God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1334: Not simple

"All right!"

Jiang Chen's face was severe.

"Now going to Elizabeth to get revenge is no different from sending her to death. I was too excited just now. Now Zilin's injury has improved, everyone should calm down."

Everyone was quiet, and at this moment, Vera suddenly spoke.

"Darling, although extremely reluctant, I think I must tell you."

"I know a surviving sect of alchemy."

When Jiang Chen heard it, his eyes suddenly revealed a bright light.

Just listen to Vera continuing.

"But there is a problem. This sect is also an alchemy group left over from the ancient blue star. As I said before, their research direction is the same as Chuanmu!"

Li Xiaofu interrupted immediately.

"Huh? You are in the same group with Chuanmu? Isn't that self-inflicted?"

Vera shook her head.

"Their relationship is not that simple."

"Darling, you Yan and Huang have a word for "enemy and friend", do you understand."

"Those guys are all very strange. If you ask them, it's almost like putting your own handle in the hands of others."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said.

"No matter what their relationship is, as long as the curse on Zilin is resolved, I can do whatever it takes!"

Vera took out his phone immediately after hearing it.

"Hello, Mr. Newton, this is Angel Vera the Bear."

Vera quickly repeated Jiang Chen's situation and hung up the phone.

"Well, we just need to wait."

"First of all, those people are weird."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Chen hadn't come yet and thanked Vera for doing his best.

Suddenly billowing dust erupted in the wilderness, as if a herd of running cattle was migrating.


The violent roar came into Jiang Chen's ears.

Jiang Chen looked into the dust.

I saw a retro suspension classic car rushing.

The driver of the car is an old gentleman.

squeak! !

Electromagnetic friction with the ground.

The hovering vehicle stopped immediately, and the four corners extended the landing brackets, and landed firmly on the ground.

"Aha! Miss Vera, my angel!"

"Ten seconds ago I was wondering if you were kidding me."

"Sure enough, only Jiang Chen from Yanhuang can stop you from hunting down the secret party!"

While talking, the old gentleman got out of the car lightly.

He was refreshed, and his woolen coat was meticulously decorated.

He wears a men's top hat that was only popular in the Middle Ages, and he has a walking stick in his hand.

Even the leather shoes are shiny and spotless.

Just like an old nobleman.

Jiang Chen didn't have much ink, so he was straight to the point.

"Hello, Mr. Newton, I thought it would take you a while to get here."

Jiang Chen said polite words, and did not hide his doubts about Newton in his words.

The old man laughed.

"Interesting! Mr. Jiang Chen, did Miss Vera tell you something about me?"

Jiang Chen looked bad.

Newton continued.

"no problem, no problem!"

"Your curiosity will be answered for you one by one in the next journey."

After speaking, the old gentleman bowed and waved his right hand and waited for Jiang Chen to get in the car.

Jiang Chen left an eye on it.

"Kun Kun, open the small world!"

He placed his friends and brothers in a small world.

And he himself got into the suspension car with Vera.

Newton did not resist either, leaving Jiang Chen to get into the car.


The engine roared violently, and the suspended car rose into the sky instantly.

Newton directly opened the chatterbox.

"In order to show my sincerity, let me tell you a secret first about how I got here at once."

As he said, the autopilot mode of the suspension car naughty.

"I believe Miss Vera has already told you that I am a member of the alchemist group."

"Oh, the group I joined is Hemenkluz. In order to simplify Yanhuang's thinking, I can directly translate it as a person in a bottle."

Jiang Chen suddenly got a goose bump behind him.

Homunculuz is the most widely spread legend, representing the cutting edge of alchemy.

Legend has it that in the early 16th century of the Old Age, the scientist Paracelsius used alchemy to create a man in a flask.

That's right, people.

However, what really frightened Jiang Chen was that Paracels had another name-Hornheim.

Vera mentioned before that Chuanmu Group has a long history.

The part of Northern Europe is composed by Hohenheim!

Now, the person in the bottle is completely hooked to Chuanmu.

Jiang Chen became nervous immediately, but there was no expression on his face.

Newton nodded slightly.

"Very well, your mind is not like an ordinary nineteen-year-old at all, I appreciate it."

"Our organization has existed for thousands of years to be precise. How my Blue Star oscillates or changes, our organization still exists."

"Even in today's world, Chuanmu Group dominates, our organization is still developing very healthy under the protection of Xiong Country."

When Newton said this, he looked back at Jiang Chen.

"Kawaki loves suppressing and merging other organizations in the world. As the leader of the pioneers, you know this."

Newton's words instantly aroused Jiang Chen's interest.

"What do you mean, what is the relationship between you and Chuanmu!"

Newton's inexplicable expression only appeared when he made an organizational language.

"The relationship between us is actually the same as the pioneer organization back then."

"But the man in the bottle has existed for hundreds of years, and the pioneer was born in too short a time, and he was strangled in the cradle by Kawaki without a chance to grow."

"Sorry, it seems to have mentioned your sadness."

The old man said without a trace of apology on his face.

Jiang Chenxin said that she was right, this guy's character is really weird.

I saw Newton continue.

"In order to prove that we are not enemies for the time being, I am willing to show you some of the core secrets of the person in the bottle."

As he said, the old man stretched his hand behind his back.

His withered and old fingers kept groping at the back of his neck, flicking his gray hair aside.

"Aha! Found it!"

Jiang Chen took a closer look and found that there was a very hard to detect lump on the back of Newton's neck.

The lump looked very strange, like a skeleton.

Jiang Chen searched all the knowledge in his brain instantly.

"Face sore?"

Newton chuckled dryly.

"Mr. Jiang Chen's knowledge is really extensive, and he deserves to be a descendant of Mr. Mask!"

"Yes, this kind of thing is very similar to a facial sore, but it is not a facial sore, let alone alchemy."

"No human word can be honored to give it a meaning. We can only call it respectfully, the seat of the soul!"

As Old Newton spoke, he poked his finger at the sarcoma skull.

"Haha, the occupational disease of the alchemist is superstitious, just get used to it."

"Speaking of what it does..."

Newton spoke and opened the storage cabinet in his car.

There was a huge revolver the length of a Nepalese saber lying inside.

"Look, this gun is my baby!"

As he said, Newton kissed the handle of the gun, raised the gun and held it against his head!


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