God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 877: Infected body number one!

It may be that Jiang Chen's push was too heavy.

Huo Mei Ji's body has sunk into the metal sheet of the instrument.

But he did not get up.

Just lying in the damaged instrument spurted by sparks.

"I hate it!"

"Smelly man!"

"Damn man!"

"The identity of a man! It is really annoying from birth!!"

In terms of tone, it might be more appropriate to use "she" for the time being.

This kind of whispering complaint, I am afraid that even half of the women can't do it.

But her weird behavior at this time made Jiang Chen even more nervous.

Fire Mei Ji is still very calm.

To be precise, she was very calm.

He was so calm that he didn't even care when the kimono was wide open.

But through the kimono, Jiang Chen saw a terrifying scene.

At this time, Huo Kai Mei Ji lowered her head.

"Well! What! I was discovered by Chen Jun!"

As soon as the voice fell, Huo Jia Mei Ji got up slightly and jumped off the mechanical instrument.

"Yes, Chen Jun, I don't have any more!"


Sakura flicked his sleeves, and Mei Ji simply discarded the kimono.

At this time, Jiang Chen was completely stunned!

Fire Mei Ji's body is like a costume model!

Not the moving models on the catwalks, but the plastic models in the shop windows!

Except that the face looks similar to humans, there are no human organs on the body.

Jiang Chen was dull, Huoji Meiji was talking to herself.

"Does it look good, I am neither a man nor a woman."

Huoji Meiji stared at Jiang Chen as if she was staring at her prey.

And she admired herself with self-pity and love, and sighed her beauty.

Jiang Chen disgusted.

"What's the use of just being beautiful? Can it demonstrate the ugliness in you?"

After hearing this, Huo Jiai smiled.

"Hehe! Chen Jun is so cute, I don't understand the darkness of the world."

"Actually, as a man, I have always been very kind!"

"I graduated from Sichuan Wangjing Kyoto University, and after graduating with a master's degree, I entered the National Hospital as the chief surgeon."

"There will be hundreds of patients who have successfully recovered in my hands without thousands!"

"But like many men who long for the opposite **** in the world, I met a woman on a sad rainy night."

"She is cute and gentle. At that moment, I thought she was my world."

"For three years, I have devoted myself to protecting her cuteness, but indulgence and pampering have changed both me and her."

"I found out I was controlled by her."

"She learned how to control men from her mother, girlfriends, female netizens, and women's books!"

"Learn to control a man who loves her, squeeze him, and get more love."

"At first I acted like she was acting like a baby, but it got worse."

"Soon, at the end of the third year, psychological oppression turned into physical abuse."

"But because of the so-called love, the older generations taught me to be tolerant, so I thought that love should be so-called innocent and selfless. I will bear all this."

"Slowly, she took my love for granted, and even thought I was born lowly."

"Until one day early in the morning, I woke up overnight and found that I had lost something."

"The woman smiled and said to me, men's things are cheap and should be discarded."

"She took away my only remaining money, took away my gender, dignity, and love, and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people."

"At that moment I realized that she was not cute, she was perverted."

"I finally found out that it is not just men who can easily retreat without paying at all in the relationship."

"Since then, I have never recovered."

"Lost makes me abandon myself."

"I was so confused. I was drunk and my hands were shaking so much that I could no longer pick up the scalpel. The hospital fired me."

"Soon, the cancer invaded my humble body under such circumstances."

"Half man and not woman, half alive and half-dead I was at the time. I have fallen into the abyss and there is no cure."

"Until Chuanmu Group's joint research and development selected my paper."

"About the blood worm."

"So, my chance comes!"

"Chuanmu gave me the opportunity. I took control of the laboratory and successfully recovered the ancient species!"

"For a time, countless disgusting humans invited me to return to Vanity Fair and put forward various alluring conditions."

"For my own laboratory, my own team, there are even countless women who are willing to rush to kneel and lick my empty scars!"

"But I am unmoved."

"In my most difficult time, Chuanmu gave me a chance to live, and I want to repay it!"

"I don't hesitate to sacrifice my humble body for this!!!"

"But everyone in this world is unreliable."

"I am so, so are Chen Jun and you."

"Only gods are the masters of this world!"

Huo Gai Mei Ji turned her back to Jiang Chen, admiring the beasts she had transformed outside the transparent protective wall.

"You see, as my failed experiment, they at least have a beautiful appearance."

"Now! I also have a beautiful appearance! I am a beautiful woman!"

"I am no longer lowly, and even possess the power like a god!"

"In Yanhuang's words."

"Dao begets one! One life is two! Two is born three! Everything bears the yin and embraces the yang, and urges for peace!"

"Man and god, beast and man, **** and beast, all these are mixed and concentrated on me!"

"The one and only one, I am Dao!"

Huo Mei Ji spoke on her mouth, but secretly pressed a button with her hand.


The air pressure is slowly released.

Jiang Chen immediately paid attention to everything around him nervously!

I saw in the middle of the laboratory, an energy shield slowly opened! !

A fireball with unlimited radiation power is slowly floating like the sun!

Jiang Chen felt a strange power in it.

Can't see the data, even Jiang Chen can't understand the power!

"Hehe! Chenjun, this is a genetic rough, which brings together Chuanmu Group's research on cracks in different dimensions!"

"Try it out!"

Seeing Mei Ji push a lever, energy swept around the original gene stone!

Strange radiation swept on the surviving scientist!

Almost immediately, the skin of the scientists began to dry up, and their facial features and limbs began to undergo strange changes!

The limbs are elongated, the ears are pointed, and the body is transformed into a decayed corpse, and the light of no one in the eyes turns into a beast!

Then, their huge bat wings burst open!

It was the gargoyle Jiang Chen had fought against in the village!

This stone has such a magical and evil ability, it can turn human beings into beasts!

It's like fire power!

The technology of this era is completely beyond!

At this moment, Huogai Meiji turned around.

She said to Jiang Chen pretentiously.

"This is my divine nature, which can control the genetic conversion between humans and beasts."

"But the human side of me, Chen Jun will never see again, so I can only listen to me."

"I've said everything."

"Finally, let Chen Jun see my animality!"

Roar! !

The horrible roar that is not like a human erupted from Huo Mei Ji's throat!

Huge demon double horns crazily breed from her forehead.

The sharp teeth opened his lips, and the blood-red tongue stuck out, separating the two branches like a snake letter!

The eyes changed again, and the pupils became straight, becoming like a goat.

The slender tail was wagging, and his fair skin turned fiery red.

At this time, Meiji Huojia has been transformed into the fallen angel who is forbidden to call out the name in the ancient mythology-Satan!

A light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, and a piece of data appeared in front of him.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Bloody Dread Demon

【Monster Level】: Level 64 (Overlord Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attributes]: Variation Fighting System / Demon System / Super Power System

[Monster State]: Anger (War Intent)

[Monster characteristics]: Genetic modification and species parasitism are not enough to make gods, hatred can be

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Holy Light System/Thunderbolt System

[Evolution route]: There are 0 evolution routes...

Fire Maggie no longer exists, and the Bloody Dreadlord replaced him and became it.

A code is engraved on the collarbone of the tall Bloody Dreadlord.

The last three digits are exactly 001!

It is the source of the resurrection of the corpse, Infected Body No. 1 that is more powerful than No. 2! !

Roar! !

The **** dreadlord roared loudly, as if calling a thousand troops!

The countless gargoyles and mutant combination monsters around it suddenly attacked Jiang Chen!

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