Jiang Chen smashed it for a long time, but Lucifer didn't even fight back.

He just kept rushing to the destroyed city to prevent the boulder from falling like a meteorite.

"It seems that there is a restriction on you!" Jiang Chen frowned.

Lucifer suddenly collapsed and shouted.

"Didn't I tell you all! The ghosts and demons on the Fallen Continent are all creatures on your Blue Star, and some of them haven't even destroyed humanity!"

"If you want to kill, thank the creatures, but also think about the good people on the fallen continent!"

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"As the saying goes, if you don't stop evil behavior, you are helping evil!"

"I think we should demolish this continent once and for all, let's see if there is any good baby here!"

"After all, it is the open door of hell. What if you can get the artifact that you were driven away and didn't have time to bring out, wouldn't it be good?"

Jiang Chen's words were obviously a radical method, he couldn't really destroy a continent casually.

Lucifer's tooth was about to bite and bleed.

He had heard the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, and his words were obviously angry.

"Jiang Chen! Your kid, this is a clear grab!"

"Take advantage of the fire! You will go to hell!"

While speaking, Lucifer's figure suddenly swelled.

A demon's body stood proudly between the world and the earth.

It swung its sharp claws and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

The air was torn by sharp nails.

A crack in the space erupted, and the attack instantly crossed the space, piercing Jiang Chen's face!

Unexpectedly, a golden light suddenly blocked Jiang Chen.

To be precise, it was in front of Lucifer's claws.

Suddenly, Lucifer's attack was turned into nothingness and disappeared in the air inexplicably.

It was as if there was an invisible strong man who confronted Lucifer and instantly offset its attack.

Jiang Chen was unscathed and smiled immediately.

"Ha! There are really restrictions, I didn't expect that Satan would not lie!"

"Hehehe! Blame me for being so excited, I didn't expect to be able to successfully rob the legendary Demon King once!"

"But then again, is this your body?"

Lucifer said angrily.

"Cut! Banditry!"

"I am the light of stars in this world, and I have no body at all."

"But if you have to ask, I stayed in an abandoned body in the world when I resisted heaven!"

When Jiang Chen heard this, he was stunned.

"Wow! It won't be such a coincidence!"

"It seems that I happened to take down a demon's body a few days ago!"

Lucifer was almost blown up by Jiang Chen.

"I know I know! You also used it to advance your Royal Beast! My body must have allowed those two chicks to grow up like flying!"

After hearing this, the two Alengs immediately ran behind Jiang Chen and said in unison.

"It's disgusting, Master! It turns out that Lucifer was so ugly before! I knew I wouldn't absorb that monster!"

Lucifer was full of veins.

"That's my battle form! It's no different from the mecha you humans wear!"

"There really is what kind of imperial beast there is for any owner! He speaks so harshly, just like Jiang Chen!"

And Jiang Chen and two Aleng high-five each other.


"Okay, Lucifer! Seeing that your body was ruined by me by accidentally hitting, I don't need to destroy the fallen continent!"

Lucifer suddenly let out a breath.

There are wandering souls on the fallen continent. Although they have been infected by the atmosphere of another world and formed monsters, they will return to **** sooner or later.

If Jiang Chen kills them all here, the **** will become empty.

At that time, the soul reincarnation between heaven and **** on earth will be broken, and he, the great demon king, has absolutely no good fruits!

Lucifer quickly said: "Good, good! As long as you don't move and fall to the mainland, I can promise you some conditions!"

Jiang Chen teased a little: "Hoho! You are so complacent?"

"It seems that this prohibition on you is very useful! Let me catch you alive to Yanhuang!"

Lucifer smiled contemptuously.

"Cut? This devil is not scared!"

"Although the prohibition on my body prevents me from attacking others, my defense is far beyond that of mortals like you!"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Yes, right, we mortals have low attack power!"

"what should I do?"

Jiang Chen said yin and yang strangely, but energy ripples suddenly broke out behind him!


Horrible energy fluctuations burst out.

A huge energy array gradually opened.

The tree of Kabbalah totem suddenly appeared behind Jiang Chen.

Thousands of blood-red fine silk threads immediately condensed from Jiang Chen's hands.

Huh hoo hoo~

The silk thread is knitting rapidly, forming an extremely long spiral spear in Jiang Chen's palm!

Lucifer was dumbfounded!

"How can you have an angel's weapon! Isn't this look like the gun of Longinus!"

Jiang Chen smiled softly.

"It's also a coincidence that there are so many confidantes around me, this is one of the confidants' heirlooms!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen's expression suddenly became treacherous.

"Hey! Let me try today whether this gun of Godslayer works well!"

Lucifer was silent immediately.

Jiang Chen held the God-Slaying Spear and had the ability to kill angels.

On my own side, apart from a bunch of wasteful people who only know to do evil every day, no one can help.

Lucifer's body had long been restrained by the gods.

If you choose to fight Jiang Chen now, it would be like being **** with your hands and feet, letting Jiang Chen rub on the ground!

Lucifer's face suddenly changed, and the devilish posture disappeared in an instant, his face was full of embarrassing smirks, showing a row of white teeth.

"Brother! Everything is negotiable!"

"Brother, here is an artifact brought from hell, your eyes are long!"

While talking, the huge volcano in the center of the fallen continent burst out!

Those who didn't know thought that the gate of **** had reopened.

In this endless lava flame, a sharp ray of light rushed straight into the sky, turning into a meteor-like flash and hitting Jiang Chen directly.

A hot red light flashed in the sky suddenly.

The evil spirit of horror erupted instantly.

In the endless shadows, there is a strange flame spear hidden!

Huh! !

The spear pierced the sky instantly, and the sharp tip of the spear pierced Jiang Chen's eyes.

At this moment of much attention.

Jiang Chen's Chaos Eyes burst out instantly!

"Time freezes!"

I saw a golden light jetting out from the left eye instantly, like a waterfall surging in the abyss, violently surging.

At the moment when the golden light was flowing, the space around Jiang Chen stood still!

Lucifer was stupid.

As the seven angels, he certainly knew what kind of power Jiang Chen used!

Represents the time to open up the world.

At this moment, Jiang Chen did not freeze the space, but completely stopped the time in this area!

The power consumed by this kind of behavior is terrifying!

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