According to Western legends, the gods took six days to create the heaven and the earth, and rested on the seventh day.

Every day when the world was opened, God created an angel as a witness.

Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Sameer (the original name of Lucifer), Uriel, Medanzo, Sariye.

After the seven angels were created by God, each possessed supreme authority.

However, no one has the power of time.

Only the **** who opened up the world has this power of control.

And Lucifer, as a defeated opponent of the gods, naturally had already eaten the cry of time.

From this we can see how Lucifer felt when he saw Jiang Chen showing such a mighty power.

At this moment, time is changing.

The rugged spear was suspended in front of Jiang Chen.

The shiny silver gun head is shaped like a big knife, and the blood-red gun handle is engraved with countless offensive carvings.

The thread rotation provides eternal power for this long gun.

This is a spiritual gun!

Jiang Chen grabbed it in his hand and waved it again and again.

Lucifer suddenly looked at Jiang Chen playing with the spear and was stunned.

He didn't expect Jiang Chen to control the power of time to such a point!

The spear that should have been confined in time was easily pulled out by Jiang Chen, without any muddling.

The solidification of the surrounding time never ends.

This kind of attribute gap made Lucifer's intention to control Jiang Chen under the guise of offering a spear to be destroyed instantly!

The master showdown is so nervous and broken.

Even if there is only such a small gap, once it appears in the fight, it is enough to give Jiang Chen an absolute advantage!

at this time.


The power of time dissipated immediately.

The power of time is too strong, even with Jiang Chen's strength, it can only barely last a few seconds.

Looking at Lucifer again, his posture changed completely.

If there are real angels present, you will definitely be shocked by the scene at that time!

Lucifer smiled flatteringly.

Slightly bowed, obviously waiting for Jiang Chen's answer.

"How is it, are you satisfied?"

I saw Jiang Chen's right eye, the data turbulent flow frantically.

[Treasure Name]: Gun of Cassius

[Treasure Quality]: God

[Treasure Attribute]: War spear stained with Caesar’s blood

[Treasure Effect]: The Spear of Killing the King

[Treasure Taboo]: Used to kill beggars, they can’t be killed anyway

[Treasure Usage]: Shout Spartan, press Q to cast out

This sharp gun Jiang Chen has seen it!

At the first meeting with the deified Elizabeth, one of the phantoms of the light gun on her hands.

The Gun of Killing King, the gun of the general that killed Emperor Caesar.

In the swing, there is the edge to kill the strongest man and the momentum to command the army!

This is a spear weapon as legendary as the Longinus gun.

After reading it, Jiang Chen smiled immediately.

Lucifer, as the lord of hell, is the ultimate boss in some novels.

Hell has more than these two treasures!

Jiang Chen decided to continue ripping off!

"Hey! Lucifer, I heard you are the king of hell?"

While talking, Jiang Chen flipped his spear.

There was a terrifying fierce light shining from the tip of a machete.

Lucifer waved his hand again and again.

"No no! This is useless to me!"

Jiang Chen immediately took out the gun of Longinus.

"Oh! It doesn't matter, I still have this! I have always wanted to try to kill the true **** with it!"

Lucifer's eyes were a little jealous, and he took a breath.

"Hey! You are ruthless!"

"OK! Sure! As the lord of hell, I still have one last bargaining chip!"

Jiang Chen suddenly smiled.

"Take it out and let the little master see and see!"

Lucifer sneered.

His eyes suddenly turned into blood-red goat eyes.

The gaze of the devil came instantly!

"My eyes can see your inner desire..."

"Come on Jiang Chen! Tell me the evil thoughts in your heart!"

"Oh! I saw it! You want a new body! Huh?"

Lucifer suddenly stopped talking.

"What's the matter? What body do you want?"

A light of thunder suddenly flashed in Jiang Chen's left eye.

The unicorn roars fiercely.

Obviously, Lucifer's routine is useful for Xiao Hei!

Jiang Chen immediately comforted Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei? Your ambition is too big, it's harder than winning the Yanhuang Football World Cup!"

Lucifer smiled awkwardly.

"Hehehe! Brother Jiang Chen, I just want to ask if you have any gifts you want."

"My brother is in this relationship, brother is so good for you, isn't it!"

Jiang Chen immediately pretended that nothing happened just now.

"Okay! I want a new body for Yuju!"

Lucifer was speechless.

"Uh! New body is a bit difficult. After all, everything is the rules set by the old man in my family. Can it be taken back?"

Jiang Chen suddenly smiled.

"Okay! I found Xiao Hei's body, my brother became a sister one day, it's so exciting to think about it!"


Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly burst into thunderous light.

Xiao Hei expressed extreme protest!

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Haha! It seems that it disagrees, what should we do, Lord Almighty Demon King?"

Lucifer gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay! I still have an idea!"

"Jiang Chen, you have already entered the Black Moon!"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"So what, to punish me for breaking into the Holy Land?"

Lucifer said with difficulty.

"That's good, I'm afraid you can't accept my strength!"

"The fall is coming, the dark sky!"


A red thunder suddenly struck down in the sky!

The endless dark clouds swept across, covering all of Lucifer's body.

Jiang Chen and the Shangguan sisters immediately guarded and became nervous.

In an instant, endless satanic evil power descended on the world.

The dark light flashed under Jiang Chen's feet.

The five-pointed star array in the horns of the sheep's head suddenly lit up.

The terrifying power fell from the sky!


A dark light broke through the dark clouds and pierced Jiang Chen's body instantly.

In an instant, the surface of Jiang Chen's body appeared like blue veins.

This magic circle generally represents an evil sacrifice.

The ghosts in Borderless Land thought it was Lucifer and Jiang Chen who fought, and the Lord of the Fall sacrificed Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen knew in his heart that Lucifer couldn't kill any life on the Blue Star at all because of the restriction!

Jiang Chen only felt that his body was being corroded, but he didn't feel any harm.

Shangguan kitten is impatient.

Seeing Jiang Chen's body of Titan seemed to be held hostage, he suddenly became angry!

The **** devil's claw struck the Gorefiend's giant sword, and immediately lifted up endless blood.

"Damn it! What did you do to my brother!"

Lucifer turned her head sharply, and a demon phantom burst out of her face.

But he immediately defended his strength.

"Hush! Little girl, you should have this thing!"

As he said, Lucifer rubbed his hands slowly.

"Give it to Jiang Chen, that guy will thank me sooner or later!"

As soon as the voice fell, the abnormal situation suddenly broke out.

I saw a sarcoma suddenly appeared in the eyeball of Jiang Chen's left eye.

The black and white light continued to erupt, and Jiang Chen's eyes grew wildly!

The terrifying power of the emperor burst out, and Jiang Chen's eyes burst into blood like a waterfall!

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