God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1339: A hole to hell

"Uncle He, let's talk about me later."

"What matters now is about Jiang Chen! He is Blue Star's future!"

Fatty He suddenly woke up.

"Okay! I'm going to contact the two elders!"

Aya took a breath.

At this time, Gu Yuesha and Mo Yan suddenly became anxious.

"He Hufa, do you have news about Jiang Chen? Where are you now?"

God knows how long the two have endured this worry and miss.

At this time, Ginger Puppy suddenly jumped between the two of them.

"Yes! Tell me where my brother is!"

Fatty He has a bitter face.

"I passed a secret letter with the young master, they are now... are driving to the bear country!"

Everyone was taken aback.

"Xiong Country? Why go there?"

Fatty He said very embarrassedly.

"The Nordic emperor obtained the ancient alchemy magic circle from Chuanmu. According to the reliable information of the young master, the Nordic emperor Elizabeth refining sacrifices to nearly two million people through the magic circle, and opened the Kabbalah truth that can communicate with the gods through the blood sacrifice. door!"

Everyone suddenly took a breath.

"What a joke! Where is God in this world?"

Fatty He shrugged.

"The communication between me and the young master is not fixed. All news can only be spread by text, and it is unidirectional."

"So... this is the disaster that Zongzheng leader can't guess even if he breaks his head."

Aya looked at Fatty He, her eyes a little strange.

Fatty He explained immediately.

"The young master is 100% confidential. You were once a pioneer. You should understand my difficulties!"

Aya's expression recovered.

But she was not angry or angry because of He Fatty's loyalty.

Because she fully understands how important Jiang Chen is to Fatty He, to the pioneer, and to the entire Blue Star!

So Aya spoke.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. I think we should allocate manpower immediately and set off for Northern Europe!"

Everyone glanced at each other and looked at Fatty He.

The other end.

Jiang Chen is enduring the strong smell of Cuban flue-cured tobacco.

"I said old man, even if your body can be resurrected indefinitely, smoking like this is enough!"

Newton was not embarrassed, and laughed while smoking.

"Alive there are troubles alive, and there are deaths happy."

"Okay boy, it's almost here."

Jiang Chen returned to his senses and looked into the distance.

In an endless wilderness in front of the suspended vehicle, on the towering snow-capped mountains, the monster roars constantly, as if to warn the three people in the suspended vehicle to leave its territory.

Jiang Chen said immediately.

"What's the situation? I didn't see anything!"

Newton shook his head and opened the air-conditioning window of the classic car. There was a button inside.


Newton pressed and spoke.

"The goods have arrived at the port, request to unload!"

Li Xiaofu immediately shouted in the small world.

"Smelly old man! Who do you say is in stock! You are out of stock!"

at this time.

squeak! !

The hovering car stopped abruptly, and the three of them were immediately covered in dust.

The surrounding sight seemed to be obscured by clouds.

At this moment, Jiang Chen heard the sound of mountain collapse and mechanical twisting.

The sound is not obvious, as if through endless dirt.


Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

I saw a red light flashing out of thin air in the billowing dust and smoke.

Jiang Chen raised his head, and saw a huge elevator entrance unexpectedly rise under the red light.

It turns out that everything around is a cover for underground buildings.

Jiang Chen thought to himself that he should have discovered it a long time ago.

Looking around, there are green mountains and green waters all around, but this place is nearly ten miles round and there is no vegetation.

This shows that the underground soil components have long been severely destroyed.

Either it was hit by a nuclear bomb, or there was a huge concrete project hidden underground.

Without Newton's hands, the levitating car slowly moved forward into the dark elevator.



The electric engine started and everyone was enclosed in the elevator.

Newton hummed a little tune very comfortably.

But Jiang Chen looked around nervously.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen was stunned.

"How much longer!" he asked.

Newton raised his head casually.

"Ah! Just halfway through!"

"But don't worry, you will be able to see the earliest catastrophe defense facility in the world!"

Everyone went all the way down.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen felt the light source in the darkness.

"what is that?"

Newton suddenly stood up from his seat full of energy, and carefully arranged his windbreaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Allow me to solemnly introduce to you, the underground city of alchemists, Nibelungen!"


The huge steel beam went from bottom to top and passed directly over Jiang Chen's car.


The dazzling white light instantly pierced Jiang Chen's eyelids.

Two seconds later, Jiang Chen's vision recovered, and he looked up and saw a huge dome above his head!

Countless buildings hang down from above, and are built in mid-air underground.

The elevator platform where the suspended vehicle was parked dropped rapidly, and the sound of hunting wind filled Jiang Chen's ears.

Li Xiaofu shouted in surprise.

"Fuck this fighting nation?"

Under the many buildings, the first thing that caught Jiang Chen's eyes was a pure white cross lying down.

I don't know if it is an illusion, Jiang Chen always feels that a terrifying coercion bursts from the cross, which looks a little gloomy.

The cross is surrounded by hills and woods, and countless Jiang Chen can only see ancient creatures haunting the jungle in books.

Jiang Chen quickly passed the clusters of hills, keeping his eyes fixed on the top of the cross.

There is a huge black spot there.

From a high altitude, it is a black spot, and its actual diameter is at least 500 meters wide!

It can also be calculated that the size of the cross is at least the size of two football fields.

Jiang Chen pointed to the black hole at the top of the cross and asked.

"Why is there a big hole there?"

Newton didn't know where he took out a hot dog, and ate it, his beard covered with sauce.

"Hey! Young people nowadays, don't even know such a famous experiment?"

A noun flashed across Jiang Chen's mind.

"Kora's super deep well?!"

Newton snapped his fingers.

"Bingo! You guessed it!"

"It is the deep well dug by Xiong Country in the old century. It penetrated into the ground and is 12,200 meters long.

Vera pursed her lips.

"It is said that this big hole leads directly to hell."

Newton looked proud and showed an expression of "you really know the goods".

Jiang Chen really heard a lot of ghosts and gods recently.

"Hell, why build a cross on the edge of hell? Take the feudal superstition that Yanhuang Fuzhu Zhenling has used?"

Newton extended his index finger and shook it from side to side.

"Nonono! Look at the cross carefully!"

Jiang Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, like a digital camera.

The world in his eyes immediately enlarged, and the pixels gradually became clear.

"Damn!" Jiang Chen yelled.

Tang Shishi everyone was blinded, and asked immediately.

"Jiang Chen! What do you see!"

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes and confirmed the huge cross again.

I saw the white cross cracked numerous gaps like the old wall powder.

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