God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1280: war! war! war!

"Unlock your own consciousness and seek your own will!"

The words of Charles the Dark Emperor are very deceptive.

Jiang Chen could clearly feel the hot flame in the eyes of the surrounding Star Palace Warriors and the 12 Star Palace Saint Warriors.

As soon as the voice fell, Charles the Emperor of Darkness in the live broadcast actually played the video again.

In the dark passage, the medical cabin containing the androids was opened illegally.

A young man in protective clothing picked up an artificial person from the medical cabin. Looking at the logo on the protective clothing, it should be a technical employee of the Nordic Union.

He was weak in stature, stumbling, and he didn't look like a man of arrogant power. He was very gentle.

But he persisted, and carried the inactive android all the way to the staff bathroom.


The sound of dripping water came.

Soon, the employee changed his clothes, changed the washed artificial man into glamorous and revealing clothes, and carried it to the locker room.

Next, there is an uncomfortable picture.

The man looked around and saw that there was no one around, and his movements became bold.

He rubbed the skin of the artificial human, thinking he was doing a massage without knowing it.

However, there is no such thing as a massage dressing in emotional clothing in the rules for the cultivation of artificial people.

The next picture is even more terrible.

This employee seems to be taking a human being to a physiology class.

He began to turn over his clothes, watched and dug around, his face was extremely hideous!

Later, the man found the camera.

Not only was he not afraid, but instead he got his liquid-stained fingers with a wicked smile.

The next is a multiplayer sport, which is like a toy, without aesthetic feeling.

There is no sound in the video, but everyone can see that the inactive artificial person has no thoughts and consciousness.

Their nervous system is not fully activated, and normal feedback is impossible.

As a result, the male employee became dissatisfied.

He slapped the corpse-like artificial man frantically until the sample's skin was red.

Just ask, how can a person who has no nerve activation in his whole body get any feedback even if he is beaten to death?

This employee is still not satisfied.

He picked up the humanoid's hair and slammed into the surrounding iron locker frantically.

In the first few moments, the body of the man-made human was fairly complete.

At the back, the employee knocked even more crazy.

Everyone can feel the horror of the scene through the screen.

Plasma stained the wardrobe, ruptured blood vessels spewed on the wall, arms and leg bones burst, piercing the skin.

An artificial human sample that was originally intact was like a pool of **** rotten flesh.

After the man's violence ended, he began to clean the locker room very meticulously and skillfully.

Look at his appearance, it must not be the first time to do such a thing.

After the man was cleaned up, he smiled and compared yeah scissor hands to the screen, as if nothing happened just now.

Charles turned off the electronic screen.

Jiang Chen looked silly.

He couldn't imagine why a human would do such cruel things to his fellow citizens.

The opponent is not only unarmed and defenseless, but even lacks the ability to think and act.

The man just killed the inactive android, it felt like using a disposable toy.

"My fellow citizens, do you now have your own thoughts and your own will?"

The Saint Warrior of the Twelve Star Palace was furious, and when he looked at the people in Chang'an, sparks began to gush out in his eyes.

This video is too depressing to collapse.

Jiang Chen carefully hugged Tang Shishi and Shangguan kittens in his arms and gently stroked their hair.

Li Xiaofu and Wang Sicong also lent their generous chests to the girls.

Stronger than the Chang'an team, the girls could not help shaking after experiencing the scene just now.

Charles, the emperor of darkness, laughed wildly and stepped on the head of the **** emperor psychic demon dragon.

He grasped the two dragon horns soaring to the sky with both hands, and laughed wildly in his mouth.

"Hahaha! All my fellow humanoids! You heard it!"

In the palace of the Twelve Star Palace, thousands of star warriors roared.

"I heard!"

Charles nodded in satisfaction.

"Now, let us start a war against the oppressors!!"

The star warrior screamed frantically.

"War! War! War!"

For a time, there was a terrifying roar from the magnificent buildings of the Zodiac Palace.

The iconic building representing strength and power violently oscillated, and even left its original track and kept rising.

On the edge of the huge waterfall, it surrounds in parallel like a halo.

Such a strange scene immediately attracted the attention of the world.

Reporters from major TV stations, spy agents from various alliances, and a large number of people who are not related to this matter rushed here quickly, in order to grasp the information as soon as possible.

In this violent shaking, the most dangerous people in Chang'an were in the center of the battlefield.

At this time, the Twelve Stars had collectively rebelled, and the Star Palace soldiers under his command had already learned the current situation through video.

Nearly 10,000 powerful star warriors connected the zodiac to one place and quickly approached.

At present, the people in Chang'an are ready to fight and face the enemy at any time.

Charles snapped.

"Jiang Chen, you already know their demonic behavior, do you want to help them?"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"How many times have I said that I have no interest in your war in Northern Europe!"

"What I need now is the eye of chaos that my father left behind!"

After that, Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at Elizabeth and his daughter.

Elizabeth frowned and said.

"Jiang Chen, if you want to know the whereabouts of Chaos Eye, then you have to protect me!"

"To tell you clearly, the Eye of Chaos is here, but not on me!"

Needless to say this.

If the Eye of Chaos was on Elizabeth's body, Jiang Chen would have sensed it long ago.

Now, even if Jiang Chen has a hundred unbelief in Elizabeth, he can only prove it after helping her escape the siege of the Twelve Star Palace.

Charles was furious instantly.

"Jiang Chen! When I first saw you, I thought you were a trustworthy and entrusted human being, I didn't expect it!"

"The Twelve Star Palace, what are you waiting for, do you continue to see how humans discriminate against us artificial people?"

Instigated by Charles, the Scorpion King who recovered from his injuries led the crowd around Chang'an.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything.

He lowered his figure to prepare for battle, and calmly said to everyone in Chang'an.

"Brothers, get rid of the ones who already know the details first!"

Li Xiaofu shouted.


"Rae Che! Knife Shadow!"


A phantom shadow of basalt suddenly appeared behind Li Xiaofu.

The ancient and powerful sacred beasts of Yanhuang are displayed in front of the constellation inheritance.


The little tortoise roared up to the sky, and a violent dark thunder broke out all over his body.

The power of the rock penetrated under the feet, and on the other side, the phantom turtle turned out.

At the same time, the power of thunder intertwined, forming the third and fourth avatars.

In the hands of the avatar, hold two electric knives tightly!

Zi Zi Zi! !

The black magic thunder kept surrounding.

At the same time Li Xiaofu launched, Wang Sicong was already ready for battle.

The blizzard came down, covering the entire battlefield instantly.

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