, I will use medicine to make them show up to me!"

"The winner is king, you, the domain master, should know what a soldier is not deceitful!"

Listening to such disgusting remarks, Li Qinghou immediately spit on the ground!

"Trash, three indiscriminate things!"

Yueliuhen's face suddenly turned pale!

"Damn! It seems you still don't recognize reality."

"Come here! Beat me to death!"

Immediately, the two-month guard came up to hold Li Qinghou and beat him!

It wasn't until Li Qinghou was half unconscious before he stopped.

Later, Yue Liuhen said viciously.

"Aren't there four major punishments! Give it to me!"

The two soldiers smiled evilly and took out two iron nails that nailed their arms.

Li Qinghou said suddenly.

"I sign the agreement!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the Yue family was taken aback.

"What what? Lord Li, what did you say?"

Yue Liuhen immediately pretended to be an exaggerated dazed expression.

"Hahaha! I'm sorry I didn't catch it!"

Li Qinghou said tremblingly.

"I agree, I sign to abdicate and pass it to you!"

"Tomorrow I can live with you and abdicate on the spot."

"But please give me the antidote and let me go!"

Yueliuhen immediately made an expression of ascending to heaven.


"I'll give you the antidote~ let you go~"

The month left traces artificially.

"Okay! Little brother!"

"Then tomorrow I will see your performance!"

Yueliuhen immediately looked extremely refreshed, and thoroughly brought to life the performance of a trash villain.

Li Qinghou felt sick for a while.

He didn't do this because he was afraid of punishment.

He just wanted to take a gamble!

Bet Jiang Chen's antidote works!

The other end.

Yue Liuhen has reported all of Li Qinghou's affairs and coordinated everyone to prepare for tomorrow's live broadcast.

The Northern Territory immediately sent an airship, carrying the second son of the Yue family, Yue Weixiao.

The Yue family didn't know that Jiang Chen had already been to the dungeon and gave Li Qinghou an antidote pill!

Therefore, from the top to the soldiers, they were all triumphant, thinking that Li Qinghou had really agreed to transfer the position of domain lord!

At this time, Li Qinghou was facing the bright white moonlight outside the dungeon, full of worry in his heart.

He held the Po Tianhui Yuan Dan left by Jiang Chen in his hand, his eyes full of determination.

"Success or failure in one fell swoop, Jiang Chen!"

After that, he swallowed the Po Tian Hui Yuan Dan into his belly.

call out!

The spiritual energy turned into a jade-like light, slowly sweeping Li Qinghou's body.

In the chest and abdomen, endless power rises and emerges.

Under his surprised expression, the energy of Po Tian Hui Yuan Dan had dispelled most of the toxins and came to his emblem.

This is the most toxic place!

Li Qinghou tried countless methods to defeat the poison of the emblem, but none worked.

But right now, the suppressive poison around the emblem was suddenly easily broken by the Po Tian Hui Yuan Dan.


There was a fine smashing sound,

Li Qinghou suddenly felt that his emblem was released!

A large amount of toxins were converted into clear energy, and the cultivation base quickly recovered to its peak.

Li Qinghou couldn't help but let out a cry.

"Jiang Chen has such a superb medicine refining talent!"

"The medicine refined in just a few minutes can cure such a strange poison. It's really a rare talent!"

Under the moonlight, Li Qinghou's eyes became piercing again.

But he did not easily try to break the prison door.

If the 10,000-year Broken Dragon Stone is not broken, but instead disturbs Yueliu's mark, all efforts will be wasted!

Early the next morning.

More than a dozen beauties in swimwear dress Li Qinghou.

The women are all the best products Yue Weixiao brought from the North Territory Brothel.

Under the wait of the women, Li Qinghou's messy gray hair curled up, his dress with large sleeves, and a robe added to his body.

At this moment, the powerful posture that the domain owner should have was restored!

The coercion radiated unconsciously.

But Li Qinghou remained silent and did not run away.

He even pretends to be weak occasionally, resting on the beauty of the swimsuit.

Of course, he was not trying to take advantage, but to show the enemy's weakness.

In this way, the Yue family can confidently continue the live broadcast.

Soon, the beauty also changed into the maid's clothes and served around.

Say it is serving, more likely it is surveillance.

Soon, the live broadcast started.

The live broadcast signal covers the entire southern region.

Lingxiao Pass, Chang'an City.

Almost every screen is playing this live broadcast.

Yue Weixiao was elated, ready to take over as the Southern Territory Lord,

The mark left on the month is also extremely happy.

But the reason why he was happy was that he watched Li Qinghou, a strong man like that, became decadent and compromised with himself.

At the beginning of the speech, Li Qinghou was familiar with it.

It is nothing more than some words written long ago to praise the Yue family.

Just read one manuscript and read it down.

Halfway through.

Suddenly, a silver light flashed in the sky.

A black smoke condenses into a word.


It disappears immediately after it appears!

Since everyone's attention was on Li Qinghou, no one paid attention to this smoke except Li Qinghou!

Li Qinghou knows it now!

Suddenly, his conversation changed.

"Yue's family is really good. Where are they good, they will give people medicine."

"Yesterday, Yue Jiayue used poison to fascinate me and lost all my strength!"

"Now, they are also forcing me, asking me to abdicate, and give the position of domain lord to the second son of the Yue family, Yue Weixiao."

"I generally call this behavior the younger brother behavior!"

This was said, and the other side of the screen suddenly exploded!

The entire Southern Territory shook violently, and everyone who heard all this in front of the screen was surprised!

The beast master is considered to have experienced strong winds and waves, and the strong is king, which is normal.

But ordinary people are scared to death!

It is simply beyond common sense to tamper with the position of the domain master at will.

Yue Weixiao, who was behind Li Qinghou, was suddenly stupid.

He is too young, and he is the second young master. No matter what happened since he was a child, he has never experienced such a twist!

Yue Liuhen is furious!

If Li Qinghou had a public shutdown meeting, he could clean it up, but he didn't handle things well this time, and he would never be able to lift his head in Yue Family!

Suddenly, Yue Liuhen rushed up regardless of his image!

"Li Qinghou! You **** shamelessly!"

"See what is in my hand!"

"This is the antidote to your poisoning!"

"Make your way right away! Otherwise, I will destroy this thing and make you a waste forever!"

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