God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 876: You deserve no chicken!

At the moment of crisis, the elevator door to the third floor was suddenly opened!


With a crisp sound, a cart stretcher with a blue protective cloth slowly rolled out.

The protective cloth has the number 731 written in capitals, and a vacuum-plasticized body bag is pressed underneath.

The plastic bag was covered with blood, and inside the bag was a **** corpse.

But that's it, Jiang Chen still saw corpses and sediment on the corpse.

Obviously, the person in the belt has been dead for a long time.

Judging from the blood-blood condition, it is likely to be the product of experimental mutation after being infected into a blood parasite.

Just listen to a person slowly walking out from behind the cart and speaking.

"This experiment has failed again. The physical fitness of these Yanhuang people is too bad, let alone demonized, even a small transformation can't be achieved!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scientists around Jiang Chen burst into laughter.

But Jiang Chen everyone couldn't laugh at all.

Creak! Creak!

Jiang Chen could hear the sound of his teeth.

The laughter of the people around seemed to be slowed down at this moment.

Among the laughing crowd, Jiang Chen's expressions were very disharmonious and serious.

But in the next moment, Jiang Chen will use actions to make them completely serious!

Roar! !

Jiang Chen roared, his body instantly transformed into a dragon!

The dense purple dragon scales are gleaming!

And behind him, a ghost of the Pluto suddenly unfolded!

The endless suction is rolling in, and the surrounding space is sucked into a vacuum state!

Many scientists suffocated shock on the spot.

When the man in the elevator saw this, he immediately took out his pistol to close the elevator!

Jiang Chen waved his dragon's claws, and the strong suction lifted the man completely!


The palm turned into a knife, with a scream!

Jiang Chen cut off the man's head in public!

"Those who deceive me will kill me without mercy!!"

Jiang Chen drank in a cold voice, and slowly retreated to the elevator, and everyone in Changan followed behind him.

In front of the elevator, was a frightened island scientist.

The blue veins on Jiang Chen's arm burst, and the black hole-like suction directly attracted all the scientists and surgical equipment gathered in front of the door!

Their bodies fly up uncontrollably.

Seeing that he was about to collide with Jiang Chen's knife, but unexpectedly, the elevator door slowly closed at this time.


The pile of people slammed into the elevator door, and their flesh and blood shattered and their bones were crushed and deformed.

For a time, the elevator door became a meat press.

The plasma sprays all over the sky like a hand squeezed orange juice!

The blue wall was dyed into a red wall.

In the elevator, Jiang Chen looked at the deformed body in the bag.

The **** Chuanmu Group caused Yanhuang's compatriots to die inexplicably, even after their deaths, they would not be peaceful.

Just beside the corpse, the red warning light kept flashing.

It seems that Jiang Chen still underestimated the enemy.

The alarm in the elevator has begun to buzz.

"Prepare to defend!!"

Jiang Chen shouted.

The voice just fell!


The elevator door bends instantly!

There must be a terrifying monster waiting for everyone outside the elevator!

But the Chang'an team is not the kind of team that has never seen the world before.

They are trained in team battles.

Jiang Chen was half talking, and Dai Jin's figure had turned out!

The dark gold iron rod in his hand rose sharply in the wind.

Strong coercion gushes out from the elevator.

With one stick down, the alloy door was directly stabbed out!

The mysterious beast behind the door howled miserably.

Li Xiaofu took the lead and dashed out of the elevator.

Beside him, four thunder imaginary flickering crazily, it is the thunder phantom clone of Little Turtle!

Zheng! !

The energy radiation vibrates wildly!

Eight handles Raeche·Guanshizhengzong constantly slashes and turns into a thunderstorm! !

The blade light flashed, and there was a dead soul under the blade!

The huge spliced ​​mutant monster tried to lift the crab claws to stop Lei Che Guanshizheng, but unexpectedly, the tortoise's knife skills were as godly, and the crab claws were hard to cover the whole body!


Leiqi Guanshizheng pierced the scale armor.

Four-unlike mutant Yu Beast screamed!

The rhino head suddenly ignited a thunder attack on the turtle.

But the little turtle is not afraid of electricity at all, and directly absorbs the thunder attack.

Then Ah stupid huge body appeared on top of Sidonian's head!

Thor's hammer is brilliant!


A hammer hit the beast's chest.

The mutant monster burps instantly!

But the test subject that everyone killed was just an appetizer.

Jiang Chen didn't expect it at all.

In the third-level secret laboratory, various experimental monsters are being held!

In their ball cage, the alarm red light is flashing at this time!

In front of everyone, nearly twenty terrifying mutant beasts with disgusting appearance have slowly gathered!

Jiang Chen has seen Chuanmu Group's ambition from these mutant beasts!

The heroic spirit of the evil spirit rider is spliced ​​on the body of the sandstorm giant sickle.

The shape of this human scorpion leg is exactly the shape of the ancient scorpion king.

Anubis is the one with a dog head!

But the eight-armed beauty with snake legs, Nu Wa!

The great ancient ruler, octopus Crusu!

The visual impact of these guys instantly brought Jiang Chen into a chaotic and strange world!

In addition, the ancient blood clan, this underground thing is not a product of this world at all!

Everyone fights separately.

Each of these splicing and fusion mutants is very powerful and difficult to deal with.

Jiang Chen was very surprised.

"Damn it! Are they resurrecting the old gods!"

At this moment, in the center of the laboratory, a woman suddenly took Jiang Chen's words, and boldly looked at Jiang Chen in anger.

"No! We are all materialistic scientists and don't believe in gods!"

"But, the appearance of these guys, I did catch some myths as inspiration!"

"But it's better than Mr. Mask who used the myth as a civilization to investigate and record!"

"Oh, by the way, I am Mei Ji Huo Jia!"

"Welcome to Daichuanmu Group 731 Secret Experimental Base, Mr. Jiang Chen!"

The appearance of the woman is very similar to that of Jiang Chen and fellow Yanhuang.

But her heart is very vicious!

There was a genetic emblem shining between her brows, and she was wearing a pure cherry blossom kimono.

The colorful umbrella in his hand is depicting the Amaterasu Great God honoring each clan on Gaotianyuan.

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth while watching!

"Are you the beastmaster who deceived the villagers?"

Facing Jiang Chen's coldness, Huo Kai Mei Ji hid his mouth and smiled.

"Hey! Mr. Jiang Chen is really funny. I have signed a drug experiment contract. I have written in black and white. I also gave them money!"

"If you don't believe me, come and take a look!"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, the mutant beasts retreated one after another, unexpectedly giving way!

Huogai Mei Ji looked good and waited for Jiang Chen's arrival.

Jiang Chen stepped forward slowly and took the stack of paper.

The above is indeed a new drug experiment contract.

but. .


Jiang Chen tore off the contract casually!

In front of him, these contracts are waste paper!

"You show me the contract? What's the use of the contract?"

"Is the contract worth the life?"

"Even if these people are written in the contract, have the corpses infected by the blood worm outside the door also signed the contract! You scum!"

Huogai Meiji looked weak, and was forced to back down again and again by Jiang Chen.

When Jiang Chen finished getting angry, she smiled slightly.

"Puff! As expected of Mr. Jiang Chen~ I really admire you~"

"Even kinsmen know about it~ It's not common for people like you. If we get along well, we will be confidants!"

"The blood worms were resurrected by me from the fossils~"

"Chen Jun, praise me!"

The woman's posture was extremely twisted, and Jiang Chen was disgusted!

"Go away, don't bother me!"

Jiang Chen pushed hard and directly flew the woman onto the computer console.

In his hand, he accidentally tore off the work permit that Meiji had hung on his chest.

There are photos and information about Meiji Huojie.

In the gender column, the word "male" is clearly written!

Jiang Chen looked silly!

If Huojii Meiji is a man, then what is the soft thing I just pushed!

With a cleverness in his mind, Jiang Chen finally realized the woman's name.

You deserve no chicken!

Jiang Chen suddenly said: "Te Ma's death is abnormal, you stay away from me!"

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