God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1333: Fuck him!

Everyone regrouped, and their brows touched Chunmu Group.

Jiang Chen and Vera's body gradually recovered.

Tang Shishi took out her cell phone.

"Open the positioning and re-lock our position!"

"Kun Kun sent us to the Nordic border, a bit easterly."

Vera heard it and said immediately.

"A little bit east, it's very close to our Bear Country Alliance!"

"Darling, do you have a portable spacecraft? We can take the spacecraft directly to Bear Country, and after a short rest, we can counterattack Northern Europe!"

Jiang Chen thought this idea was really good.

But he does not have the kind of small portable spacecraft that can hide a little bit.

"Haha! There is no spaceship, but I have a sky garden!"

Jiang Chen took out the remote control of the sky garden, and Aiolia was dumbfounded.

"Misty Grass, isn't this my car!"

It turned out that the clone Eoria not only took away the position of the body, but also all the property could be transferred.

A bitter smile appeared on Jiang Chen's face.

"All right, the thing is back to its original owner!"

Aiolia chuckled.

"It was given to me by my first love, otherwise I would really be fine with you."

Jiang Chennu nodded.

"It turns out that elder brother is also a man with a story. The plot should be compact, otherwise you can talk more about you."

Aiolia looked around for a week and said softly.

"In fact, each of us can be called a hero in every country, but the world has become unnatural since the outbreak of the catastrophe."

"Hero, bear, what can you do!"

Jiang Chen saw him sad and knew that Eoria was sad because of the tragic death of millions of residents.

Jiang Chen had nothing to do, so he had to pat his shoulder.

The comfort between men is sometimes silent, just company.

Jiang Chen turned to Vera.

"We don't have a more concealed way to leave, and Kun Kun's teleportation must also have coordinate restrictions. It's better to return to Yanhuang first and make a little supply."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, everyone was about to nod their heads.

At this moment, a fierce murderous aura suddenly broke out on the back of Jiang Chen's neck!

call out!

A pure white light flashed, and the mid-air instantly turned into a sharp spear of mooncakes, piercing straight at Jiang Chen!

Everyone suddenly exclaimed.

That light is extremely holy, but it carries a terrifying curse.

Jiang Chen twisted his body forcibly, and his bones made a harsh crackling sound.

He grabbed the cursed light gun.

But at the moment when his palm was about to touch the spear, Jiang Chen only felt that his strength was suddenly removed.


The figure of the Zijin Dragon King suddenly rushed out from behind Jiang Chen.

Zi Lin actually disconnected from Jiang Chen's spiritual connection, and directly released the form of being possessed by the beast.

Jiang Chen was suddenly shocked.

I saw that the Zilin dragon claw had been caught on the light gun, and the curse power was stopped instantly.

But the solid dragon scales on the purple scale claws were torn apart by the light gun.

Hot blood shed.

Jiang Chen was shocked, and everyone was also very surprised.

"Zi Lin, I can deal with this kind of sneak attack myself."

Jiang Chen stepped forward and wanted to use Zidi Wujiang Vine to help the purple scales.

Just after taking a step, a monstrous roar suddenly popped out of my mind.

"Master! Don't come near me!"

I saw Zilin's body slowly turning.

Jiang Chen looked at Zilin's eyes in horror, they were already full of blood, turning into two lines of blood and tears streaming down.

Its sharp dragon claws were corrupted by the unknown curse power to the point that only withered bones were left!

Jiang Chen cursed in his heart, and rushed to Zilin's side without hesitation.

"This is Elizabeth's deified power, a despicable woman, actually cursed!"

"Damn, it's an alchemy curse!"

Seeing that Zilin's arm had turned into ashes, Jiang Chen immediately spoke.

"Zilin, don't worry! I will find a way to save you now!"

Jiang Chen immediately summoned the Purple Emperor Wujiang Vine.

"Xiao Zi, look up the Sun Golden Sutra for a way to lift the curse of alchemy!"

The Purple Emperor Wujiang Vine casts a ray of light instantly, which is the phantom of the sun's golden classics.

After reading it carefully, Xiao Zi shook her head helplessly.

Hot anger suddenly spurted from Jiang Chen's nostrils.


He punched the ground.

The earth broke instantly.

While shaking, Xiao Dong said in Jiang Chen's mind.

"Xiao Chenchen, don't get excited, I once raised humans in the Champions League continent, let me try it!"

Jiang Chen seemed to have caught a trace of life-saving straw.

"Quick! Xiao Dong! Please!"

Xiao Dong's indifferent expression suddenly loosened.

"Don't ask me."

Her tone was still cold, but the expression on her face was like melting ice.

Xiao Frozen immediately went forward to check the injury for Zilin.

Thinking left and right, he couldn't make up his mind.

After all, the Lich King has been sealed for endless years, and the history of alchemy is far lower than that of ancient times, at best it can be regarded as ancient mystery.

But Xiao Dong didn't give up.

"Wu Ying, come and see if there is a solution to this curse!"

Wu Ying slowly turned out.

Nine Dao slender, hotly dressed girls are holding hands around the Purple Scale Dragon King.

"Zi Lin, do you have a burning sensation in your hands now?"

"Purple Scale, can this curse power be restrained by inputting energy?"

However, Zi Lin had already fallen to the ground in pain.

It focuses on fighting against the power of curses on its body, and cannot hear outside voices at all.

Wu Ying sighed for a long time, and knelt in front of Xiao Dong with an extremely elegant and **** gesture.

"Wang, the diagnosis needs to be seen, heard and inquired, we really can't tell what kind of curse it is planting based on the appearance of purple cuts and death!"

Xiao Dong's face suddenly became cold.

"Then what do you say!"

Wu Ying shivered.

"Master, although it can't be cured completely, I now have a way to delay the curse!"

"I used to think that Lei Zhenzi is a genius who is proficient in alchemy. He not only made the thunder hammer, but also proficient in all kinds of thunder seals. Among them, the gossip Lei seal can ban curses and remove evil spirits, but only temporarily!"

Little tortoise heard it and came forward immediately.


A vortex of thunder suddenly blew up on its huge palm.

I saw the white thunder swaying like a snake.

The tortoise formed a gossip array in his hands.

Using the thunder of the Nordic truth to form the Yanhuang gossip, the control of the little turtle is really unimaginable!

Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Xiao Hei! Help the tortoise!"

I saw Jiang Chen's left eye, a roar that resounded through the sky suddenly erupted.

The unicorn phantom suddenly exploded, forming a black thunder.

In an instant, the gossip array turned black and white.

With a light movement of the little turtle's palm, he immediately imprinted the Tianlei Bagua array on Zilin's body.


Endless thunder seeps into the purple scale body.

The speed of the curse's invasion stopped abruptly!

Jiang Chen looked at Zilin, but it did not wake up.

Li Xiaofu is already going to explode.

"Damn, I'll go back and turn that little lady Elizabeth into sand!"

Wang Sicong also echoed the road.

"Yes! ** Ah! Get back the curse solution method, and then **** Chuanmu back

Research results! "

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