Fatty He's face flushed.

"Who do you call Uncle..."

"Huh? A bit familiar hey..."

Woman step forward.

"Haha, I've long wanted to come to you, I haven't had a chance!"

Fatty He's memory was instantly awakened.

"Aya? Are you Aya?"

Fatty He suddenly made an unbelievable expression.

"I thought you were dead!"

The woman named Aya chuckled.

"Yeah, almost, but maybe it's my luck!"

"I blamed me at the time, too impulsive and arrogant."

Fatty He relaxed slightly.

"no no."

"Just come back..."

He opened his broad arms and wanted to give Aya a hug.

Under this hug, she found that the woman in front of her had no arms at all.

Aya smiled bitterly.

"If you come back without treatment, you can only cut it off."

"I have been using mechanical prostheses for so many years. Today is a special situation and I can't carry it on my body.

Fatty He said keenly and alertly.

"Today is something special, what happened?"

His suspicion is not without reason.

Aya, like Xiaoguo, was a little girl who followed Fatty behind.

The backbone of the entire pioneer can be called her parents.

This little girl was deeply affected by the catastrophe. She lost her parents, relatives and friends in the invasion of the animal tide.

It was Jiang Yuan and his wife who found Aya on the battlefield, so they brought it back to the pioneer organization to raise.

Although the little girl grew up eating Baijiafan, her character is tough and she has a stubbornness in her bones.

What's more precious is that Aya has an unconcealed hatred towards the monster beast in her heart at a young age.

She turned this hatred into motivation, practiced frantically, and improved herself.

Jiang Yuan valued this quality very much, and he spared no effort to help Aya.

In his teens, before Jiang Chen and the others were awakened, Aya had already been one step ahead and reached the overlord level.

But like every teenager, teenage Aya is at a rebellious age.

The elders think that some rebellious girls are cute, and they spoil her even more.

Finally, in the battle with Kawaki, a tragedy happened.

Aya went deep into the Chuanmu laboratory, and the Chuanmu thief had already set up explosives.


The big bang, Aya has no more news.

Now, Aya is standing in front of Fatty He again. Although she has lost her arms, she has reached the pinnacle of mankind!

Emperor-level, but stopped the quasi-monarch-level Nightmare with his aura!

Fatty He could not help but exclaimed.

"Little Aya, what have you experienced all these years!"

Aya smiled bitterly.

"I have experienced more than you, than you, and all the people on Blue Star."

At this time, Aya's conversation front suddenly turned.

"Uncle He, don't talk about this yet."

"I have an important thing to tell you."

"Leader Zongzheng has an order to verbally convey this information to the pioneer organization!"

"Quickly send people to station in Chang'an City, and Elder Baihu will temporarily serve as the city lord, and all matters in the city can be adjusted!"

"Quickly dispatched Suzaku elders to the Champions League continent, where something unexpected happened."

"At the same time, Master Zong Zheng repeatedly asked, he expects that Jiang Chen is already in trouble and needs strong assistance!"

Fatty He is stupid.

"Jiang Chen? Encountered hemp in Northern Europe? Is there any more trouble than the ghost king??"

Aya nodded very solemnly.

"I have never seen Mr. Zong Zheng so nervous. Obviously there has been a major event in Northern Europe that can shake the flames!"

At this moment, footsteps suddenly heard outside the door.

"He Hufa, did you just say what happened to Jiang Chen?"

Looking up, it was Gu Yuesha, Queen of the Elves, who came with her, and the white-haired Tianwu Super Rabbit!

As soon as the two walked past, they exuded a tyrannical aura.

The wind fell, and the two blocked the door behind Aya.

Fatty He just wanted to explain, but saw Mo Yan staring at the woman in front of him with a confused expression.

"Master Renhuang?"

"You... are you here to catch Jiang Chen?"

"Jiang Chen is not here!"

Mo Yan's face changed instantly.

When the Four Emperors encircled and suppressed Jiang Chen, the Emperor was obviously present.

Aya smiled bitterly.

"Sister Mo Yan, you are really here."

"Actually, I didn't come to find Jiang Chen."

She glanced at Fatty He.

"I was entrusted by Master Zong Zheng to come to let me know!"

Mo Yan frowned.

"Leader? Why didn't he notify me directly?"

Aya said.

"The current situation is special, you also know that."

"Let's not say that all Jiang Chen's communications have been monitored, just say that the Beast Emperor and the War Emperor will be unfavorable to Jiang Chen."

"The two of them have already figured out the future, and want to eradicate Jiang Chen before he reaches the peak!"

Mo Yan spoke again.

"Sir Ke Renhuang, isn't he one of the four emperors?"

Aya was silent for a moment.

"This matter is a long story, but you know that I am a person and never participate in political decision-making. I have always only obeyed the opinion of the majority. This is why I have been able to secure the position of the Four Emperors for many years.

Fatty He heard this, and couldn't help but sigh what this female doll has experienced over the years!

"Well, super handsome, things are too complicated, let's not mention it for now."

"Aya sent news that the Beast Emperor and the War Emperor are going to be unfavorable to the Young Master. Elder White Tiger is already the acting city master of Chang'an City, and Master Zong Zheng will determine that the Young Master may be in danger at this time. I hope we can send Elder Suzaku to go. help."

Mo Yan Gu Yuesha was stunned.

"What do you mean? Attacking Chang'an City?"

Aya nodded.

"The two kings of war and the king of beasts want to use the war order to mobilize the army to go to northern Europe to fight against Jiang Chen. The reason is that Jiang Chen assassinated the king of ghosts."

Before everyone answered, Jiang Xiaoguo suddenly cursed.

"I'll go to their grandma!"

"Planning and framing is not so shameless!"

"The battle between my brother and the ghost emperor was clearly recorded by the Nordic reporters. It was the ghost emperor who attacked my brother. Two old and disrespectful people are looking for excuses. You can find a more reliable one!"

Aya Road.

"If you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Hey? You are Xiao Guoguo, right!"

Jiang Xiaoguo blushed.

Aya has an elegant temperament and a beautiful appearance. When she speaks, Guoguo shows her endless gentleness.

Although Jiang Xiaoguo was a girl, she was rarely treated so tenderly, but she blushed suddenly.

"Oh, shame~"

Aya giggled.

"Don't be ashamed, logically speaking, I should count as your sister!"

Jiang Xiaoguo's eyes rolled.

"Sister has a lot of birthrights, why not call her sister-in-law!"

Aya was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Fatty He at a loss.

Fatty He is not polite to Xiao Guo.


A brain collapsed on the small fruit head.

"Xiaoguo will go out with your Uncle Nightmare first!"

Xiaoguo immediately clutched his head, and went out with a crying face, but eavesdropped outside the door.

Just listen to Fatty He speak.

"Now that the matter is up, let's do what Master Zong Zheng said."

"Aya, so many years, I really wronged you!"

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